Published at 11th of May 2022 05:21:32 AM

Chapter 1308

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Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing hurriedly went forward and said, "Dad, are you ok?"

Xiao Jianhua said: "I opened the red envelope. I think it's a little thick, and my heart is a little painful. I'll steal two for you. But when I open it, my heart hurts even more. I love my girl, you, you are so married. You can't get out of it. "

"Ha ha ha."

Xiao Yunhai even said, "Dad, Dad, listen to my explanation."

Xiao Jianhua shook off his hand and said, "go."

Xiao Yunhai ran after him and said, "no, Dad, I put paper into the red envelope. It's not a matter of principle. "

Huang Bo said," now you understand. Don't worry, what I did for your father is absolutely a perfect operation, ha ha ha. "

Zhao Wanqing said embarrassed: "Doctor Liu, I, oh, I am too narrow. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Thank you, Dr. Liu. I know what I'm saying now can't make up for the damage I've brought to you. "

at this time, Xiao Yunhai came to the stage and said," it's OK, baby, you can make up for it. Take this red envelope, doctor

"What are you doing? I have to put these papers away."

"It's not ordinary paper. It's a piece of paper that I spent three and a half hours cutting into a hundred yuan piece of paper."

"Then this is not ordinary?"

Zhao Wanqing said: "look, I, I said fold into a thousand paper cranes."

Xiao Yunhai reprimanded: "Ho face, ladies. Doctor, this red envelope I packed was intended to let you open it after the operation. Now that it has been opened, you can have a look. "

Huang Bo opens the red envelope and the music rings in time.

"Dr. Liu, I wish you a happy day and good returns for good people; Dr. Liu, I wish your uncles and aunts good health and a long life; Dr. Liu, I wish your grandparents a lot of smiles and lots of children and grandchildren "

Zhao Wanqing laughed and said," ha ha, why are you so out of shape? "

Xiao Yunhai said:" daughter in law, 365 blessings, where is so easy to gather together! "

ha ha ha .

in the laughter of the three, the whole sketch is finally over.

"Well, well done."

There was a lot of applause and cheers from the audience.

"The emperor of cloud is the emperor of cloud. As expected, it did not disappoint me."

"Yunhuang's sketches can always reflect the reality and can be perfectly done. Beautiful. "

"I can't laugh anymore, ha ha ha."

Xiao Yunhai's sketch has been a great success, and the audience rating has exceeded 18% in this period.

After the performance, Xiao Yunhai found Chen Zhan and said, "uncle, I need to go to the airport immediately and go back to the United States to continue filming prison break. Next, you will be responsible for the story of flower thousand bones."

Chen Zhan said with a smile: "don't worry, no problem. Hehe, judging from the audience rating of this party, "huaqiangu" is absolutely not wrong. "

Xiao Yunhai said goodbye to the headmaster, teachers and classmates, and left in a hurry with Zhao Wanqing.

"Honey, I haven't been to California yet. After a few days, I'll take my kids to your crew, OK? " Zhao Wanqing said.

Xiao Yunhai put his arm around her fragrant shoulder, which was like a knife cut, and said with a smile: "there is no meaning. At this rate, prison break will be finished in a month at most. At that time, I will take Yanjing to do the later stage. "

”Yeah? Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "husband, you didn't let me visit. Hum, say, is there something I'm afraid of knowing? I tell you, if you confess, you will be lenient, if you refuse, you will be strict. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "what are you thinking in your mind. The youngest girls in our crew are all thirty-one years old. Is my eyesight so poor. What's more, what you said in these eight words is not correct. It should be called leniency for confessions, strictness for resistance, and going home for the Spring Festival. "

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Zhao Wanqing puffed and laughed, and said, "husband, I really believe you."

When they arrived at the airport, they hugged each other and kissed for three minutes. Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and walked away.

After flying for more than nine hours, the plane landed steadily at California International Airport. When it arrived at the hotel, it was just over eight o'clock in the evening.

The next day, prison break crew filmed as usual.

Although the actors had been off for three days, they were still in a very good state. In the morning, they had taken a full six scenes in a row. All of them were in one step, and none of them was ng. Xiao Yunhai was very satisfied. Originally, he planned to shoot more in the afternoon.

To his surprise, the accident happened at this time.

This is the third scene in the afternoon. The main character runs in front of him. A group of police officers need to draw a gun and shoot at the protagonist in the back.

The photographer and the actors are all in their places. Just wait for Xiao Yunhai to shout "action". Who ever thought that waiting left and right would not wait for the password.Everyone looked at Xiao Yunhai and didn't understand what happened to him?

Assistant director Neil Felton touched Xiao Yunhai and said, "director Xiao, are you ok?"

Xiao Yunhai frowned, swept around the crowd and said, "Neil, I suddenly feel a little uncomfortable. I think if we start shooting now, there will be unexpected risks. "

Neil opened his mouth in surprise and said, "how can it be? Mr. Xiao, are you too tired

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "my premonition of danger has never been wrong. No...

speaking of this, Xiao Yunhai suddenly stood up and yelled: "all the actors and staff, no one should move. I have something to check. "

Everyone was puzzled.

Xiao Yunhai from everyone's face, did not find anything abnormal, and finally fell on the policeman's gun, the hair on his body suddenly stood up.

"Give me your gun?" Xiao Yunhai came to the group actor who played the role of a policeman and stretched out his hand and said.

This group of actors was surprised. Although they didn't understand what Xiao Yunhai meant, they still handed him the gun.

Xiao Yunhai weighed the pistol for a moment. Suddenly, the muzzle of the gun was in the air and pulled the trigger. He only heard the sound of "Peng", and the gun rang.

It's not the sound of the prop gun, it's the real gunshot.

Everyone in the crew was dumbfounded. The cop's face turned white and he sat on the ground. Scott bloom, the protagonist, was also frightened because the shot was fired at him.

If it wasn't for Xiao Yunhai's ability to sense danger, he would have been a corpse now. At the thought, Scott Bloom's face was sweating.

Neil, the deputy director, was shocked for a moment, and suddenly yelled, "Lewis, what's going on here? Why did prop guns become real guns? How do you manage props? "

Neil said Lewis was the props group leader, Louis Carr.

Xiao Yunhai has given Neil great power. In addition to the production department, the other art groups, photography groups and props groups were all found by Neil. The technology is excellent. Xiao Yunhai is also very satisfied.

Thanks to Xiao Yunhai's appreciation, Neil felto thought that he would have the opportunity to direct films and TV series independently after helping Xiao Yunhai shoot prison break.

I didn't expect that there was such a big omission in the props group. I put a real gun in the props. It's really killing.

If Xiao Yunhai didn't find out as soon as possible, let alone be a director, whether he could stay in the circle or not would be a different matter.

Therefore, Neil, who has always been gentle and good-natured, was furious regardless of Xiao Yunhai's presence. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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