Published at 11th of May 2022 05:20:55 AM

Chapter 1336

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The next day, on the official website of Huaxia Yunqing TV station, a big red banner floated around on the website, which was very conspicuous.

"Warmly celebrate the highest ratings of prison break breaking through 44.7%, with an average rating of 31.2%."

See such a result, netizens are completely crazy.

"The reappearance of emperor Yun's divine drama has finally been seen in the evening."

"More than 30 percent of the average audience rating, which is to scare people to death."

"In the past two episodes," prison break "is much higher than" Langya Bang ", and the emperor is powerful."

"The emperor of cloud is the emperor of cloud. It's a bull."

Various well-known media have also published the situation of prison break.

"Prison break" premiered with a rating of over 40%, and the cloud emperor created a miracle again. "

"After" Langya Bang ", yunhuang TV's masterpiece prison break reached a new high with an average audience rating of 31.2%, setting a new record for Chinese TV."

"Prison break" takes over "Langya Bang", and Emperor Yun ascends to the top of the TV series king. "

In addition to netizens, media, China television industry is a burst of wail.

Director of Jiangsu TV station: "too cruel. The average rating of prison break is 31.2%, which indicates that the ratings of other TV stations are completely destroyed. A martial arts drama broadcast in prime time originally had a ratings of 0.84%. As soon as prison break was released, the ratings dropped to 0.21%. It is estimated that this evening's decline will be even more severe. "

Director of CCTV TV drama channel: "I saw the first two episodes of prison break from the beginning to the end. It was really wonderful, just like watching a super long film. Mr. Xiao is worthy of being the king of Chinese TV dramas. With the quality of prison break, other TV stations want to compete with it. Basically, there is no possibility of winning. I dare to guess that the audience rating of this play is likely to surpass Langya bang in China and impact on the water margin

Many TV drama directors who originally scheduled the schedule saw that the man in prison break blocked the killing, and the Buddha blocked the momentum of killing Buddha. They all adjusted the broadcast time one by one.

A director, with a sad face, said: "the audience rating of 44% is equivalent to killing all the viewers watching TV in the evening of China. How can we compete with it. In any case, I will never put my hard-working drama on at this juncture. Isn't it for death? "

Not to mention a third line director like him. Even Hong Tianzao, the first-line director, has adjusted the broadcast date of his new play "the secret history of Empress Wu".

In an interview, Hong Tianchi said: "yes, I delayed the broadcast time of Wu Zetian's secret history just to avoid prison break. It's nothing to be ashamed of. With Yunhai's talent, whether it's a movie or a TV series, I won't compete with him. It's just looking for abuse. "

"I saw prison break. No matter from the picture, music, plot, lines, it is completely in accordance with the film model, such a play no director can compare with it. I bet that prison break will break the record of outlaws of the marsh

The whole of China was captured by prison break, and people almost discussed it when they met.

In addition to China, the ratings of other Asian countries and regions have also come out. The average ratings are 13% of the lowest and 34% of the highest, which are beyond words.

In this way, prison break is a global hit.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Xiao Yunhai and Chen Zhan arrived at the airport to welcome the chief creators of prison break.

Their interview with Yunqing TV station this evening has long been spread on the Internet.

After finding out the flight they were in, all the reporters came to the airport and waited for their arrival.

Fans also came to a lot, one by one excited, some of them came in groups, and put out a huge banner with the words "Michael, I love you."

Since prison break has only two episodes, most of the actors have not come out yet. Only Michael, played by Scott bloom, has won everyone's love by virtue of his Movie Empire performance. Therefore, everyone comes for him.

Looking at thousands of reporters and fans in front of him in the car, Xiao Yunhai sighed: "uncle, I will not go down. You'd better contact the airport and find more security guards to protect them from accidents. "

Chen Zhan nodded, took out his mobile phone and called the airport service desk.

Ten minutes later, Xiao Yunhai saw the four main creators of prison break appear outside the airport under the escort of a group of airport security guards.

There was a scream, and the cameras and cameras in the reporters' hands were all in action. The flash lights were so bright that they could blind people's eyes.

It took half an hour for them to escape the reporters and get into the car.

The car moved slowly. Xiao Yunhai, who was sitting in the co driver's seat, was very happy when he saw their excited appearance. He turned his head and said, "it seems that you don't hate to be interviewed by reporters."

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's voice, people found that Xiao Yunhai was also in the car.Louis laughed and said, "boss, we've been in Hollywood for so many years. We've made it through your prison break. Can't you be excited? I used to walk on the street, no one knew me, wanted to make a name for a newspaper and give them money. But now, the reporters are chasing us. It's just so cool. "

"Boss? Louis, have you decided to join us in marvel Xiao Yunhai heard Louis call himself boss, can't help but asked happily.

"Of course. According to our agreement, prison break has an average rating of more than 10%, and we're going to join marvel. Judging from the situation, 10% is obviously no problem. So I'll ask the boss to take good care of it. "

Louis learned Chinese customs and arched the hand.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "that's really good."

"Boss, is prison break very popular in China?" asked Scott bloom

They flew in from Los Angeles for a full fifteen or six hours, so they didn't know about the premiere of prison break in Asia.

When Xiao Yunhai heard that China's audience rating had reached 31.2%, people were stunned and couldn't believe their ears.

Scott bloom took a hard swallow and said, "boss, do you mean that at least 500 million people in China have watched prison break?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. Ladies and gentlemen, "prison break" has just begun to be broadcast on TV, but it has become popular all over the world. Your face will be seen by more than two billion people around the world every night. Ha ha, as long as the brokerage company publicizes it a little, there is absolutely no problem with the status of the world's first-line stars. Scott, as the main character, should not be paid less than those 40 million, no, now is the king of 60 million clubs

Louis patted Scott bloom on the shoulder and said, "scot, you're so lucky. It's so enviable to reach the highest point of Hollywood actors with just one TV play. Boss, why don't you let me play the leading role? My acting skills are also good. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Lewis, I admit your acting skills are really very good, not under Scott. Unfortunately, your face is too modest. If you are allowed to play the leading role, I'm afraid no one will like to watch it. "


"Ha ha ha."

There was a lot of laughter in the car.

Louis touched his face and said, "am I ugly? No, I think it's similar to Scott. "

Scott said with a wry smile, "Louis, I can only say that you are so ignorant of yourself."

Talking and laughing, people came to a hotel near the TV station and arranged their accommodation. They had a beautiful Chinese dinner. Seeing that the time was almost over, they came to the TV station.

After Chen Zhan took over the post of director of Yunqing TV station, Wang Lan, an excellent host of Jiangsu and Zhejiang TV station, invested a lot of money to set up a star interview program called "here comes the big shot.".

The ratings of the first two issues were very good. The first phase invited the creators of huaqiangu, and the second phase invited several stars from cross boundary singer. This is the third issue.

Because they are all big men who don't stick to the details, they just put on some make-up. After communicating with Wang Lan, the beauty host, the preparatory work is finished. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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