Published at 11th of May 2022 05:20:59 AM

Chapter 1333

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Xiao Yunhai opened a computer in the monitoring room that could access the Internet. After reading the forum, he had a smile on his face.

To his point, making movies and TV dramas is not just for fame and fortune, but more importantly for the recognition of everyone. This will make him very satisfied, which is also a kind of vanity.

Entering his home page and seeing the posts constantly emerging, Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment, and his fingers crackled with words. Soon a post was placed on his homepage.

"Thank you for your love of prison break. Your recognition is my greatest encouragement. I'd like to tell you a good news. The highest ratings of the first episode of prison break broke through 35%, and the average rating is estimated to be around 25%. This achievement is beyond my expectation. I don't know if it can break the record of Langya list. Thank you again. I believe the following story will be more satisfactory to you. "

Xiao Yunhai's post once again caused a huge storm.

"Damn it, the top ratings have broken 35 percent. This is the first episode. It's amazing. It's amazing."

"It seems that yunhuang makes more money in TV dramas than in movies. How much is the advertising fee for TV dramas with 35% audience rating. Damn it, Yunqing TV station has made a lot of progress

"What I want to know most now is whether the cloud emperor can break the ratings of langyabang."

The high reputation gained by prison break made those Internet addicted netizens turn on their TV sets and watch the second episode of prison break. In less than five minutes, I was completely attracted by the story.

I'm afraid that even if the "prison break" can get the highest score in the market after 40 minutes, even if it can't get the highest score in the market, even if it can't do so in the market.

The data monitoring room of Yunqing TV station was full of jubilation, and the staff clapped their hands happily.

Chen Zhan's face was full of smiles. He patted Xiao Yunhai on the shoulder and laughed: "Yunhai, you are still a good boy."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "uncle, since prison break has achieved such a good result and the TV station is booming, I think you can give us more bonus."

As soon as Xiao Yunhai's words came out, the voice of the data monitoring personnel suddenly stopped, and they all looked forward to Chen Zhan.

Chen Zhan pondered for a while and said, "then double the bonus of this month."


"Long live the president, long live the emperor."

The four staff cheered together.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "you should say long live the bonus."

The crowd laughed.

Xiao Yunhai said: "uncle, since the ratings of prison break have no need to worry about, let's go to the scene of" cross border singer. "

Chen Zhan nodded and said, "go, I'll take you there."

They came to the biggest studio of the TV station and sneaked in.

When Xiao Yunhai looked at the stage, he saw his old acquaintance, Yang Junsheng, who had cooperated in "step by step startle", playing the piano while singing Zhao Wanqing's "understanding". There were 1500 live audiences sitting under the stage, listening to them very fascinated.

It has to be said that although the rich second generation of Yazhou electronic technology company is a bit of a fool, the sound equipment he purchased in this studio he built is very good, and the surround stereo sound effect is very strong.

Yang Junsheng's singing skills can only be said to be above medium level, but his feelings are very rich. The whole person seems to be completely immersed in the music. Xiao Yunhai's excellent eyesight even saw the tears in his eyes.

Since "step by step startled", Yang Junsheng has stepped into the ranks of first-line stars and made a lot of film and television works. Unfortunately, both the box office and the audience rating of TV series are not very good.

Last year, Xiao Yunhai heard that he had broken up with his girlfriend who had been in love for many years. Even on the Internet, it was said that he couldn't stand the blow and went into seclusion, which made people speechless.

It's possible that the expression in this song is his true feelings, which makes them so emotional that many emotional female audience can't help crying.

A song closed, won countless applause on the scene.

Chen Zhan clapped his hands and whispered, "although it's not as good as Wan Qing's, it's already very good among the actors."

The host stepped onto the stage and asked everyone to take up the remote control in their hands to praise Yang Junsheng's singing.

The yellow lights on the field piece by piece, the red light is very few, it is obvious that his performance is very good.

The TV station invited three musicians with different styles as judges.

One is Wu Le'an, a five-star music critic in his forties. He is known for his strictness and his words are merciless.

One of Xiao Yunhai's old acquaintances, Hou Na, is very emotional and quick to judge. She often quarrels with Wu Le'an.

The third is Zhao Chuanqi, the star of film and song of Tianhua entertainment company. In the program, he is humorous and smooth. When Yao Na and Wu Le'an quarrel, they rely on him to adjust their contradictions.In this way, the good-looking degree of the program will also go up a step.

After listening to Chen Zhan's introduction, Xiao Yunhai said in a low voice: "uncle, who put forward this opinion? This kind of collocation is really very good."

Chen Zhan said with a smile: "Zhang Xiangdong of the planning department is now the Vice Minister of the planning department."

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's a talent."

As usual, Wu Le'an was not polite when he commented on Yang Junsheng's singing and said, "Xiao Yang, your interpretation of this song is better than that of the last time, but it is still not ideal. You sing too much to show your emotions. As your actors say, "it's the same thing that's over."

Yao Na rolled her eyes and said, "Miss Wu, can you say something nice? It is very good for Xiao Yang to have such a performance. It's too harsh for you to judge their actors by the standards of a professional singer. In your words, it's a little too much. Singing is for what, is to express feelings, Xiao Yang's singing gave me a great touch, this is enough. I believe that even if Wan Qing, the original singer, is here, she will applaud Xiao Yang. "

Wu Le'an said: "teacher Yao, Xiao Yang's singing..."

in this way, they quarreled again.

Zhao Chuanqi felt that the heat was almost over, so he interrupted their argument and said, "you guys, it's really meaningless to make such a noise. It's useless for you to argue and quarrel, but it doesn't count. Xiao Yang's singing is better in emotion and skills. Actually, I'm quite interested in the story behind the "understanding". Xiao Yang, do you know the origin of this song

Yang Jun nodded and said, "I know. The original singing of this song is Miss Zhao Wanqing, and the writer is Mr. Xiao Yunhai. It is said that this is the first song written by Mr. Xiao for Miss Zhao. It is said that it is a termination of Mr. Xiao's feelings in the past, so this song is full of sadness. Mr. Xiao's infatuation moved Miss Zhao very much, which led to the later world-famous yunhuangqinghou couple. I didn't ask them about the specific situation. After all, it involves personal privacy. "

Zhao Chuanqi is very gossipy and turns to ask: "Mr. Yao, you and Mr. Xiao, Miss Zhao have a good relationship. Should you know the true origin of this song?"

Yao Na said: "I think it's better to highlight the results. What's the matter of Chen sesame and rotten millet

Zhao Chuanqi said, "you are not right. The more such a thing is, the more interested everyone is, not to mention the secrets of Mr. Xiao and Miss Zhao. If you don't believe it, do you want to know? "

"Yes." They all cried out in unison.

Even Wu Le'an opened his mouth and said, "Mr. Yao, anyway, our program is not in a hurry. Talk about it."

Yao Na said with a wry smile, "you are really good. Well, let me make it clear that you forced me to. If Yunhai Wanqing asks me to settle accounts, I won't admit it

"Don't worry, Mr. Yao. You don't want to think about it. We are recording on his TV station? If you can improve the ratings of the program through this story, maybe Mr. Xiao will thank you , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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