Published at 11th of May 2022 05:21:29 AM

Chapter 1310

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The police were so fast that they came in less than 20 minutes.

The reporters, who had been outside, were also in the light of the police and entered the shooting scene of prison break for the first time.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai, the reporters immediately surrounded him.

"Mr. Xiao, what's going on here?"

"Why did your car explode?"

"Is this filming or a terrorist attack? Can you talk about it? "

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said: "if you have any questions, you can ask the deputy director of our production team, felto first. I need to talk to the police. "

The quality of these policemen is very good. They protected the scene in less than five minutes.

The chief policeman, Fred Constance, first looked around. He couldn't find any clue except for the blown up debris and the badly damaged cars. He couldn't help but smile and shake his head.

Xiao Yunhai came up to him, shook hands with him and said, "officer Constance, can you find a place where no one is talking? I have an important clue to tell you. "

Fred Constance quickly nodded and said, "Mr. Shaw, let's go to my police car and talk about it."

Once again, Xiao Yunhai changed the gun into a gun.

Fred Constance frowned and said, "which means that the most important thing for us now is to find the man with the scar on his neck. What country is he from? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "it seems that they are Asians. The others don't know."

"I'll ask the traffic police to mobilize all the cameras and want him as soon as he's confirmed. Mr. Xiao, thank you for this important clue. However, I regret to inform you that in view of the serious terrorist explosion in prison break, your crew must stop filming and accept our investigation. " Fred Constance road.

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I understand. Mr. Constance, please give me a message that whoever catches the murderer, I will personally reward him with $100 million. "

After staying in America for a long time, Xiao Yunhai knows the police very well.

Unless stimulated by the US dollar, they will try their best to investigate. Otherwise, they will muddle through and write a report at most.

Fred Constance's eyes brightened and he said with a smile, "well, Mr. Shaw, I'll tell you about your reward."

Sure enough, the charm of money is endless.

It may be that after receiving the news of 100 million US dollars, those police officers who had no energy at all were as energetic as those who had been beaten with chicken blood. They were all in high spirits and bright eyes, and their brains seemed to be much smarter.

Xiao Yunhai sighed: "it's really a money society."

Just then, Xiao Yunhai's mobile phone rang. Open it. It's Raul.

"Raul, what can I do for you?" Xiao Yunhai pressed the answer button and asked.

Raul said, "boss, something happened in Hollywood. Smashed to pieces as like as two peas in London, the car crashed into a car. The driver suddenly exploded on the road and Rio was blown to pieces with the driver. Around also suffered, more than a dozen cars and passers-by were affected, a total of six people died and more than 20 injured. Ten minutes after the incident, Paramount's Franklin car was also hit by a bomb. He had just got out of the car at that time. Although he survived, he was still stunned by the shock wave. Now the whole Hollywood is in a mess, almost everyone is in danger. "

Xiao Yunhai burst into his eyes and said, "Raul, if I want to tell you that my crew has just suffered the same incident, what would you think?"

"What?" Raul was shocked and said, "boss, are you ok?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "I'm fine, and the crew are fine, but the car was blown up."

Raul thought about it and said, "can the boss be made by the same person?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "I think so, and this person also hates me, thunder and paramount. I think the other party should have done the same thing in London

"Can you guess who it is?"

"Eight nine is ten. He just hit me before, so I ignored him. At the same time, if we don't think he's crazy about me at the same time

"Who are you talking about, boss?"

Hum, you don't need a sound. Anyway, the crew can't start any more. I'm leaving tonight to go back to Los Angeles in person. In addition, increase the guard force to protect the company headquarters. Strangers can't let them in, whether he's a dustman or a delivery man, understand? "

Raul said, "I'll do it right away."

That night, Xiao Yunhai entrusted all the big and small affairs of the crew to Neil, while he drove to Los Angeles by himself in a private plane.At nine o'clock the next morning, Xiao Yunhai returned to Los Angeles and drove to a huge private villa with several bodyguards.

"Hello, I'm looking for Mr. Angus cruise. Please let me know. I believe he will meet me Xiao Yunhai said to a housekeeper.

When the housekeeper saw Xiao Yunhai, his eyes brightened and he said, "the boss has already said that if it is Mr. Xiao, there is no need to report. You can go in directly."

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and said, "it seems that Mr. cruise has been prepared for it."

Coming to the living room, Xiao Yunhai once again saw an Ge who had not appeared in public for two years.

But to Xiao Yunhai's surprise, he was so thin that he could hardly see any flesh on his face. His face was full of wrinkles. His hair, which was half black and half white, was now all white. His eyes were muddy and he had no spirit. He gave the impression that he was an old man who was about to enter the coffin.

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. cruise, I haven't seen you for a long time. It seems that your health is not good?"

Angu cruise sighed and said, "I thought you would come to me when you came back from London. It seems that I overestimated you."

Xiao Yunhai didn't expect that he would recognize this matter directly and said, "so, you planned all these bombings?"

Angu nodded and said, "yes. It's a pity that you are so good that you can feel the danger. Otherwise, I'm afraid you can't sit here and talk to me now

Xiao Yunhai took a look at his appearance and said: "you kill us so recklessly, are you not long after the world?"

Angu said, "that's right. Two years ago, a few days after you helped leandrel lose my paramount theater, I was diagnosed with a terminal illness. Over the past two years, I have sought countless doctors, but no one has been able to save me. I am Angu cruise. I have experienced hardships all my life. I have developed Paramount Pictures to this day. When I am old, I am so miserable that I am hurt by you, Mr. Xiao. Do you think I can not hate you? Of course, there is the thunder film industry leandrel, including stern, without you, I would not have been today. It's a pity that Hanks, who took my company by force, is dead, so I have to look for the hapless Franklin. Now that I've finally got my wish, leandrel was killed in the blast, which is half of my sorrow. "

as like as two peas in the movie, the little cloud is shaking like a fish. "You are so crazy, just like the villain in the movie, and you must pull so many innocent people back."

Angu said, "you have a saying in China that after I die, no matter what the flood will be. Mr. Xiao, tell me the truth. Did you let someone do Thomas's accident? "

"No. With the skill of my people, I won't choose the way of accident. " Xiao Yunhai said bluntly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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