Published at 11th of May 2022 05:21:27 AM

Chapter 1312

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"Thank you."

Wang Yao picked up his tea and ran into Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Longjing is really good before the rain here. It's not easy to drink such authentic tea in America."

"Thank you very much for Mr. Xiao's praise."

A loud voice sounded from behind Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai turned his head and saw an old man with white hair and a pot of tea.

He's almost seventy years old. He should be.

Xiao Yunhai stood up and said to him politely, "Hello, master."

A glimmer of appreciation flashed in the old man's eyes, and he said with a smile: "with Mr. Xiao's present status, I can still stand up to greet the old man. Mr. Chen has indeed taught a good grandson."

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and said, "do you know my grandfather?"

The old man made a gesture of please to sit down. Then he sat on another stool, spilled the Longjing in their teacup and rinsed it with the tea in the teapot. Then he poured a cup of tea for them and said, "how about trying my green tea? On a hot day, drink this to quench the fire. "

Xiao Yunhai took a sip, rinsed his mouth and vomited it out. Then he tasted the cup of tea and said, "it's good. It's fresh and free from vulgarity, with a natural flavor. Master, your tea is absolutely excellent. Even in China, they are rarely available. "

Wang Yaogen didn't know the art of tea. He said, "I'm just a martial arts man. It's a pity for me to drink such a good tea."

The old man said with a smile: "there are few people in the world who can practice Kungfu into strength in this era. It's lucky that you can drink this tea

Xiao Yunhai said: "look at the figure of the old man, it seems that he has also practiced Xingyi boxing. I don't know what my grandfather has to do with him

The old man said, "my name is Zhang Quan. I am 73 years old. Your grandfather was the leader of Hongmen, and I have been the leader of Hongmen for ten years. After I retired, I came from New York and opened such a teahouse. Speaking of all, my kung fu is handed over by old Chen. I can be regarded as his apprentice. How is old Chen doing? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "very good. He is a restless man. He is building a school to teach children martial arts. It is expected to be completed by the end of the year. Mr. Zhang, you are all right. You can go back home and have a look. He is in Feicheng. "

Although Zhang Quan is old, he has a strong body, sharp eyes and no old-fashioned manner. He is obviously a good health preserving figure and meaning master.

Zhang Quan nodded and said, "I'll come back to settle down next year, and then I'll be in Feicheng. Hehe, it's a good choice to teach a group of children Kung Fu to pass the old age. Mr. Xiao, have you reached the last level of Kung Fu? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "No. Is there such a realm as breaking the void and seeing that God is not bad? I don't know either. I didn't do it anyway. "

Zhang Quan sighed and said, "even you can't do it. Is this realm really just a myth?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "even if we have reached it, what can we do? Just a few more years. If a person lives to be two or three hundred years old, his wife, children, children, brothers and friends all leave you, and you don't even have a speaker, you might as well die. "

Zhang Quan clapped his hands and said with a smile, "that's good. With such a state of mind, Xiao Yunhai is really amazing. "

After staying in the teahouse for a full hour, Xiao Yunhai got up and said, "Zhang Lao, Wang Yao, let's talk about it today. I have to go to California to film as soon as possible."

Zhang Quan said with a smile, "OK. But you have to leave me a picture. I can't let go of celebrities like you. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "no problem."

After taking a picture with Zhang Quan, Xiao Yunhai went straight to the airport by car.

It's really coming in a hurry, but it's also in a hurry.

Back to the crew, Xiao Yunhai found that everyone was a little depressed, so he called on the deputy director Neil and said, "the matter has almost been solved. Let's cheer up. I'll go to the police station and ask about the situation. If there is no accident, I believe we can start shooting tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. "

Neil said happily, "that would be great. Mr. Xiao, who is behind the scenes

As for the other incidents, Xiao Yunhai will not ask me if it will come to an end

Neil nodded: "OK. By the way, Mr. Xiao, our cars were blown up. The car rental company came to us and asked us to compensate. The price is calculated according to 80% of the original price. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "then pay them, and then rent a few cars."

Neil said with a smile, "I'll do it now."

From the crew Hotel, Xiao Yunhai took a taxi to the police station.

The police inside are very busy. They are all investigating Xiao Yunhai's explosion. You know, this is a reward of 100 million dollars.

After finding the director, Fred Constance, Xiao Yunhai asked to continue filming tomorrow. The other party agreed without hesitation."Mr. Xiao, the guy with a scar on his neck has been confirmed by the international criminal police as an experienced killer. Moreover, the scar of this person is likely to be made by himself. After the matter is finished, it will be erased, so that we can make a mistake. It is estimated that he has left by plane now. It's basically impossible to find him. " Fred Constance sighed.

Xiao Yunhai knew that this was the other party's regret for the $100 million, and said, "it doesn't matter, as long as he doesn't disturb the normal work of our crew again. Director Constance, thank you for your great help. This is 100000 US dollars. I've invited you to dinner. "

Fred Constance said with a smile, "I'll thank Mr. Shaw for my brothers. You can rest assured that I will send two people to your crew in the future, so as not to have problems again. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "I'll trouble you."

The next day, the crew started work. Maybe they were affected by the explosion. Everyone was in a normal state. They only took a few plays in the morning, which was not half as good as the original. Xiao Yunhai is helpless. At lunch, Xiao Yunhai did some ideological work, which made a slight improvement.

That night, Xiao Yunhai saw the news of Angu dying in his villa on the Internet.

"You deserve it." Xiao Yunhai said these four words, then searched up the "flower thousand bones" related news.

After the premiere of Hua Qian Gu, which was invested and shot by Xiao Yunhai, it has achieved very good results in Asia, with an average audience rating of more than 5%. Among them, Huaxia is the most powerful, with the highest rating reaching 20%, with an average rating of 9.7%. It is estimated that there is no problem in breaking through 10%.

Word of mouth is very good, the network is full of praise for it.

"Flower thousand bones" is really wonderful. The picture is beautiful without saying, just like being in a fairyland. "

"I don't know. Can the TV series invested by Emperor yunhuang be poor? It is said that the cost of special effects in the later stage alone exceeded 2 billion Chinese dollars. "

"All the acting skills are online, the plot is ups and downs, the pictures are beautiful and exquisite, and the fighting is beautiful. This kind of Xianxia drama can be a benchmark of the same type in China. The previous "sword immortal biography" has been very good, but compared with this "flower thousand bones", it is obviously inferior to a grade

"It's hard to see why the play is not hot. Yanjing Film Academy is worthy of being the best performing Academy in China. It's really powerful. It's almost like watching a movie. "

Through the promotion of netizens, the audience rating of huaqiangu is getting higher and higher. By the time of more than 30 episodes, the average audience rating of Huaxia has exceeded 15%, and that of other regions in Asia has also exceeded 10%. It has become the most successful TV series after Langya bang.

Naturally, the actors are so popular that Lin Lu is the most popular. It is said that the price of the actors has increased by more than ten times than before, and that there are tens of millions of fans. A proper Asian superstar can receive countless announcements every day, and the number of plays is even more numerous.

Fortunately, neither she nor her team was dazzled by the success in front of her. Both she and her team were more cautious than before in terms of advertising and acting.

Because Lin Lu knows that her popularity is too fast and her foundation is not solid. Once the second play hits the street, it can only be crossed like a meteor.

What's more, none of the actors in Hanhai film and television company is a gas-efficient lamp. Their acting skills are outstanding. Lin Lu is not outstanding in it, and may even be at the end of the line. Of course, she does not dare to be slack. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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