Published at 11th of May 2022 05:20:56 AM

Chapter 1335

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"I thought I would retaliate, but I didn't. When I saw that the man I loved was helpless like a child, it was a kind of understanding. Let you see yourself clearly, being loved is luxury happiness, but you never care

If you put it in the past, Xiao Yunhai would certainly use the sound of crying in this place, but this time he did not. Instead, he chose to live a dull life. However, every time he went through the ups and downs, he hit the weakest string in people's hearts, which made people feel sad.

Compared with Yang Junsheng's "understanding", Xiao Yunhai's version is obviously too much stronger, without too much decoration and emotional expression, but it's so smooth that countless people shed tears.

Just like a good cook, using cabbage and tofu, which has no characteristics to cook a good dish, has reached the realm of "hair Pu GUI Zhen".

At this time, the piano sound of Xiao Yunhai rises leisurely, let this sentiment become more intense.

"Ah, that's the end of a relationship. Ah, one heart looks desolate. If our love is wrong, may you and I have not suffered in vain, and if we have given it sincerely, we should be satisfied. "

When singing "if our love is wrong", Xiao Yunhai's voice raised a tune, making the song more powerful,

finally reached the high. In the tidal part, Xiao Yunhai opened his voice, like a volcano eruption, like a flood, giving people a sense of earthshaking.

"Oh, what a painful understanding, you were all to me. It's just that when I look back on every step of the road, I'm lonely. Oh, what a painful understanding, you were all to me. I only wish you to break free from the shackles of love and love, and don't suffer for love any more. "

The rhythm of the piano accompanied by singing makes Xiao Yunhai's voice like a flood. Waves of waves rush into the hearts of the audience. The whole song reaches a high level in emotion. The strong feelings contained in the song remind Yao Na of the events of that year and cry bitterly.

Yang Junsheng was also deeply touched on the stage and couldn't help but burst into tears.

More people shed tears in the audience.

It has to be said that Xiao Yunhai's singing skills have improved significantly compared with last year.

"... ah, what a painful understanding, you were all I had, but when I look back on every step of the way, I have walked a good lonely... The bondage of love, chase at will, do not suffer for love again."

In the second paragraph, Xiao Yunhai breaks out completely, and the infectious voice makes the whole song incisively and vividly, with strong feelings. No matter from any aspect, they are perfect.

There is only one piano and no other accompaniment. If there is an excellent band, I'm afraid it can sing and cry all over China. Even so, still let people listen to choking, as if to see a feeling of extreme trauma of a man, there desperate singing.

After a song was finished, all the people clapped their hands and stood up. The applause and cheers resounded throughout the scene.

Xiao Yunhai smiles and bows to everyone, causing more cheers.

"Sounds of nature. This song of emperor Yun broke my heart

"There is no harm without comparison. Yang Junsheng is already a good singer, but compared with the emperor, I feel like it's a million miles away. "

"Emperor Yun's interpretation of this song has reached an extreme, let alone compared with Yang Junsheng. Even Zhao Wanqing, the original singer, did not express his strong feelings to the extreme."

"I finally believe that the emperor has been hurt emotionally. Otherwise, how could he sing like this. And that woman must be Xu Qianqian. It's estimated that she's all green now. "

As the applause died out, Wu Le'an, the music critic, made a comment first.

"This is my first time to listen to Mr. Xiao's live singing. If I use one word to describe it, I would like to use the four words" return to nature ". Music is to convey the artistic conception of the song to the audience perfectly through the singer's singing. Obviously, Mr. Xiao has done this without any skill. Even the accompaniment is just a piano. It's really great. "

Yao Na snorted and laughed, "Miss Wu, am I wrong? How can you flatter me?"

Wu Le'an said with a smile: "good is good, and bad is bad. I'm just telling the truth. Mr. Yao, I want to tell you something bad. The makeup on your face is crying. "

Yao Na a Leng, then ah of a, took out the mirror, looked at.

See the face of some of the makeup really spent, quickly stand up, to the backstage makeup to go.

There was a burst of laughter.

Zhao Chuanqi said: "Xiao Yang, it's the same song. After listening to Mr. Xiao's singing, what's your feeling in your heart?"

Yang Junsheng gave a bitter smile and said: "there is no way to compare it. Whether it is singing or emotional expression, the gap is frightening. The fourth brother is really amazing. "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "please stop praising me. Although I am thick skinned, I can't withstand your repeated attacks. ""Ha ha ha."

After a few gags with the crowd, Xiao Yunhai left the stage in the applause of everyone.

Chen Zhan saw him and said with a smile: "Yunhai, what you are singing with" understanding "is something different. It's so powerful that you deserve to be the king of the night of the singer."

Xiao Yunhai said: "forget it, uncle. Now I don't know what kind of happiness you have in mind. Should prison break be over now? "

Chen Zhan nodded and said, "it's over. Just now they called me, and the ratings broke through 44%, which is much better than we expected. This should be the audience foundation laid by Langya bang for you. In addition, prison break is really wonderful. This is the good result. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I can finally have a rest. I believe that when the actors of prison break will participate in the interview program tomorrow night, I believe the ratings should not be too low. "

Xiao Yunhai came to Feicheng not only for the ratings of prison break, but also for the interview with Yunqing TV station.

As the creators of prison break are not well-known in China, Xiao Yunhai only held a few press conferences in several cities before the publicity.

Now it's not the same. The ratings of the first two episodes have reached 44%, which means that at least 600 million people in Huaxia have watched the TV play. It can be imagined that their popularity is very high.

That night, Xiao Yunhai went back to his grandfather, took a hot bath, chatted with Zhao Wanqing for a while, and then went to bed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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