Published at 11th of May 2022 05:21:28 AM

Chapter 1311

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Xiao Yunhai certainly won't admit that he will go to prison if he has any camera or tape recorder to record his words. Therefore, Xiao Yunhai would not admit that he had killed him.

"It's no wonder you're so young that you can achieve what you're today," Angie said with a smile

Xiao Yunhai suddenly thought of a thing and said, "if I guess well, we manwei children's paradise was also what you asked people to do?"

Angu said, "that's right. It's a pity that Xiao Yunhai thought of the child who died in Disneyland when he was seven or eight years old. His face was hard to see. He said, "you are such a son of a bitch. You will go to hell after you die."

Angu snorted and said, "what about going to hell. Mr. Xiao, I have never admired a person in my life. You are the first and the last. For the past two years, I have been watching you to find out your weaknesses. Unfortunately, whether it is the company or other aspects, you have hardly given any opportunities. I've been in the mall for decades, and I've met countless opponents. You're the hardest one to deal with. "

Xiao Yunhai sneered: "should I feel honored. Angu, you are full of evil. So many innocent people have died in your hands. You are an executioner

Angu said, "you can come to me, obviously you have already guessed it's me. Before I died, it would be revenge to kill leandrel, who made me lose the paramount cinema. But, Mr. Xiao, I can tell you that the assassination will continue, including your family. I hope you will be more careful. "

When Xiao Yunhai looked at Angu's thin face, he felt a chill in his heart. It was really speechless for such people who would not let go of other people.

"Angie, I know you've released a $500 million secret flower. Not only me, but also my parents, wife and children. But I hope you can take it down before you die, or you will meet your family soon. "

Xiao Yunhai took out his mobile phone and found photos of two young people, three little boys and two little girls, and handed them to Angu.

Behind him are two young boys and two girls.

Angu's eyes were gloomy and terrifying, and his cold eyes were comparable to the ice and snow in the Arctic: "what a Kung Fu Xiao, it's really thoughtful. Do you think you can find them? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "what era is it now? Network era. I lack a lot of things, but not money. If I ask private detectives all over the world to help me find them, I will give them 100 million yuan if they find them. Where do you think they can go. Unless I run out into the sky, I can find even an island in the Pacific Ocean. If you don't believe it, you can try it

Angu looked at Xiao Yunhai's eyes, which revealed perseverance and wisdom. For a moment, he seemed to have lost all his energy and spirit, and said, "you won."

With that, he picked up his mobile phone, dialed a number, and said, "the $500 million secret flower is cancelled. This money will set up a fund for my five children and give them monthly interest when they grow up. "

Xiao Yunhai stood up and said, "if nothing, I'm going."

Angu looked at his back, sighed and said, "my biggest mistake is to make enemies with this man. His strength lies not only in his unparalleled Kung Fu, but also in his wisdom. Well, I'm afraid David's stern network company will soon be eaten by him. "

From an GE's home, Xiao Yunhai's mood is very bad.

Although the danger to him and his family has been completely lifted, Xiao Yunhai is still not happy.

Angu's approach was outrageous.

It's madness to engage in so many conspiracies and even launch bomb attacks for one's own personal gain. The human's bad nature has been reflected incisively and vividly in him.

Just as he was upset, his cell phone suddenly rang. Open a look, it is Zhao Wanqing's number, quickly picked up.

"Wife, it's more than 12 o'clock in the evening. Is there anything you can't say tomorrow? "

Xiao Yunhai knows that it must be the explosion that spread to her ears, otherwise it is impossible to call him at this time.

Sure enough, Zhao Wanqing said, "Xiao Yunhai, what do you want? Can you stop making any more bombings? Do you know how much we worry about you? "

Xiao Yunhai quickly explained: "wife, it's so sudden that I didn't expect that the other party would run to my crew and set off bombs.". Don't worry. I've found the killer. Including the former Marvel children's paradise, the London bombings and this one, he did it all. Thunder film's leandrel was killed yesterday. Paramount's CEO Franklin narrowly survived, but he was sent to the hospital. "

Zhao Wanqing asked, "who did it? That's not true. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "Angu cruise. This is what he did to avenge the capture of paramount. He has admitted it to me personally"Then you don't call the police to arrest him?"

"And a fart. The reason why he dares to do this is because he has a terminal disease. It seems that he has only two days of

things. The old son of a bitch also gave 500 million secret flowers. He asked the assassin to assassinate our family, but he almost didn't piss me off. "

"What? Husband, what should I do? It doesn't matter to me, but the child must not be harmed at all? "

"Don't worry, I've solved it. This old guy has seven children. He has canceled the secret flower because he was scared by me. Now we won't have anything. "

Hearing this, Zhao Wanqing breathed a long sigh of relief and said, "it's OK. It's OK. I don't want the children to live in the assassination."

Xiao Yunhai said: "OK, you should have a rest. I'm going back to the crew to continue filming. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "be careful. After filming and coming back as soon as possible, I always feel that we are safe in China. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "OK, don't worry."

How far is it from 20 o'clock in Los Angeles

Zhang xuanhai looked at the navigator and said, "it's only five minutes."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "that's good."

Soon, Xiao Yunhai got off the bus in a place called rain front teahouse in Chinatown, Los Angeles.

Into the inside, Xiao Yunhai saw the former bodyguard Wang Yao who was leaning against the window.

The reason why Xiao Yunhai can have a picture of an GE's children is thanks to Wang Yao.

When he came to him, Xiao Yunhai sat down and said, "first of all, congratulations on breaking through the peak of dark power and reaching the level of transforming strength. Secondly, I want to thank you. If it wasn't for the photos you sent me, I'm afraid my family would have no peace. "

"Since my employer lost paramount two years ago, the whole person has completely collapsed," Wang said. Later, cancer was found out, and there was a big mental problem. I left at that time. When I heard about the bomb attack on you yesterday, I knew it must have been written by him. In the evening, I went to persuade him, and then I learned that he had spent 500 million dollars on you. In fact, I know very well that even without me, you can still handle it. "

Xiao Yunhai took a sip of tea and said, "yes, but it will be very troublesome. What are you going to do next? "

Wang Yao brightened his eyes and said, "that's why I asked you to come. I want to go back to China, but I can't do anything except to be a bodyguard. It's said that you have set up a security company in China. The boss of the company is the one who is good at dissipating energy. I want to join in. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "no problem. I think they will be very happy to have you as an expert to join us

Wang Yao said, "thank you. Mr. Xiao, I have one more thing I hope you can agree to? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "you want me not to make the matter that Angie is the person behind the scenes, right?"

Wang Yao nodded and said, "yes. After all, I've been a bodyguard around him for ten years. It's impossible without feelings. I'm afraid that if people know, the other party will be bad for their children. "

Xiao Yunhai sighed and said, "I don't know if he can survive today. How can I see a dead man. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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