Published at 11th of May 2022 05:21:08 AM

Chapter 1326

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To say that those reporters are really dedicated, Xiao Yunhai and others have spent a full day inside, but they have been waiting outside for a whole day, and the number of them is much more than that in the morning.

After seeing these business tycoons come out, they quickly surround them one by one.

There is no doubt that Xiao Yunhai has the most reporters around him.

"Mr. Xiao, this forum has been open for a whole day. What is the specific content?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "we mainly discussed the issue of the great development of the western region. As we all know, the gap between the rich and the poor is growing between the East and the West. The government is very concerned about this, so we have to discuss countermeasures together. "

"Does Mr. Xiao plan to invest in the western region?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "of course. I still have a strong sense of social responsibility. At the seminar, in front of the leaders, I promised to invest 200 billion Chinese dollars to build three railways with a total length of 2600 kilometers. "

" Wow, Mr. Xiao is so grand. "

"The state has made a lot of money this time by investing in the construction of railways."

The reporters talked a lot.

A reporter asked, "Mr. Xiao, don't you think it's too expensive and time-consuming to build railways? I'm afraid it will take at least 10 years or more to earn back the 200 billion Chinese dollars. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I don't want to make much money through the railway. I just want to do something for this country and the poor areas in the West. Well, guys, I have something else to do. Let's call it a day. "

With that, Xiao Yunhai left the scene.

Turning two corners, Xiao Yunhai's car stopped.

Xiao Yunhai gets out of the car and gets on the Wu game method's car. Cao Menglan sits in it. The license plate number is a foreign number. I don't know where Wu's game method came from.

"Are you really secretive? No wonder the spirit mountain manor has been standing for so many years? "

Xiao Yunhai looked at the mask curiously and said with a smile.

Cao Menglan said: "we are protecting ourselves. Be careful when you go to that kind of place. "

Xiao Yunhai touched his stomach and said, "I think we'd better eat something before going. I'm starving to death."

Wu Yifa said with a smile, "don't worry. The start time of the casino is nine o'clock. Sister LAN has already ordered a box in ghost mountain manor. We'll have a good meal first and then go to the casino to play. "

Cao Menglan said: "I think that group of guys have been waiting for urgency."

Xiao Yunhai said, "let's go quickly."

After driving on the road for more than 40 minutes, the car got into a shady road in the suburbs.

Seeing many cars running to here, Xiao Yunhai said: "there are many people here to play."

Cao Menglan said with a smile: "when people have money, they want to find some stimulation. Gambling is always the most exciting. What's more, there is the black boxing competition, which is more exciting

Xiao Yunhai saw Cao Menglan's excited look and asked, "sister LAN, are you interested in black boxing?"

"Lao Xiao, don't look down on sister LAN. She has been a soldier in the army for three years, and she has real kung fu. The highest record is that she has knocked down three male special soldiers in one breath, and a dozen ordinary strong men can't get into her body. "

Cao Menglan said: "don't brag in front of Mr. Xiao. He is the first expert in China. In front of him, who dares to say that he is powerful. "

Xiao Yunhai has already seen that Cao Menglan knows Kung Fu from the way he walks. He hears words and says, "sister LAN, are you practicing Baji boxing? This kind of Kung Fu is fierce, domineering and explosive. Few girls practice it. "

Cao Menglan said in surprise: "Mr. Xiao, your eyesight is really powerful. I really practice Baji boxing."

"Lao Xiao, since you can see sister Lan's Kung Fu, can you see the strength of those boxers?" he said

Xiao Yunhai said in a bad mood: "I want to be able to see that it is the immortal. The match between the masters is in the front line. Who do you think has the power to win. Some of them can hit a thousand jin with one punch, while others can't even hit 500 Jin. It can be compared with fighting, but the one with 500 Jin wins. Why? Because although the opponent's fists are powerful, they can't hit people. It's useless. "

Wu said, "it's like this. OK, I see. Well, I wanted to rely on you to win a lot. Now it's over. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "you'd better do less daydreaming."

After seven turns and eight turns, the car came to the foot of a mountain, and then ran up nearly seven or eight miles, and then stopped in front of a gate halfway up the mountain.

The three men put on their masks. Wu Yifa lit something like a pass and drove in.

Inside is a huge courtyard with bright lights and green trees. The environment is very elegant.

Get off the car, in a cheongsam, show long legs of the waiter led, came to a box called the emperor hall.Cao Menglan knocked on the door. A young man in his twenties with a cigarette in his mouth opened the door. Seeing Cao Menglan with a mask, he said with a smile, "sister LAN, you are finally here. We are all waiting for you."

Entering the box, there is a big table that can hold 20 people. There are fifteen or six young people sitting around it. The youngest is at most eighteen or nine years old, and the oldest is not more than thirty years old. They all have a sense of pride on their faces.

Among them, there are two acquaintances of Xiao Yunhai, Li Kaifeng and Qu maoxun, who used to trouble his company in Northeast China.

Judging from the seats of the two people, it is not particularly in front of them. At least there are two people in front of them.

The positions of the chief attendant, the principal guest and the deputy chief guest were vacant there, and they were obviously reserved for the three of them.

After being polite, Xiao Yunhai and his three people sat in the three vacant seats. Among them, Xiao Yunhai sat in the position of guest of honor.

Cao Menglan introduced Xiao Yunhai, good guys, all officials of the second generation. Most of all, my father was a feudal official.

Li Kaifeng spoke first and said, "Mr. Xiao, I heard that you have made a lot of money since I left in Northeast China last time. Just a few games in the world cup have made hundreds of billions of dollars, which is really enviable

Xiao Yunhai took a sip of tea and said with a smile, "I didn't expect that. I can't help it. Who's going to let David Stern pick on him? He insisted on giving me money, so I had to take it

Li Kaifeng said with a smile, "Mr. Xiao is really a joke. Hundreds of billions of dollars of gambling, I was scared out of a cold sweat. Compared with you, we are poor people. You see, you've got meat to eat. Would you like to give us some soup

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and asked, "Li Shao, what do you mean? How can I listen as if I'm in the way of everyone's money? "

Just then, the door of the room opened again, and Jason stern, the son of Xiao Yunhai's old acquaintance, David Stern, came in.

Xiao Yunhai's face changed and said, "I didn't expect Mr. stern to be here."

Jason Stern said with a smile, "we are business partners. Since there is such a fun place, I certainly won't miss it. Mr. Xiao, are you interested in gambling after dinner

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "I'm not interested in gambling."


A girl in her twenties, dressed up in fashion, couldn't help laughing. The others were there, too.

What's up? I won hundreds of billions of dollars by gambling. I told you that I never gambled.

People are really drunk.

Jason Steele chuckled, "Mr. Shaw is a real joke."

Xiao Yunhai didn't pay any more attention to him. He turned to Cao Menglan and asked, "sister LAN, when are you going to serve? My stomach is


Cao Menglan pressed the button of a remote control and said with a smile, "it's coming soon."

As soon as the voice dropped, more than a dozen waiters served the food one after another, with all the colors, flavors and flavors. At first glance, it was the chef's handwriting.

The waiter poured Maotai liquor to the crowd, and they all withdrew.

Cao Menglan raised his glass and said, "come on, let's raise our glasses to welcome Mr. Xiao."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "sister LAN, you are welcome. I'll do it first. "

As soon as he lifted his neck, he drank two liang Maotai liquor in one breath.

The others looked at each other and didn't know what to do.

Cao Menglan, a woman who refused to let the man down, said, "if you don't drink this glass of wine, we will greatly reduce the sincerity of welcoming Xiao Yunhai."

As soon as Cao Menglan's words were finished, everyone dried up the wine in the cup. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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