Published at 11th of May 2022 05:21:24 AM

Chapter 1314

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Xiao Yunhai smile, turned to look at Robert, said: "recent TV ratings how?"

Robert said with a smile: "since the end of the world cup, although we have not been able to maintain the ratings during the game, but not a lot of decline. The main reason is that the TV series we are planning to shoot has been put on line, and they all perform very well. In the past two months, the average ratings in Europe and the United States have remained above 3%. For example, "Transformers", "Superman", "multimillionaire" and other programs, the ratings are extremely amazing, all more than 5%. In terms of advertising expenses alone, we have reached 13.8 billion US dollars, which is definitely the number one in Europe and the United States. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "very good. Robert, it's quite right to choose you as the director of Yunqing TV station. By the way, did the "flower thousand bones" have been broadcast on TV the day before yesterday? How about the ratings? "

Since Robert got the flower thousand bones from Chen Zhan, he began to translate and re edit all kinds of plots that European and American audiences could not understand. After finishing, Robert had two trailers cut and put them on the Internet and on the TV station for publicity. The effect was very good.

Robert said: "to be careful, I didn't put it into prime time. I chose 10 p.m. I didn't expect that only four episodes were broadcast, and the average audience rating reached 5%. The word-of-mouth was even better. This evening, I will put it on prime time. I believe that even if it can not reach the audience rating in Asia, it is still very promising to break through 8%

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "very good. I won't move the profits you've made on TV for the time being, so you have to make trouble. I still say that, do not be afraid to spend money, the most important thing is quality. Raul, how's Marvel Comics doing? "

Raul said with a smile: "in the past two months, we have released five films, all of which have made money. The box office profit has exceeded 10 billion dollars. Now, there are seven films in the late stage and 12 films in the process of shooting. All of them are well-known directors in the industry. I believe there is no quality problem. "Space war" and "animal world" produced by the cartoon group are on sale, with 7.8 million copies and 6.9 million copies respectively. The two big animated films made by the animation group were both very good at the box office, and their profits both exceeded two billion dollars. Now they are making three big animated films. The scripts are all collected from outside. After strict examination and modification by the audit department, they are absolutely the best. Manwei children's Park has all opened, with an average passenger flow of 405000 person times and a daily net profit of about 63 million

Xiao Yunhai nodded with satisfaction: "Raul, I plan to open Marvel cartoon children's paradise to the major first tier cities in China. What do you think?"

Raul said, "of course."

Kristi interposed: "it's just that the investment will be very big. Mr. Xiao, China's real estate has been rising sharply recently. The price of land is 20% higher than that of last year. If we buy land now, we may lose a lot. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "if we buy it later, the loss will be even greater. China's population has exceeded 1.6 billion, and the pressure from the government is particularly great. In the future, houses and land will only become more and more expensive. In view of the current situation, the future land price is likely to double. Therefore, we must plan ahead and buy them first. How much liquidity do I have now? "

Christie said, "180 billion dollars."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "that's enough. In the first phase, I plan to build 30 children's playgrounds in the first tier cities of China. All of them are located in the suburbs. The environment is good and the area must be large. In particular, the parking lot must be able to park 2000 cars at a time. Raul, Kristi, in a while, I will mark these 30 cities,

and you will form a team to take charge of this. If you value the place, contact the local government immediately and buy them. Do you understand? "

Raul and Christie nodded at the same time.

Next, storm game company also made a report.

I have to say, "Warcraft" is too profitable. Since the end of the world cup, the average number of online users has exceeded 63 million, and the profit per day has reached 384 million US dollars. It has become the most profitable game in the world, with a market share of more than 60%.

Magic effects company is still very busy. Three months later, the company recruited 300 people again, which relieved the heavy pressure. It is estimated that in the second half of this year, magic revenue will reach a record high of $7 billion.

Mo Yina's Marvel brokerage company was completely separated from Marvel Comics company at this time. After the popularity of Marvel superhero TV series and movies, more than 20 artists have successfully ascended the first-line Hollywood throne. In addition, Mo Yina has become one of the strongest brokerage companies in Hollywood by using various means. Although there is still a gap with the old brokers, the potential is the biggest.

Xiao Yunhai was naturally very happy with the company's development. At noon, he invited everyone to have a meal, and in the afternoon he took a plane back to China.In order to surprise his family, Xiao Yunhai did not call them in advance.

So when Xiao Yunhai suddenly appeared in front of his parents, wife and children, they were all very happy.

Zhao Wanqing first gave a cry, then stood up in surprise and hugged him tightly.

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "how about it? I didn't expect me to come back. "

Chen Xiuzhu didn't get angry and said: "you boy really gave us a sudden attack. But I'm sorry to tell you, because we didn't know you were back, there was obviously not enough lunch

Xiao Yunhai heard it and cried out, "no, I'm so pathetic."

The crowd burst into laughter.

Yan Piaoyun and Chen Xiuzhu go to the kitchen to cook delicious food for Xiao Yunhai, while Xiao Yunhai feeds the children to eat and play with them, making the family happy.

In the afternoon, Zhao Wanqing coaxed the two children to sleep and said to Xiao Yunhai, "husband, something happened to teacher Ye Yongren, do you know?"

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and asked, "what's the matter?"

It turned out that a week ago, when he was filming, ye Yongren fell down from his horse accidentally. He was guessed by horse's hooves and his pelvis was torn. He was seriously injured and needed to rest for half a year. He is now in the first hospital of Yanjing for treatment.

Reporters naturally will not let go of a generation of heavenly kings. Every day, dozens of reporters are waiting outside the hospital. One is to photograph the star who goes to visit Ye Yongren, and the other is to get the latest progress of his illness.

Unexpectedly, a paparazzi with a miniature video camera sneaked into the hospital and found Ye Yongren's ward. It happened that a middle-aged woman in her forties was feeding Ye Yongren. There was also a little boy beside him, who looked like Ye Yongren.


When this video appeared on the Internet, the whole China exploded.

After verification, the reporters with great powers finally found out that ye Yongren married a woman named Ma Wenwen ten years ago and gave birth to a boy, which aroused a thousand waves.

You should know that ye Yongren is the idol of countless fans. He has hundreds of millions of fans. He is modest and positive. In the past 20 or 30 years, there has been almost no negative report.

In public, ye Yongren always claimed that he was not married. Now his wife and children suddenly appeared. Ye Yongren's fans made a direct rebellion and claimed that he had been cheated by Ye Yongren and wasted his feelings. Some extreme fans even cut their veins and commit suicide, so that ye Yongren can divorce Ma Wenwen as soon as possible.

Although Ye Yongren's friends in the performing arts circle are all talking for him, they have achieved little.

It can be said that ye Yongren's life is doubly suffering from the double blow of body and mind.

Zhao Wanqing said: "I heard you said that I would come back soon, so I have been waiting for you to visit with me."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "what are you waiting for? Let's go together. By the way, since it's the first time I've seen his children, I'll have to bring some gifts. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "I have prepared a red envelope of 666666. We'll go to the supermarket to buy some health products later, and it'll be all right. "

Xiao Nei Hsien, a wife, laughs. I'll get Mom to watch the kids, and let's go. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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