Published at 11th of May 2022 05:21:31 AM

Chapter 1309

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Louis Carr, the head of the props group, was on the scene all the time. Hearing the gunshot and the head buzzing, he almost fainted.

"Mr. Shaw, Mr. felto, I don't know what's going on? This... This... "Louis Carr's face panic," this "for a long time did not say the ugly Yin Mao.

Xiao Yunhai's eyes were like sharp blades. He swept around the crowd again and said, "this is the end of today's shooting. Carl, you can gather all the staff who have access to the props for me. One person is indispensable. No matter what position he is or what he does, as long as he can get access to the gun, he will find out for me. What's more, check all the props and pistols to see if there are any loaded real guns. Hehe, it's really insane that someone should have done something to our crew. "

Louis Carr nodded quickly and said, "I'm going."

After a while, more than 20 props team members followed Louis Carr and brought a box of prop pistols.

Xiao Yunhai asked all of them to check it again. To his horror, he found that there was a real gun in it.

The whole crew was agitated, and their faces were hard to see. Actors, in particular, are users, and no one knows who the pistol is going to hit.

If it's yourself, it's a very unjust death.

All of them looked at Xiao Yunhai, who was sitting in the director's chair without any expression, and wanted to see how he handled it.

Xiao Yunhai is also the first time to encounter such a thorny problem, for a time fell into meditation.

He knew that if this thing was not handled properly, the whole crew would fall apart. Even if he is forced to squeeze together, continue to shoot, also do not want to shoot the good film he wants.

Therefore, Xiao Yunhai is very cautious.

After a while, Xiao Yunhai stood up and said, "when do you check these props and guns?" In the United States, almost every family has guns, so when shooting, when using props guns,

will be checked very carefully, for fear that there will be real guys mixed in.

At this time, Louis Carr had recovered and said, "director Xiao, there are six pistols used in today's play. I can guarantee that when I take them out of the props warehouse at 7 o'clock this morning, they are all prop guns. Because I and the three staff have already tested it, it's impossible not to find out. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "you mean this gun has been mixed in between seven o'clock and now."

Louis Carr said: "it should be 12:00 noon today. Because when we have lunch, we will put the props and pistols in the hands of the actors for easy management. "

Xiao Yunhai's eyes brightened and said, "who is looking after these props at noon? You don't have to arrange someone else? "

Louis Carr shook his head and said, "of course not. Noah and Haydn, it's your turn to be on duty today. Have you found anything unusual? "

Noah and Haydn waved their hands and said, "we've been there all the time. All the props used this morning are all together. No one moves them. "

Xiao Yunhai's eyes narrowed slightly and said, "can you guarantee that you have been there all the time? Have you never left? "

Noah thought for a moment and said, "it seems that we have been away for five minutes. That was to get something to eat. Is that the time when something went wrong? "

"Ah," said Haydn, "I remember. I came back before Noah. On the way, I met a stranger with his head down and bumped into me. He said sorry and left in a hurry. I didn't see the man's face at the time, but I felt as if I had never seen him on the set. Now think about it, the biggest suspect should be him. "

Xiao Yunhai asked, "when was that? Are you sure he's not from our crew? You know, we're totally closed. How can outsiders come in? "

Haydn said, "it should be around twelve thirty-two. The reason why I know that person is not in our crew is that when I look back, I find that there is a long scar on his neck, which is very frightening. There's no one in our crew. As for how I got in, I'm not sure

Xiao Yunhai narrowed his eyes, turned his head and looked at Neil, and said, "you immediately call to ask who delivered lunch to us today? Do you have a scar on your neck

Since you can swagger into the crew, you can also stroll around. If you are not from your own crew, you must have come to deliver meals.

Neil quickly took out his mobile phone and called the owner of the restaurant and inquired about it.

"Director Xiao, the boss said," the three guys who delivered the meal haven't come back yet? And none of them had scars on their necks

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and said, "who saw the person who drove us to deliver the meal? And how many of them are they? "

Suddenly Scott bloom said, "I remember. They should have come together two people, one of whom has a scar on his neck. I was the first to pick up the lunch box and saw the man get out of the car from a distance. The scar on his neck is very ferocious and conspicuous. I noticed it all at once. I thought it was a tattoo deliberately embroidered by othersXiao Yunhai said: "that is to say, someone will take advantage of this time to replace the prop gun with the real gun. But I don't understand why he did it? "

Neil said, "is it to stop us from doing the trick? Because if our crew really let each other succeed, then we will face repeated inquiries from the police station. At that time, we will not be able to film

Xiao Yunhai said: "so it is. It seems that they probably did it, but we don't know what their motives are? Is it a competitor? No, they won't be so stupid. Once it is found out, this kind of behavior will put them in a desperate situation. "

As soon as the sound of Xiao Yunhai's words fell, there was a great noise in the distance, and the ground quaked several times.

"What's the matter?"

"It's like something exploded?"

"No, is this a movie? It's terrible. "

Xiao Yunhai hurriedly walked in the direction of the accident, and all the others followed him.

At this time, a staff member ran over and said, "director, it's no good. Two cars of our crew have exploded suddenly."

"Xiao Yunhai is injured or not

"Three drivers were not far away and were injured by debris, but the problem was not big. It's just that the cars are all put together. All the cars in our crew are finished. "

Xiao Yunhai gave a long sigh of relief and said, "the car is gone, you can buy it again, as long as people are OK."

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, everyone looked at Xiao Yunhai with a trace of warmth.

Xiao Yunhai said: "Neil, we have no choice. Let's call the police."

Neil, with a sad face, said, "but once the police are called, the play will not be able to be shot. Director Xiao, we can say that we are shooting an explosion drama. "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "no matter how important the play is, no one is important. If we can't find the killer, how can we make the film in peace? Go to the police. "

Neil sighed, took out his cell phone and called the police.

Xiao Yunhai went to the scene where the car was bombed. Looking at the mess on the ground, he suddenly thought of the explosion he had encountered in London. Both of them had the same power and were the same. Is there any connection between them? Even by the same people.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yunhai fell into meditation. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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