Published at 11th of May 2022 05:21:00 AM

Chapter 1332

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Two days before the premiere of prison break, Wu Yifa called Xiao Yunhai again.

"Lao Xiao, the fire of the stell business network these days is a mess. If it goes on like this, our leading position will give up to others."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "what? Lao Wu, I'm worried. "

"I'm worried, of course. The number of registered people has reached 200 million, and the market share has reached more than 30%. We have a lot of members are dissatisfied with us, saying that our website is so expensive because of the same things. Well, our turnover is 40% lower than usual these days. Damn it, stell is too cruel

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "then why don't you fight price war with them? You know, they are losing money every day, and the current economic situation of the network company will not last long. "

"I'm not that stupid," Wu said. This is not a normal way to run a company. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "in this case, why do you tell me this? Lao Wu, don't pay attention to it. Although Epiphyllum is beautiful, it's just a beautiful night. "

Wu Yifa sighed and said, "I'm just complaining to you to relax. Watch it. I'll cut prices for all items for a month as soon as stell gets back to normal. We only charge 2% of the profit for each product. I'll see how they fight us. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "you boy, this move is really vicious enough. But I like it. "

Time flies. In the twinkling of an eye, to October 28, due to the time difference, "prison break" was the first broadcast in North America's Yunqing TV station. The audience rating climbed from 6% in the beginning to 15% in less than five minutes. In another 20 minutes, the audience rating directly exceeded 20%, breaking countless ratings records.

Word of mouth is even more popular, the score did not come down to nine points.

A few hours later, "prison break" landed on European Yunqing TV station, and its ratings never dropped from 10%. It has been breaking through the sky, reaching 30% of the horror, which is much stronger than that in North America, and its reputation is also excellent.

There is a difference of seven or eight hours in time difference between Europe and America and China. The horror ratings of prison break quickly spread throughout China, making the audience's expectation of prison break reach the extreme.

"Damn it, it's killing you. It's really amazing to see the ratings break 30 percent. "

"The emperor of cloud is the emperor of cloud. If you don't, you will have broken your eyeballs."

"The average ratings in America are 18% and 24% in Europe, which blinds my titanium dog eyes."

"I'm really looking forward to what kind of TV series Prison Break is that it can conquer audiences in Europe and America with just two episodes."

"Although there are still three hours to air, I have already put the TV on Yunqing TV station."

Countless netizens are waiting for the release of prison break.

At 7:30 p.m., Xiao Yunhai and Chen Zhan came to the data monitoring room of Yunqing TV station.

"Xiao Wang, what's the ratings now?" As soon as Chen Zhan stepped in, he asked.

He is free, and often comes here to see the ratings of the program, so he is very familiar with the staff in the data monitoring room.

Wang Tao said with a smile: "director, Mr. Xiao, today is a record. Just after the end of the news broadcast, the audience rating has risen to 7%, and now it is soaring at a geometric speed. It is estimated that the audience rating will break through 15% or even 20% within 8 o'clock. "

Chen Zhan nodded with satisfaction and said to Xiao Yunhai: "prison break has an average audience rating of 18% in North America and 24% in Europe, and its reputation is a mess. Huaxia is your base, with 700 million fans. How can you break through 30%

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "uncle, you really have confidence in me. Huaxia is the most competitive area in the TV industry in the world. My goal is only 20%. As for 30 percent, it's good to achieve it, but it doesn't matter if it doesn't. By the way, how do you set the cost of advertising? "

Chen Zhan, with a trace of pride on his face, said: "according to the practice of Yunqing TV station in North America, I have also made a detailed regulation on the exchange of ratings for advertising fees. Advertisers are flocking to this information. What's more, this is your TV series, the quality is guaranteed, so they can't wait to sign a contract with us without even watching it. If we can break through 30%, ha ha, the profit of this play will be at least twice as high as that of the previous "flower thousand bones."

Xiao Yunhai said: "isn't it that Yunqing TV station is going to become the richest TV station in China?"

Chen Zhan said with a smile: "now we are the richest. You didn't take away the money from huaqiangu and let the TV station have billions of production costs. With the 10 billion you left behind, we are much better than those entertainment companies. The whole entertainment industry is envious of us. "Speaking of these, Chen Zhan was very excited and said, "do you know how many TV dramas Yunqing has invested in in this short four months? Twenty two. There are all kinds of subjects. If we don't use cloud TV for half a year, we won't have TV series. I almost forgot that the crossover singer you mentioned is being recorded. Would you like to go and have a look? There are many friends in the entertainment industry that you have cooperated with. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "good. But let's wait for prison break to break 20 percent

Chen Zhan nodded and said, "good."

Time flies, "prison break" in the expectation of thousands of audiences, finally revealed its mysterious veil.

Different from the original, Xiao Yunhai's first shot is in a court where a solemn judge stands up and sentences Michael's brother to death, which will be executed half a month later.

Michael's face was unusually calm. He took a look at his brother and left.

Then he got tattoos and prepared for various prison breaks. During this period, he introduced many friends around his brother.

At the end of the first episode, Michael goes to a jewelry store near a police station, takes out his gun, shoots it into the air, and yells, "robbery."

Everyone in the store squatted down with their heads in their arms. Michael said to the helpless cashier, "call the police."

The cashier was stunned and couldn't believe his ears.

Michael fired another shot and said, "I told you to call the police."

At this time, the alarm has sounded, more than a dozen police from the car, rushed into the gold shop.

Michael threw down the snatch and crossed his fingers behind his head. Not only did he not resist, but he showed a mysterious and handsome smile on his face.

This is the end of the first episode. There is no nonsense in the lines.

During the first episode, the audience rating of Huaxia has been rising in a straight line. By the end of the episode, the highest ratings reached 35% of the horror. Although the average ratings have not been calculated, they are estimated to be about 25%.

At this time, there has been a storm on the Internet. Taking advantage of the ten minute advertising time, we have boarded the major well-known forums to discuss prison break.

"What is divine drama? I thought there would be no drama after langyabang. I didn't expect another one. You don't have to say anything, it's just good-looking. "

"I'm so fascinated by Michael. He's so handsome. In order to save his brother, he even drew a road map on his body. This idea is really amazing. "

"The editing of prison break is too sharp, the lines are not sloppy, every character appears, they are straight to the theme, there is no nonsense. No wonder emperor Yun said that the TV series will be shot according to the requirements of the film, which is really good-looking. "

"As before, yunhuang's TV series is brilliant in details, the pictures look very comfortable, and the dubbing priorities are perfect. It's just like watching a super long movie."

"It's over. How can I play games with prison break later in the evening? Yunhuang, can you broadcast one more episode every day? The broadcast of two episodes and two episodes is really unbearable. "

"I just want to say one word, support yunhuang, Yunqing TV station and their TV series Prison Break."

The Internet is full of praise, almost no bad comments, as in Europe and the United States, word-of-mouth is extremely good. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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