Published at 11th of May 2022 05:21:17 AM

Chapter 1320

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Xiao Yunhai exuded a tremendous momentum. His eyes were sharp as a knife, and he began to recite.

"Qinyuan spring. Snow. Northern scenery, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow. Looking inside and outside the Great Wall, only I was reckless; up and down the river, suddenly lost its surging. The mountain dances with silver snakes, and the original is like a wax statue. He wants to compete with the emperor. On a sunny day, it's very enchanting.

There are so many beauties in the land that countless heroes bow down. He cherished the martial arts of the Qin emperor and Han Dynasty, but lost his literary grace; the emperor of the Tang Dynasty and the ancestor of the Song Dynasty were slightly less coquettish. Genghis Khan, one of Tianjiao's generation, only knew how to shoot big eagles. All are past and gone; we look to this age for truly great men.

although the poem of the old man Taizu is not long and only has more than 100 words, you can't help but feel the spirit of the poem. It seems that the poem contains the ambition of giving up one's own to be proud of the world.

In particular, Xiao Yunhai's voice with a kind of arrogance and domineering, the whole person entered into the mood of Taizu at that time. Hearing people's ears, it was like a bell in the morning and a drum in the evening, which was very frightening.

In the film academy, in order to train their lines, students often recite some poems to make their language more appealing.

Xiao Yunhai as one of the best, a poem reading is naturally difficult to him.

It may be that Xiao Yunhai's plagiarized word was stunned. The whole scene stopped for five seconds, and then there was overwhelming applause, and cheers came one after another.

"It's such a magnificent poem. It's just amazing."

"The richest man in the world is really different from ordinary people. The momentum of being arrogant and dominating the world is absolutely beyond ordinary people's ability."

"Emperor Qin, Emperor Hanwu, Emperor Tang, Emperor song, Genghis Khan, who is not a hero. But in his eyes, there are still a variety of deficiencies, Mr. Xiao's mind is too big

"This is the mind of the richest man in the world. By contrast, Wang Xichen is too small." Zhang xuanlin exclaimed.

At the moment, the most uncomfortable is Wang Xichen.

He wanted to surprise Xiao Yunhai and make him lose face. However, he didn't realize that Xiao Yunhai read such a magnificent, domineering and side leaking poem, which shocked the whole conference hall and prevented him from stealing chicken and rice.

Although he was clapping, the smile on his face was reluctant.

In his heart, he should be the one who can get praise and enjoy the glory, but now he has become Xiao Yunhai. Naturally, he hates him more.

However, he did not think about it. He did not make such a situation.

Xiao Yunhai on the stage looked at him, but he didn't take him seriously. After bowing to the stage, he was preparing to go down, but he was stopped by the great calligrapher Li Jinwu.

"Mr. Xiao, this poem of yours is absolutely magnificent. According to the rules of the previous awards ceremony, I will give a word as a gift to every writer who plays his best. Originally, I carefully wrote a pair of "love lotus said", but I found it a little stingy, so I would like to stage your "Qinyuan spring. Snow", in front of everyone, write it out for you. What do you think? "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "Mr. Li, can I disagree with such a good thing? I'll grind it for you. "

Soon, the four treasures of the desk and study were ready, and the photographer shot the camera on the table.

Xiao Yunhai grinds himself, while Li Jinwu closes his eyes and seems to be looking for feelings.

Two minutes later, Li Jinwu opened his eyes, and his eyes were full of light. He picked up a brush and dipped some ink into it.

After a while, a "Qinyuan spring. Snow" will be in one go, appeared on the big screen.

"Good words." Xiao Yunhai could not help but blurt out the words above, which seemed to contain a kind of spirit.

The literary world under the stage also can't help but go up one after another, want to watch closely.

Among them, Zhang xuanlin, President of the Chinese Literature Association, was the fastest. When he saw the whole picture, he couldn't help but exclaim: "Mr. Li, your words seem to be quite different from the previous works. It turns out that your running script pays attention to flowing clouds and flowing water, elegant and natural. However, this piece of writing is majestic and heroic. Every word seems to contain an indescribable temperament. Compared with the Orchid Pavilion preface written by Wang Xizhi that you copied, the artistic conception seems to be higher than that of Wang Xizhi. It can be called the first one in the world. "

Li Jinwu said triumphantly, "Mr. Zhang is as wise as a torch. When Mr. Xiao was reciting "Qinyuan spring. Snow", I felt a kind of lofty sentiments in my heart, some of which did not give up. You know, writing also pays attention to the time, the place and the people. So I took advantage of this heroic spirit to complete this poem at one go. Ha ha ha ha, happy. It's just too much. "

When other people saw this picture, they were all full of praise and looked at Xiao Yunhai with a trace of envy.

Such a work is absolutely too rich to buy.

Xiao Yunhai said, "Mr. Li, you said this picture is for me. Don't you know it still counts?"

Li Jinwu said with a wry smile: "to tell you the truth, I am really reluctant to give up. However, without your poem, there would be no such word. Of course, I would not eat my words and become fat. "Xiao Yunhai said happily, "thank you very much, Mr. Li."

Next to Wang Xichen has been looking at the side, the face is simply difficult to see the extreme.

In this way, in Wang Xichen's envy and jealousy, the whole award ceremony was all over.

Xiao Yunhai and Zhang xuanlin and others discussed the details of the Chinese literature contest for a while, and then returned home.

At this time, it is more than ten o'clock, so we should all go to bed. But I don't know what's going on tonight. The living room of the villa where Xiao Yunhai and his wife live is still on.

Xiao Yunhai walked in and had a look. His parents and parents in law were all sitting on the sofa, chatting and watching TV at the same time.

Hearing the sound of Xiao Yunhai coming in, Xiao Changfeng got up with a bullet like a spring on the sofa. Looking at the pair of Li Jinwu's words in Xiao Yunhai's hands, his eyes flashed, and he could not wait to say, "Yunhai, open this picture written by Mr. Li quickly. I want to have a look."

When Xiao Yunhai heard this, he suddenly realized that they were waiting for him here, for the sake of this word.

Think about it. Xiao Changfeng himself is a member of the Calligraphy Association. Like Xiao Yunhai, if he doesn't practice calligraphy for half an hour every day, he will feel uncomfortable.

Although his father-in-law Zhao Mingsheng is not good at calligraphy, he is fond of collecting calligraphy and painting. In his study, there are many valuable ancient Calligraphers' characters. Even Xiao Changfeng often copied them.

Of course, Xiao Changfeng has bought many masterpieces of famous people in the past two years. It's a pity that he didn't come across the works of those famous calligraphers.

In the contemporary calligraphy world, Li Jinwu's characters are recognized as the best. Therefore, after seeing Xiao Yunhai get his words on TV, Xiao Changfeng can't sleep any more. He directly pulls Zhao Mingsheng to run over and waits for Xiao Yunhai to see it first.

Xiao Yunhai opened the whole picture gently, then held the two sides of the paper in his hands and stood there foolishly for everyone to enjoy.

Xiao Changfeng looked at it with admiration.

"Good words are really good words. Teacher Li Jinwu is indeed the most famous calligrapher in the world. Every word is domineering and majestic. Obviously, it has reached the master's level. It is really admirable. "

Zhao Mingsheng's calligraphy level is not high, but his eyesight is very good. He said: "for a long time, Mr. Li's words are elegant and full of spirit. I didn't expect that today's calligraphy is so strong and bold. It can be said that it is his best work. Mr. Zhang xuanlin is right. It is much better than the preface to Lanting. "

Chen Xiuzhu curiously asked: "if you put this word in the auction house, I don't know how much money can be sold?"

Xiao Changfeng rebuked: "don't use money to smear this good word. Some things are worth thousands of dollars, which can't be measured by money. "

Chen Xiuzhu showed her eyebrows and said, "don't talk nonsense. The calligraphy and paintings of celebrities you hang in your study are not all bought with your son's money. Even Wang Xizhi's words appeared in the auction house and sold hundreds of millions of yuan. Can Li Jinwu compare with him? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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