Published at 11th of May 2022 05:21:23 AM

Chapter 1315

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An hour later, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing arrived at the hospital with big bags and small bags.

As soon as I got out of the car, the reporters who had been waiting at the gate of the hospital rushed out like cheetahs. In less than half a minute, dozens of reporters had surrounded the two people.

"Mr. Xiao, Miss Zhao, are you here to see Mr. Ye?"

"What do you think of the two teachers' concealment of the public's marriage and children?"

"Mr. Xiao, when will you be able to meet everyone in prison break?"

Countless questions like a barrage of questions were asked by reporters one by one.

Xiao Yunhai said: "Dear journalists, our husband and wife are here to visit Mr. Ye's condition. If there is any problem, we will go to a corner where there is no one. Everyone standing here, has blocked the way of patients coming to see a doctor, please get out of the way. Otherwise, I won't answer a single question

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, the reporters immediately made way for them.

In their eyes, the cloud emperor has always been a gold tongue, he said no answer, that is no answer. He said that he would give an interview later, that would certainly be an interview. The whole entertainment industry, that is, Xiao Yunhai can do this.

Journalists who offend no one dare not offend Xiao Yunhai. They are joking. They can ask for your job every minute, and they can kill you permanently. Who can not be afraid.

Xiao Yunhai said thanks and went into the hospital with Zhao Wanqing.

An intern reporter said, "aren't we the king without the crown? When is it so easy to talk? "

The old reporter next to him said: "yes, we are the king without the crown, but they are the queen of yunhuangqing. Can the king compare with the emperor? Ah, people are more angry than others. Five years ago, he was a beginner, and I didn't take him seriously. Five years later, he is already the richest man in the world. We can't even afford to climb high. "

In the reporter's hair, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing walked into Ye Yongren's ward.

As a king of China Artists, naturally live in a comfortable and spacious super class ward.

may have used some perfume, because there is not only half the smell of disinfectant in the hospital, but on the contrary there is a faint fragrance which makes people feel very comfortable.

At this time, ye Yongren is chatting with his wife Ma Wenwen in a soft voice. Beside him, a child with a tiger's head and brain is doing his homework. In the ward, a family of three is enjoying himself.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing, ye Yongren showed a brilliant smile on his face, waved his hand, and said, "you two are so busy. Just make a phone call. Where can you come to see me?"

Xiao Yunhai put down the gift and said with a smile, "we don't have the leisure to come to see you. Our main purpose is to get to know the sister-in-law who is willing to hide for you for more than ten years. "

Ye Yongren said with a smile: "let me give you a formal introduction. This is my wife Ma Wenwen and my son Ye hang. Wen Wen, I don't need to introduce them. "

Ma Wenwen smiles and says: "of course. They are my idols. Mr. Xiao and Miss Zhao, I'm glad to meet you

Zhao Wanqing said, "Hello, sister Wen. If it wasn't for Mr. Ye's confidentiality work, we should have met long ago. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "yes. Mr. Ye, I'm so sad. You don't believe me and Wanqing. Oh, don't say anything. It's full of tears. "

Ye Yongren shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "I didn't tell anyone about the marriage between Wenwen and me. First, I was afraid of affecting their mother and son's life. Second, I was afraid of causing riots among my fans. Most importantly, I was afraid of unexpected things. Unexpectedly, because of this injury, they will let their mother and son appear in front of the public, this is what I did not expect. My team has been working hard, but it still can't be pressed down. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "Mr. Ye, I don't think this is a bad thing. At the very least, sister Wen and the child no longer have to hide. When you get well, the storm will be over, and the three of you will be able to play around openly. This is especially good for you and sister Wen, especially for children. After all, you can't let the child dare not admit that you are his father all his life. It's really unfair to him

Ye Yongren's eyes were red and said, "Wanqing, you are right. I'm sorry for Wenwen and the children. They really suffered too much injustice when they followed me. You know what? When you two announced that you were married and survived the storm successfully, I was both happy and ashamed. I'm glad that you have lovers who get married. At the same time, you give us an example of artists who don't need to hide their feelings. I'm sorry that I don't have your courage. I'm sorry for Wenwen and the children. Ah, now I think about it, I'm really sorry for it. "

Finish saying, ye Yongren tears Hua for a while, flow out.

Ma Wenwen even said: "Yongren, don't do this. It's all my own volition. It has nothing to do with you. As long as I can be with you, I will be satisfied. "Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Mr. Ye, I am very clear about your concerns. You are different from us. We were only on the road for a year or two at that time, and the fans didn't have much affection for us. But you are different. For decades, the image has been deeply rooted in the hearts of fans. Once it's published, it's going to be ten times more sensational than we are. Looking at the current situation, it's really difficult to press down. "

Ye Yongren wiped his tears dry and frowned: "Yunhai, what do you think I should do? Over the past few days, my team and I have thought over all kinds of ways, but they are not very effective. "

Xiao Yunhai thought of the marriage event of Liu Dehua, the former king of heaven. He said, "teacher ye, what you need to do now is to take good care of your wounds. Don't think about anything else. I saw you write an apology on your home page. That's enough. Hum, I can't think of it. What do you think the fans have in their minds? Idol artists can't get married and have children? It's so dumb. Later, I'll give you an interview and say it for you. There are also those media, who know that they will help the flames. If the good things are not reported, they will just do some damn things. I have to give them a good scolding when I go out. "

Ye Yongren listened and said happily, "Yunhai, that will trouble you. With your status and status in today's entertainment industry, I believe that saying a word is better than anyone else. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "don't worry, it's on me."

"Come on, Xiaohang. My uncle and aunt give you a big red envelope. It's a gift to meet you." Zhao Wanqing takes out a red envelope from her bag and says to Ye hang with a smile.

Next to Ma Wenwen even busy way: "that can't do. Mr. Xiao and Miss Zhao, we are very grateful for your time to visit Yongren and help us so much. You can't accept a red envelope. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "sister-in-law, this is not for you. You can't control it. Besides, I still owe Mr. Ye several pieces of money. I'll make up one first. "

Ye Yongren laughed and said, "you boy, you never talk seriously. Now they are the richest people in the world, but they still have not changed. Well, Hang Hang Hang, this is your uncle and aunt's heart, you take it. "

Ye hang nodded cleverly, took over the red envelope in Zhao Wanqing's hand, and said, "thank you, uncle and aunt."

Zhao Wanqing touched his head and said, "navigation is really polite."

After chatting in Ye Yongren's ward for more than an hour, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing left. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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