Published at 11th of May 2022 05:21:07 AM

Chapter 1327

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Xiao Yunhai picked up his chopsticks, ate and said, "thank you for your face. I'd like to apologize to you. I didn't have enough at noon and this afternoon. I was hungry with my chest close to my back. Let's talk about something later. Let me have something to eat first. How about that? "

Cao Menglan said with a smile: "Mr. Xiao, you are at will."

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and said, "I'm not polite."

Next, Xiao Yunhai used his own strength to prove to everyone what is starving to die of pregnancy. In less than a few minutes, he almost wiped out all the dishes on the table, and during this period, he also asked the waiter to serve several bowls of rice.

Cao Menglan exclaimed: "no wonder Miss Zhao said that Mr. Xiao is a big stomach king when she participated in the interview program. Today, I saw him, and he was really good."

Xiao Yunhai wiped his mouth and said with some embarrassment: "let's see you. I know that Lao Wu and I have something to talk about. If I guess right, it should be the development of stell network company in China? "

The young man on the left side of Xiao Yunhai pushed his glasses and said, "Mr. Xiao is right. I think you should know that we have become shareholders of music network, video network and business network of STEL network company. This time, I'd like to invite you and Wu Shao to give us a way to live. "

This man's name is Hu Weiguo. His grandfather is the founding general. His father is the current commander of the modu military region. His family is very powerful.

Wu said, "Hu Shao, is that really interesting? It's like our Yunyi shopping website is hindering your development. I'm kidding. "

Hu Weiguo said, "isn't it? Two of the cloud Yi shopping network occupies more than 80% of the Chinese market share, with a daily turnover of 10 billion. The meat has been eaten by both of you. Should we also have some soup? "

Xiao Yunhai, with a smile, said, "Hu Shao, I will not hide from you. Yes, the original stell shopping network couldn't develop. It was really because Lao Wu and I got in the way and used some means. But we haven't done anything since you took a stake in stell. When I was free, I went to the home page of stell business website, and the number of merchants in it seemed to be on the same level as ours. Just now you asked us to let you live. I really don't understand. What do you want us to do? Just say what you want

Cao Menglan said with a smile: "Mr. Xiao, Weiguo means that we want to have a deep cooperation with your Yunyi shopping website and share resources."

As soon as Wu's playing method was heard, he immediately and categorically refused.

"Sister LAN, we are in business. Our Yunyi shopping website has already occupied the absolute advantage in Huaxia. Do you think we will help the development of our competitors? We now have 630 million members. Once you start sharing resources, our members will become your members. In fact, it is equivalent to drainage. Stell business network competes with us all over the world. Unless STEL network company becomes the old Xiao's, cooperation is basically impossible. "What do you mean, Mr. Xiao?" Cao Menglan said

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "sister LAN, I told you today. My goal is to get David Stern out of office and integrate my industry with stern networks to form the world's largest international multinational company. It's a pity that the shareholders on the board of directors are short-sighted and ignore the development. They only support David Stern blindly, which makes me feel helpless. If stern network company is developing well, how can I compete with him. As for cooperation, let alone the door, there is no window. "

Jason Stern said angrily, "Mr. Shaw, as a shareholder of STEL network company, don't you think it's too much to say that?"

"Too much?" Xiao Yunhai snorted and sneered, "then I ask you, your father conspired with mark Benton to create the London bombings and snipers, and nearly let me see God. Is that too much? Mr. stern, don't say your father didn't know about it, because it would make me feel like you're insulting my intelligence. Stern networks, I'm aiming to get it. Even if I am a shareholder, I will not hesitate to attack it as long as I have the opportunity. No way, who let us have so many industries overlap. I want to prove to the world that there will never be any development in the hands of David Stern. Sister LAN, I'm sorry, but I'm not going to do anything that's good for STEL networks. "

Xiao Yunhai's words were determined, leaving no room for the whole scene. The air seemed to solidify.

After a long time, Cao Menglan sighed and said, "I thought everyone was good friends. It is undoubtedly the best choice to make money together. I didn't expect you to have this attitude. It's really a pity. "

Wu Yifa said with a smile: "sister LAN, the market competition is very normal, there is no regret. In fact, you should have anticipated the situation before you bought stern. No way, we want to make money, you want to grab our market share, itself is the biggest contradiction. By the way, I heard that you are going to help STEL network apply for the construction of a Chinese cinema line? Ha ha, I have to say, looking for you to cooperate, they really made a big bargain. "Xiao Yunhai was shocked. He didn't know about it.

These people have different family backgrounds. If they do something together, they may be able to do it. This is not a good thing for Xiao Yunhai.

Cao Menglan said: "this is not easy. Huaxia already has several cinemas covering the whole country, and the market is almost saturated. It is difficult to say whether the Ministry of culture can approve it or not. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "even if it is approved, can the STEL network company be built?"

Jason stern narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Mr. Shaw, what do you mean by that?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "what is the financial situation of STEL network company? Is Mr. stern not clear about

Chu? As the second largest shareholder, I once sent someone to investigate the financial situation of the company some days ago. It is extremely bad to use an idiom of Huaxia

. Your father's heart is very big. He always wants to be a big fat man at one go.

but he should not forget that if he eats too much, he may die. Even if this courtyard line is approved, I will never allow you to borrow money from the bank in the name of the company. "

Jason st cold said, "Mr. Xiao, please clarify a thing. The company has the final say."

Xiao Yunhai said: "if you go your own way, I can only disclose the financial situation of STEL network company to the outside world. At that time, do you think there will be banks that dare to lend to you? "

"Mr. Xiao, don't you think it's too much for you to do so?" Sun Zhiwen, the son of the last No. 3 leader, said with a little impatience.

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and asked thoughtfully: "listen to Sun Shao's meaning that this cinema line is not only from STEL network company? There's still your shares in it, right? "

Sun Zhiwen said: "yes. If Mr. Xiao did that, it would undoubtedly be a declaration of war against us. "

"Yes, although Mr. Xiao is much richer and more famous than us, it is hard to say who will win and who will lose if we really fight."

"We can't do anything else, but we are good at troubling people and damaging other people's affairs."

The young masters and young ladies sitting there saw that the oil and salt of Xiao Yunhai did not enter, and they could not help shouting. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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