Published at 11th of May 2022 05:20:52 AM

Chapter 1338

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The live time of the show "here comes the big shot" is one hour, with 10 minutes of advertising time in between.

In this 50 minutes, Wang Lan asked more than 30 questions, taking into account every creative person.

Xiao Yunhai is very satisfied with her host, and the fire control is perfect.

The audience rating of "here comes the big shot" was also very good, with the highest rating of 33% and the average rating of 24%.

The following days, "prison break" is still in a mess all over the world, and the ratings are getting higher and higher every day.

Robert calculated for Xiao Yunhai. According to the contract, the advertising cost of prison break is about 400 million US dollars every day. That is to say, with the first round of advertising expenses alone, Xiao Yunhai will get 10 billion dollars. If you include the second round, the third round and the future Internet download fees, it is likely to exceed 15 billion US dollars, much more than the movie.

When prison break swept the world, Xiao Yunhai came to Yazhou electronic technology company headquarters.

Accompanied by Xia Fujun, Xiao Yunhai saw the mobile phone they developed in the R & D room.

The mobile phone has a grand appearance and beautiful appearance. The screen is almost five inches. Xiao Yunhai played the game with it, and it runs very fast.

"Mr. Xia, how much memory does this phone have? How long can this speed last? There will not be more and more cards used, right? " Xiao Yunhai put down his mobile phone and asked.

Xia Fujun said with a smile: "Mr. Xiao, don't worry. We have already done the experiment. Even if there are more than 60% of the mobile phone with 64g memory, the speed will not be reduced, and the phenomenon of more and more cards will not appear in three years. Three years later, it's hard to say. After all, everything has a certain usage time. "

"Three years? Then there's no problem. Generally speaking, it's good for us to use a mobile phone for two years. Mr. Xia, when are you going to launch the new rice grain mobile phone Xiao Yunhai asked.

Xia Fujun said: "our preliminary plan is December 12. At that time, not only mobile phones, but also tablet computers will be launched together. Mr. Xiao, we hope you and Miss Zhao Wanqing can be the spokesmen of the new rice grain series of electronic products

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "OK. Just let me know when you need to shoot an ad

After staying in Yazhou electronic technology company for an afternoon, Xiao Yunhai had a big drink with his grandfather in the evening, and then returned to Yanjing by plane.

When I got home, it was already one o'clock in the morning. Xiao Yunhai did not disturb his wife and children's sleep. He simply washed and found a bedroom to sleep.

The next morning, Xiao Yunhai got up and punched outside.

Seeing her mother Chen Xiuzhu also doing morning exercises in the yard, she hurriedly walked over.

"When did you come back? Why don't I know? " Chen Xiuzhu asked as she practiced boxing.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I didn't get home until 1:00 this morning. It was mainly because my grandfather had to let me drink with him last night. I had to drink until more than eight o'clock, and then I went to the airport. "

"How is your grandfather?"

"Well. In addition to playing chess with Mr. Li, he goes to the construction site to see the progress of the school, and sometimes even helps with his work. Ha ha, I'm so busy every day. Yesterday, I drank two catties of liquor and six catties of beef. I'm much better than the young man. "

"That's good. As long as your grandfather is in good health and in a good mood, I will be at ease. How is his school going? "

"It will be finished in two months. My uncle has already contacted the orphanages all over Feicheng, and the vice principal has also found him. He is the director of an orphanage. My grandfather is going to start school after the new year. Then he will have work to do. "

Chen Xiuzhu nodded and said with a smile, "I have to say, it's good to have money. What your grandfather wants to do most in his life is to carry forward Kung Fu. In the past, at most, he set up a Xingyi Taiji gate to teach several students. But now that he has money, he has directly set up a martial arts school. He can teach hundreds of people to learn martial arts. It can be said that it is a change of gun from bird to gun. It is strange that he is not happy. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Mom, it used to be that money could make the ghost move the mill. Now don't say that the ghost can push the mill. Even if it's grinding, it's OK."

Chen Xiuzhu snorted and said, "money is enough to spend. Too much. It's a disaster. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "Mom, your meaning is clear to my son. When my career stabilizes, I will focus on philanthropy and use all the money I earn to help those poor people, so as to help the world at the same time. What do you say? "

Chen Xiuzhu patted his head and said with satisfaction, "this is my good son. It's getting late. The two children should be up in half an hour. You are not at home all the year round. You don't have to make a big breakfast for their brothers and sisters

Xiao Yunhai said, "I will go now."

When he came to the kitchen, Xiao Yunhai opened the super large refrigerator at home and looked at it. There was nothing short of meat, vegetables, eggs and milk in it. But Xiao Yunhai thought for a long time and didn't think of what to do.He suddenly felt that his father's cooking was too unqualified. He didn't even cook a meal for his child.

"In any case, make them something delicious today." Xiao Yunhai thought of it with shame.

Since I don't know what children eat, I'll check it online.

After careful screening, Xiao Yunhai finally decided to make shrimp egg dumplings and spinach bean curd soup.

While he was busy cooking, Zhao Wanqing and his two children got up.

Hearing the sound in the kitchen, Zhao Wanqing curiously walked over and saw Xiao Yunhai making dumplings with egg skin. She could not help laughing and said, "husband, what are you going to do? Can I help you? "

Xiao Yunhai didn't lift his head and said, "no need. Wife, you take care of the children. Today I'll be the chef. We'll have breakfast together later

Zhao Wanqing agreed and walked away.

Half an hour later, Xiao Yunhai came out with a plate of dumplings in his left hand and a large bowl of spinach soup in his right hand.

"Tengyang, Jinyu, what's your father doing for you?"

When the two children heard Xiao Yunhai's voice, they all flashed their dark eyes and looked at Xiao Yunhai.

After a long time, this just recognized who this person was in front of him, and they all cried out for their father.

Xiao Yunhai's happy eyes narrowed into a slit. He gave them a good kiss on their faces and said, "come on, baby, let's eat delicious food."

Take the two children to their respective small table, Xiao Yunhai with a spoon and chopsticks, clumsily feed up.

Seeing that they seem to like to eat their own food, Xiao Yunhai's heart suddenly surges a huge sense of satisfaction, which is more fierce than prison break's popularity in the world.

Zhao Wanqing, who came out of the washing room, looked at the dumplings and soup made by Xiao Yunhai and said, "husband, did you learn from the Internet?"

Xiao Yunhai said triumphantly, "yes. Look, tengyang and Jinyu love to eat. Come on, wife. Come and eat with me

Zhao Wanqing said, "well, let me have a taste of your craft. How about it?"

After eating only one dumpling, Zhao Wanqing couldn't stand it any more and said, "forget it, I'd better go and make something else."

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and said, "is it hard to eat? I tasted it and thought it was OK

Zhao Wanqing said: "you don't know. I'm allergic to shrimp."

Xiao Yunhai remembered this and said: "wife, I'm sorry, I just care about cooking for the children. I forget you don't eat shrimp. So, you feed the baby, and I'll make you something else to eat. "

Zhao Wanqing shook her head and said, "it's hard for you to feed your child once. I'll do it. You can't eat enough for a bucket like you. "

Come to the kitchen, Zhao Wanqing pingpang up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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