Published at 11th of May 2022 05:21:14 AM

Chapter 1322

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Three days later, Xiao Yunhai's Trailer finally revealed the true face of Lushan on major video websites around the world.

The short one and a half minutes attracted hundreds of millions of viewers from all over the world. Everyone wanted to see what difference Xiao Yunhai's play was.

From 8:00 a.m. to 24:00 p.m., in 16 hours, the number of hits exceeded 578 million. Almost all the major forums on the Internet were discussing the play.

Xiao Yunhai did a lot of shocking things in the trailer. For example, the tattoo on the protagonist who hides the escape route, the various groups of people in the prison, the plot of the vice president, shooting, persecution, traps, etc., are full of suspense, and the rhythm is bright and the picture is clear, which is as wonderful as a movie.

It's OK not to watch the trailer. It makes the audience itch after watching it.

At the end of the trailer, the protagonist robs the bank and is easily captured by the police. When he is handcuffed, the protagonist's face shows a bewildered smile.

The picture is fixed here, which can be said to be a mess.

"Shit, I regret it. I shouldn't have watched the Prison Break Trailer. I don't know how to get through this publicity period. "

"I have to say that it's too much to ask a world-class director, no, who should be recognized as the world's first director to shoot TV series. After watching this trailer, I seem to feel the tension and excitement of the whole play. October 28, come quickly. "

"Tension and suspense are what this trailer gives me. I hope prison break will be broadcast on Yunqing TV station as soon as possible. "

"Obviously, this film is very handsome. Especially the last smile of the protagonist, I was fascinated. Prison break, come on, I'm waiting for you

It's not just the Internet. Yunqing TV station broadcasts this trailer almost all day long. As long as it's advertising time, there must be its trailer.

The offline publicity is even more fierce. Supermarkets, schools, squares, bookstores, audio-visual stores, shops and other places are all pasted with large posters of prison break.

Five hundred million dollars is enough to cover everything.

In Europe and the United States, associate director Neil has begun to take the creators of prison break to various cities to promote.

Obviously, they didn't expect Xiao Yunhai to be so grand. They dared to spend 500 million dollars on all-round publicity. They knew that the opportunity was rare, so they worked very hard.

In the "prison break" in full swing publicity, Xiao Yunhai received a very shocking news.

"Lao Wu, what are you talking about? David Stern, the guy who sold 45% of the shares of huaxiaster video network, music network and business network to other people, can't he be ill

Hearing the news brought by Wu's chess playing method, Xiao Yunhai couldn't believe his ears.

At such a high price, he sold 45% of the shares of the three major Internet companies they built at a very low price of US $18 billion, which makes Xiao Yunhai a little unbelievable.

However, after careful consideration, he felt that the matter was still very possible.

Since the establishment of stell's three major network companies, it has been subject to too many constraints.

Except for the songs of some singers in Europe and America, few music companies in Huaxia cooperate with them. Most of them are partners of

Video network is even worse. China's market has always been the world of four video websites, and its position in the hearts of netizens has been deeply rooted. It is undoubtedly very difficult for them to abandon these websites and choose stell video network. If they can't survive Hollywood, they can't survive. Even now, the flow is poor.

The biggest problem is the business net. In the political country of China, Xiao Yunhai and Wu Yifa are the two largest Prince party in the way. Almost no large company dares to sign a contract with stell.

I'm kidding. It's the top crown prince party. It's not very difficult for them to make their company go wrong if they are upset. What's more, Xiao Yunhai is still the richest man in the world, and Wu's game method has become the top 30 tycoons in China because of Yunyi shopping network.

At the same time, the three major websites in China have been severely hit, which makes David Stern, who has vowed to attack the Chinese market, very hurt. At the same time, he also understood that if we want to be bigger and stronger in China, we must have the backstage of the government. Otherwise, everything will be done with half the effort.

So, this had him to sell shares, cooperate with people.

"This is a fact," Wu said. Lao Xiao, I'd like to tell you a bad news. The war between Yunyi shopping website and Stell business network has officially started in China. Who are you going to help

Since Xiao Yunhai holds 25% of the shares in STEL network company, Wu Yifa has this question.

Xiao Yunhai said without good breath: "nonsense. I have 49% shares in Yunyi shopping website and 25% shares in STEL network company. Now David stell has sold 45% of stell's business network to others, and I only account for 13% of it. If you were me, who would you help? By the way, what is a formal war? Does David Stern still have the strength to resist in ChinaWu said with a wry smile, "I didn't have it before, but now I have. Do you know who he works with? They're all fuckin 'second generation officials. And it's not one, it's a group, more than a dozen people. The first is Cao Menglan, the daughter of the third chief executive, who is known as the iron lady in the capital city. She was originally engaged in clothing, cosmetics, jewelry and other businesses. Who would have thought that she would get involved with David Stern. She holds 25% of the shares. The other 20% of the shares are divided up by the twelve crown prince party. The worst family background is above the ministerial level. In terms of power, it is stronger than the two of us. Do you think those businesses dare to resist them? I have been answering more than 20 phone calls in the past two days. All I have said is this. Hum, these people are complaining on the surface, but actually they are all enjoying themselves. How can they be unhappy if they have one more sales channel? "

Xiao Yunhai has heard of Cao Menglan.

She is 35 years old and not very beautiful. She once worked as a soldier for three years and developed a strong and vigorous nature. Later, she became a businessman and established Menglan group in a few short years. Now, the market value has reached 200 billion US dollars, which can be described as a woman who is not inferior to a man.

She is very famous in the circle. She is known as the eldest sister of the capital Prince party. Although she is a woman, she is more domineering than men. She is definitely a powerful person.

Even if Wu's chess skills meet, he's going to have a headache.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "Lao Wu, the soldiers will block the water and cover the earth. What's the headache. To tell you the truth, I really want to know this lady Cao Menglan. "

"You will have this chance soon," Wu said. In a few days, the Chinese government will call on the top 100 richest people in China to hold a business forum. At that time, you, I and Cao Menglan will certainly be among them. "

Xiao Yunhai was surprised and asked, "how can I not know?"

Wu Yifa snorted and said, "you are busy with movies and TV series. When did you care about these things? It is estimated that the invitation will be sent to you by tomorrow at the latest

Xiao Yunhai said in distress, "can you not go? I haven't done a lot of work yet? "

Wu Yifa said with a smile: "don't talk nonsense in front of me. What you're talking about is the promotion of prison break. Isn't it that fun to shoot movies and TV series? You are the richest man in the world. I tell you, the convener is the first chief of the government and your uncle. If you don't go, you have to be spanked. It is said that the ultimate purpose of this meeting is to make amends. "

"Almighty? What do you mean Xiao Yunhai asked a little puzzled.

Wu Yifa said: "after decades of development in China, the East has become very rich, but there are still a large number of people living below the poverty line in the western part of China, and the gap is widening. If this continues, social contradictions will definitely worsen sharply. Therefore, the government has decided to vigorously develop the western economy in the next ten years. This conversation is actually about making us invest. "

When Xiao Yunhai thought of the great development of the western region in his previous life, he couldn't help but realize: "so it is. OK, I see. "

Xiao Yunhai frowned at the end of his conversation with Wu.

This sudden change of strategy by David Stern is not a good thing for Xiao Yunhai.

With the help of the second generation of officials, the development of STEL network company in China will certainly be smooth. Even if Xiao Yunhai and Wu's game method are united, they can't stop it.

With 45% of the shares, more than a dozen princelings were lured in. The deal was a sure bet for David Stern.

If the STEL network company is thriving, Xiao Yunhai will certainly be far away from replacing David Stern.

"Good. David Steele hit himself with pain. It was a wonderful move. Ha ha, after all, it's a bull in the business circle. You can see through the essence of China at a glance, and it will be a big trouble later. "

Xiao Yunhai rubs his temple and sighs. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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