Published at 11th of May 2022 05:21:12 AM

Chapter 1323

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As expected, Xiao Yunhai received a call from the government office the next morning.

"Hello, Mr. Xiao Yunhai. Entrusted by the No.1 and No.2 leaders, we sincerely invite you to attend the Chinese entrepreneurs' Forum held by our government on October 22 to talk about the development of the western region. Please attend on time. Our invitation will be sent to you later

Xiao Yunhai's most troublesome is this kind of forum. However, if the No.1 or No.2 leaders invite him in person, it's really unreasonable for him not to go. What's more, his uncle is still the head of government, and his nephew doesn't support him. What will others think.

No way, Xiao Yunhai had to agree to come down.

"OK, I see. I'll be there on time."

Put down the phone, Xiao Yunhai said to Zhao Wanqing, "well, in a few days, I have to attend the entrepreneurs' forum again. It's really depressing."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "don't complain here. I don't know how many people have sharpened their heads to drill in, but you are not willing to do so. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I'd rather make movies than do these things. Don't you want us to invest? Can't you just say something directly? Where can I use such a system? Please. "

as soon as the voice dropped, Xiao Yunhai's mobile phone rang again. Open a look, it is uncle Xiao Chongyang's private phone, quickly picked up.

"Uncle, how can you spare time to call me?"

In the face of Xiao Chongyang, Xiao Yunhai had no restraint at all, and said with a smile.

What Xiao Chongyang appreciates most is Xiao Yunhai, which makes him feel very close. If you sit in his position, even his relatives are trembling in front of him, let alone joking with him.

"What? Just after making $112 billion from the world cup, it's time to start. Even I dare to make fun of you. You are so brave. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "even I haven't calculated how much money I've made in the end. You know it clearly. Uncle, the intelligence ability of the government is really good enough. "

Xiao Chongyang said, "if you have a heart, you can find out. I'm not kidding. Did the general office of the government inform you to attend the Symposium on the development of the western region

Xiao Yunhai complained: "just received the notice. Uncle, can I ask for leave? I really don't like this kind of meeting. It's so boring. "

"No way." Without thinking about it, Xiao Chongyang said, "you are the richest man in the world and the benchmark of Chinese business. I hope you can set an example for them. Chief executive No. 1 and I have taken the lead in holding this meeting. To put it bluntly, we want you to donate money and make investment as far as possible to the West. I ask you, how much can you pay for it

"How much money do you need from me to set a good example for you?" asked Xiao Yunhai

Xiao Chongyang said: "of course, the more the better, and the minimum can't be less than 50 billion Chinese dollars."

Xiao Yunhai gave a long sigh of relief and said, "I'm scared. I thought how much money it was. It's only 50 billion yuan. It's a small thing. "

Xiao Chongyang was directly happy and said: "listen to your tone, it seems that there is a sense of relief. I suddenly found that the standard was a little low. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "well, it's better to be higher. Uncle, I'll invest 200 billion Chinese dollars. It's said that there are many coal mines in Shanxi. I already have a large coal mine in Northeast China. I'd better make another one. "

Xiao Chongyang sneered: "you boy is really a master who doesn't suffer losses. He even made this idea."

Xiao Yunhai said wrongly: "my brain, also want to get this thing. If you don't think it's appropriate, show me the way, and I promise I'll call where you point. "

Xiao Chongyang seemed to have thought about it for a long time and said, "OK, I'll wait for you. Even if the northwest road is to be built, the most important problem is how to build the northwest road without thinking about its development. The government is ready to build three railways and four highways in one step to solve this problem thoroughly. It's just that the government doesn't have so much money. It needs your bosses to help. In addition to a little slower rotation cycle, it should be a good project

Xiao Yunhai said with a bitter smile, "uncle, don't coax me. What do you mean, slow down a lot? However, since you have all spoken in person, this face has to be given to you. OK, I'll invest in railways. "

Xiao Chongyang said, "great. According to the geological conditions there, the average cost of each kilometer is 63 million. The three railways are 580 km, 830 km and 1200 km respectively. Once completed, they will bring you huge economic benefits. Go ahead, which one do you choose? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "what else do you choose. It's better to give two hundred million people to our family, but it's better not to give them to me. What about? May I have a long face, uncle? "

Xiao Chongyang burst out laughing and said: "you boy can support my work so much, which really makes me have a lot of face. OK, that's settled. "Time flies. October 22 is coming.

At 8:30 in the morning, Xiao Yunhai finished breakfast, and changed his shoes in suits and came to Ziguangge of the Chinese government.

This is a meeting between the government and the Chinese business community. Except for the reporters of CCTV news channel, no outside journalists have the right to enter.

But they were still able to find out that Qi Qi, the former 100 rich people from China, came to Yanjing to talk with the No. 1 and No.2 leaders about the development of the West. So dozens of journalists had been waiting outside early.

Xiao Yunhai, as the richest man in the world and also the top star, is far more topical than other rich people. When he came out of the car, reporters ran faster than rabbits, and surrounded him in less than ten seconds.

Even some of the reporters in the interview ran past, which made several wealthy very embarrassed, among them Xiao Yunhai old acquaintance Wu Yong.

"I'll say it? Who of us old men has such charm and can attract so many journalists to the past, it turns out that Mr. Xiao has arrived. "

"The 12th ranking of Huaxia wealth list, buyanghui, saw xiaoyunhai, who was talking in the press group, and said with a smile:" there are talented people in the Jiangshan generation, leading the wind for hundreds of years. I have always been a proud man, but I have to admit that I am living in a dog's age compared with Mr. Xiao. In just five years, assets reached nearly $2trillion, and such people can be at the forefront of history. Mr. Wu, I heard that Mr. Xiao has been the spokesperson of your great wall car, and you have opened a bank. It seems that you are familiar with it. "

Wu Yong nodded and smiled: "I have seen several people. Mr. Bu, Mr. Xiao is frank and frank, not as hypocritical as many business people, and he is humorous and humorous, and has a full affinity, which makes people unknowingly become friends with him. If you have a conversation, you will definitely like his character. "

"Walk Yang Hui way:" that is to trouble Wu general introduced. "

"There's no problem," Wu said

They said, walked into the general office, and then came to Ziguangge under the guidance of a staff member.

Xiao Yunhai was ten minutes later than them in order to send reporters.

At this time, the purple pavilion has been very lively, dozens of western suit rich people, three or two together to talk and laugh.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai coming in, many people immediately met.

There are many of them that they met at the meeting a year ago, and others want to make friends with him. Xiao Yunhai naturally treats each other with courtesy and gives full play to his affinity. The humorous words make the people around laugh from time to time.

"You are right, Mr. Wu, his communicative ability is really strong, and there is a feeling of a spring breeze in his communication with him."

Wu Yong laughs: "the main thing is that he doesn't put on airs. He is, no matter who talks to anyone, and it's really hard for others to do it. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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