Published at 11th of May 2022 06:04:32 AM

Chapter 133

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Wang Zhong sighed, "you can't buy such a song with money. It's true that the products made by Emperor Yun must be excellent products. With Mr. Xiao's fame and status, it's hard to say how much money you can afford, but it's hard to say at the company's side. From what I know about the company, every one million songs should be its bottom line. "

"Two million. Sister Amy, you help me to draw up a contract to buy the copyright of this song and give it to the company tomorrow. If the company doesn't agree, I'll pay for it myself. "

Amy nodded and went to find a place to print the contract.

At the urging of Zhao Wanqing, Xiao Yunhai wrote down all the lyrics and music and handed it to Wang Zhong. He needs to be accompanied tomorrow.

After signing the contract, the three left with Wang Zhong.

Out of the company, Zhao Wanqing said to Amy: "sister Amy, you go first, I have something to do with Yunhai."

Amy took a look at them and said meaningfully, "be careful of your discretion."

Xiao Yunhai came to Zhao Wanqing so late. They said that they were OK. She didn't believe Amy.

However, Amy is a member of Hanhai film and television group. As long as Zhao Wanqing is not too much, she will not go against her will.

After Amy left, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing talked while walking.

"In our relationship, do you still need to give me money?"

"Why are you so stupid. This money is from the company, not from me. Why don't you make money. In addition, the company will come to you these days to talk about the copyright of your two "three inch paradise" and "love's support". You can try your best and don't give me face. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "are you pickpockets. Let the people in your company know that you can't be angry with you. "

Zhao Wanqing pretended to be a stranger: "good, Xiao Yunhai. I'm doing it for you. You should say that to me."

"I think you're not just for me, but for yourself. The more I earn, I'll have to leave it to you in the end. Do you think so? "

Zhao Wanqing was very happy when she heard this, but she said, "that's not necessarily true. I can't hang on a tree. If there's a better one, maybe, hem. "

"I'll have to do it first."

At this time, the two have come to Xiao Yunhai's car.

Looking at no one around, Xiao Yunhai immediately hugged Zhao Wanqing, looked into her eyes affectionately, and said, "Wanqing, I love you."

Zhao Wanqing was still struggling, but after hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, she felt like the snow in winter and the scorching sun. She was immersed in Xiao Yunhai's eyes, and her body softened. Slowly, her lips met.

After kissing for two minutes, Xiao Yunhai released Zhao Wanqing.

Zhao Wanqing blushed and said angrily, "you rascal." Then he got into Xiao Yunhai's car.

Xiao Yunhai smiles, knowing that she is a little embarrassed, opens the door and starts the car.

Since it is more than one o'clock in the morning, both of them still have work tomorrow, so Xiao Yunhai just sent Zhao Wanqing back home. On the way, he said he had bought a villa and didn't take her there.

At nine o'clock the next day, Xiao Yunhai arrived at Yue Changting's office on time. At this time, there were five or six people sitting in his room.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai come in, Yue Changting pointed to him and said, "ladies and gentlemen, this is Xiao Yunhai, the songwriter of being."

As soon as his eyes brightened, a middle-aged man in his thirties and forties, with a full face, stood up, stretched out his hand to Xiao Yunhai, and said, "the name of emperor Yun, we are like thunder. I just didn't expect that your rock and roll skills are so high, "being" is really wonderful

Xiao Yunhai shook hands with him and said with a smile, "you are too flattering. I don't know who you are? "

The middle-aged man said, "I'm Cui Jinpeng, lead singer and guitarist of break band. These are all members of our break band, drummers Yang Ke and Li haiqian, keyboard players Wang Zhe and beShe Yufeng. Yesterday, I received a call from Mr. Yue, saying that we should be your band and go to jinzung Music Festival together. "

Lian Yueting said: "you should help the band in changyunting

Cui Jinpeng waved his hand and said, "to be able to perform in front of hundreds of millions of people at the Golden Cup Music Festival is definitely a good opportunity for us to become famous. We thank you for not having time. "

Yue Changting said: "all right, don't say polite words, and go to rehearse with me. There is only one or two days left. Don't lose the chain at that time, or you will lose your adult. "

On hearing this, they all nodded. Along with Yue Changting, he came to a singing room and began to rehearse nervously.

To say that the thunderbolt band really has two brushes. Each musician has his own unique skills, and they cooperate very well. Xiao Yunhai feels very comfortable singing.

Break band also found that this young man, known as the emperor of cloud, has no illustrious talent under his high reputation. His singing skills are first-class, his voice is surging and powerful, his high and middle bass are perfect and skillful. What's more, his emotion is full and his interpretation of the artistic conception of the song is incisive and incisive.Several people are masters of the music industry, only rehearsed once, they have a general understanding of their own level.

Cui Jinpeng gave Xiao Yunhai a thumbs up and said, "brother Xiao is very powerful. It's amazing that you can have such superb singing skills at a young age."

Other members of the thunderbolt band also looked at Xiao Yunhai with appreciative eyes.

"Xiao Haiyun won the prize. Without your cooperation, this effect can not be achieved just now. "

Yue Changting saw that the thunderbolt band and Xiao Yunhai cooperated so well that he was relieved and said, "OK, you can practice slowly. I have something to do. I'll go first. "

"Take your time, Miss Yue."

Yue Changting waved his hand and left the singing room.

Xiao Yunhai and the break band began two consecutive days of rehearsal, striving to be perfect.

Time flies by. In a flash, it's December 1, the grand opening day of Golden Cup Music Festival.

This grand award ceremony is held every year in the Grand Theater of Yanjing cultural center. Hundreds of musicians will come here. It takes two or three hours to walk on the red carpet.

The red carpet of golden cup award is not for everyone. Its requirements are very strict, the established stars must be above the second tier. Unless the popularity of those third tier stars is particularly high, they are not even qualified to enter the venue.

Xiao Yunhai needs to sing this time, so he has to go to rehearsal in advance.

Xiao Yunhai was in the morning of that day. She went with her. In addition to Su Yingxue, there was also the thunderbolt band.

Under the guidance of a staff member, they came to the stage where they would perform in the evening.

In addition to Xiao Yunhai, there are not a few artists present, but they are all heavenly king and queen class artists. Xiao Yunhai has no contact with them, so it is not easy to disturb them.

"Why, Yunhai, how did you come here? Do you have a show tonight? "

A voice with an obvious northeast accent came from behind Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai turned his head and found it was Yao Na, an old acquaintance. He was very happy and said, "Hello, sister Na. I also came to see the venue in advance, and I would like to sing a song in the evening. By the way, congratulations on your album sales. "

Yao Na's album was officially released a month ago. In a short month, it sold 9 million sales.

To this end, Yao Na also personally called Xiao Yunhai to express her gratitude, and invited him to attend the celebration banquet of album sales in the past. However, when it came to the most critical time for Xiao Yunhai to shoot "step by step thriller", the crew couldn't do without him, so she declined.

"It's not thanks to the" legend "you gave me. I directly made it into the main song and achieved very good results. I don't think you're going to play any drama in the future. It's only a matter of time before you become a superstar because of your talent in music. "

"Who is Lao Na talking about? That's a big tone. " It was Chen Huan, the godfather of Chinese music.

Xiao Yunhai rushed forward and said, "Miss Chen, long time no see."

Chen Huan shook hands with him and said with a smile, "I'm wondering who Laona thinks so much of. It's you. "

Yao Na said impolitely, "why, don't you agree?"

"Ha ha, of course I agree. With Yunhai's musical attainments, he can really reach that level. If you didn't have a sea of clouds to help you write that "legend", I estimated that it would be impossible to achieve a sales volume of 9 million

Chen Huan and Yao Na are old friends. They don't hide what they say.

But Yao Na was not angry, put her arm on Xiao Yunhai's shoulder and said with a proud smile to Chen Huan: "who let me have a good relationship with my brother?"

Su Yingxue is also very happy to see that Xiao Yunhai is so close to Chen Huan and Yao Na. In the entertainment industry, if you want to go too far, it is not enough to rely on talent alone. You should also manage relationships and build your own network.

Originally, she was also worried that Xiao Yunhai was too hard-natured to deal with interpersonal relationships. But seeing the situation in front of her, she was completely relieved.

Under the introduction of Chen Huan and Yao Na, Xiao Yunhai got to know several queen days who came to rehearsal. We are also very polite to the young man who is not humble or overbearing, and does not put on the airs of a big star.

Xiao Yunhai gave full play to what he had learned in the entertainment industry in his previous life, and soon became one with everyone.

After a while, ye Yongren also rushed over. Seeing Xiao Yunhai, he took his hand and couldn't help thanking him. Other queen of heaven heard that Xiao Yunhai wrote a classic song for ye Yongren, and paid more attention to Xiao Yunhai.

Now the rehearsal is mainly to get familiar with the performance venue and test the lighting and sound effects of the scene. If there is a companion dance, the dancers also need to master the space distance of the stage, so as not to know where to stand when dancing.

The rehearsal went very smoothly, and it was not difficult for these experienced empresses to perform on such occasions. They hold several concerts every year, and they have rich stage experience.Xiao Yunhai is a natural heart with a strong aura. With the help of Yao Na and others, he has learned a lot of stage experience and achieved perfect cooperation with the band, which has won unanimous praise from all. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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