Published at 11th of May 2022 05:21:10 AM

Chapter 1325

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According to the order on the sign, people took their seats one after another, and Xiao Yunhai was placed in the most conspicuous first row.

Chief executive No. 1 said: "today's forum was presided over by Comrade Xiao Chongyang, premier of our government. For me, I need to meet three foreign guests later. I have only ten minutes here, and now I have five minutes left. I want to make a statement to you that the great development strategy of the western region is the first task of our team in the next ten years after detailed preparation, planning and voting. We will never be in a hurry, and any difficulties will not shake our determination to develop the western region. I hope you can believe us. "

"The western development strategy for us..."

"just now, Yunhai said that it would invest 200 billion yuan to build three railways, which let me see a sense of entrepreneur's social responsibility from his 27 year old. It not only makes me feel gratified, but also makes me feel a kind of heartfelt happiness. It is really rare for young Chinese entrepreneurs to have such an awareness. I hope you can learn from him and do something beneficial to our country and nation while not hindering our own development. "

"Well, that's all I have to say. Next, Comrade Xiao Chongyang will talk to you in detail about the development of the western region. "

In the applause of the crowd, the first chief left Ziguangge.

After everyone sat down, Xiao Chongyang began to talk about the great development strategy of the western region, including the implementation plan, the determination of the government and the goals to be achieved.

Among them, it focuses on the preferential policies of western provinces in attracting investment, as well as the direction of investment.

In a word, the government will promote the economy of the western region even if it sells iron and steel. Businessmen who follow the government's investment will also enjoy preferential tax and loan benefits.

Xiao Chongyang is obviously well prepared. He has been talking about more than four o'clock in the afternoon from the morning, and lunch is directly settled in Ziguangge.

After that, Xiao Chongyang began to call the roll one by one.

Xiao Yunhai, as the richest man in the world, was first called by Xiao Chongyang.

Xiao Yunhai stood up and said, "I fully support the government's western development strategy. As a businessman with a sense of social responsibility, I am duty bound. If you want to be rich, you should build roads first. I will invest 200 billion yuan to build three railway lines with a total mileage of about 2600 kilometers, forming a huge railway transportation network with our central and eastern regions. This is only the first investment. Next, I will arrange my business team to go to the western provinces to conduct research. Once a good project is found, I will continue to increase the investment, with no upper limit. If necessary, I can help the government contact some foreign businessmen. As long as our infrastructure is ready, we will not be able to attract Golden Phoenix. "

"Good." There were warm applause at the scene.

Xiao Chongyang's eyes were full of praise. Then the second rich man also stood up and talked about his investment direction. The amount of investment reached more than 80 billion yuan.

Obviously, this is also the government's trust.

One by one, a hundred rich people stood up one by one, with tens of billions at most and billions at least, providing protection for Xiao Chongyang's investment.

Next to the recorder all it down, calculate the total investment, give it to Xiao Chongyang.

Xiao Chongyang took the book and looked at it. With a bright smile on his face, he said, "thank you for your support for our government. The total investment of the 10 billion entrepreneurs is far more than we expected. On behalf of the government and the people in the western provinces and cities, I thank you. "

With that, Xiao Chongyang bowed deeply to the crowd.

Everyone quickly stood up and said they should.

"I know that this forum may make some people in this room feel uncomfortable and have a sense of being forced," Xiao concluded. I admit that we have gone too far this time, mainly because we really have no way out. The extreme economic imbalance between the East and the West has become the biggest problem in China. If it is not solved as soon as possible and hundreds of millions of people in the western region are not allowed to see the hope of becoming rich, social contradictions will probably be intensified. That's why we have to make this decision. "

"But here, I, Xiao Chongyang, can guarantee you that this investment amount is only a basis. If you do have problems in economy or don't find a suitable investment project, we will not force you. However, entrepreneurs like Xiao Yunhai who have promised to build roads, power plants and other public service projects are not included. You must start construction immediately. The government will give full support to it. If you have financial problems, you can borrow money from the bank. We will give you the maximum support. "

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa." Applause again.

Xiao Chongyang said, "OK. Let's call it a day. Later, some of our old men will have a dinner party in the gathering hall, and we will also invite you to come to our table. "

The gathering hall is the place where the Chinese leaders entertain important foreign guests. This time, there are six leaders to accompany them. It is a super standard reception for these businessmen, and it is also an apology to them.

Other faces are very excited, but Xiao Yunhai is very reluctant.On such occasions, the dishes must be made by the super chef himself. Both the color and the flavor have reached the extreme. However, the biggest problem is that the quantity is small, and the people who go to the banquet can't eat enough.

On the way to the gathering hall, Cao Menglan suddenly came out of the crowd, came to him and said in a soft voice, "Mr. Xiao, after the banquet, I wonder if you are free? We'd like to get together with you. "

"We?" Xiao Yunhai asked, "sister LAN, who do you think we have?"

Cao Menglan said: "there may be some people going to join in the fun for the young ladies of Yanjing from the star video network, music network and business network. Mr. Xiao, you haven't been to our party yet. I don't know if I can appreciate it? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "good. I just want to know each other. "

Cao Menglan said: "that would be great. We will take you to a special place. It is very busy. Especially today, I believe Mr. Xiao will like it. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I'll trouble you, sister LAN."

When he came to the gathering hall, before the banquet began, Xiao Yunhai took Wu yifala to a corner where there was no one. He asked, "sister Lan said that she would take me to a special place. Do you know what it is?"

Wu Yifa said with a smile: "of course I know. It's the favorite place for the second generation of officials in the capital. It's also the most exciting place. It's called ghost mountain manor. It's actually a huge casino. In addition to the normal gambling, every month on the 12th, 22nd there will be exciting black boxing match

Xiao Yunhai was surprised and said, "how can the government allow such places to exist?"

Wu Yifa said in a low voice: "behind this casino are several top crown prince parties with huge power and underworld background. Who dares to move it. It is a normal place to eat during the day, and there will be all kinds of gambling at night. The identity of the guests invited is not ordinary. Only when the assets reach at least one billion can they be qualified to enter. In order to cover up their identities, they all wear masks, so they are called ghost mountain manor. "

"Can they get together?"

"Don't underestimate our Chinese. There are many rich people in China. Sometimes a night's bet can reach hundreds of billions. Of course, compared with your world cup bet, it's too bad

"Hey, I didn't expect that the plot in the novel actually happened in reality. I really want to see it. To tell you the truth, do you often go there? You're not a shareholder in it, are you? I can tell you, this casino can be played once in a while. Don't make it bigger. "

"Don't worry, am I so stupid? Besides, I'm busy every day. I don't have time to play. In June this year, I went in once and lost 12 million. "

"You deserve it. Have you heard that ten bets and nine losses

"You don't mean to say that. You've won hundreds of billions of dollars through gambling. Why don't you say you've lost nine out of ten? "

"I bet because I'm 100% sure. Otherwise, who dares to bet hundreds of billions of dollars. Isn't that for death? "

The two chatted for a while without a word, and the banquet began.

The six leaders came in one by one and toasted everyone.

Chief executive No. 1 also made a special trip to Xiao Yunhai and talked with him for a long time. During this period, he laughed constantly, which made people at the banquet very envious.

An hour later, the banquet was over, and everyone left from Ziguangge. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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