Published at 11th of May 2022 05:20:48 AM

Chapter 1341

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Just as he and Zhao Wanqing were busy rehearsing, "prison break" continued to wreak havoc all over the world, and the ratings were still climbing even though the ratings had reached the limit. The average ratings in Asia exceeded 25% and the highest in China, reaching 29%. Both the highest ratings and the average ratings surpassed Langya and outlaws of the marsh, becoming the highest monument in the history of Chinese TV.

Europe and the United States are in a mess. The average ratings in North America broke through 30% in mid November, while those in Europe are a little bit short of 29%. However, I believe that 30% will be OK before the final.

It can be said that the whole November is the world of prison break. All the TV stations are howling, and I don't know how many times Xiao Yunhai has been scolded.

Even MGM's Kerry called and scolded him fiercely. Because of prison break, the ratings of China MGM TV station he was in charge of continued to create a new low, which has not been so miserable since its inception.

With such a good audience rating, Yunqing TV station is making a big profit. Originally, it was estimated that the revenue of more than 10 billion US dollars has made a big step directly. It is a certainty that more than 20 billion will be settled. The next thing is to see the ratings of the second round. If we can still surpass 10%, then 30 billion dollars will no longer be a dream.

A TV series with a revenue of 30 billion US dollars is almost frightening to death.

All of the actors in prison break joined marvel as Hollywood first-line actors.

As soon as the contract was signed, the brokerage company gave them a lot of scripts and asked them to choose the characters in them. This almost made people faint.

With only a week left before Yunqing's concert, Li Tianlai, the boss of Tianlai records company, found them.

Xiao Yunhai saw his hesitation and said with a smile, "Mr. Li, what's wrong? You can say it directly. There's nothing I'm sorry about."

Li Tianlai said with a bitter smile: "Mr. Xiao, I really can't help it. The two had no agents, so the bosses of those music companies called me, hoping to let their singers perform at their concerts, so as to accumulate popularity. Now there are more than 20 singers from the second tier and above. I really can't help it. I came here to discuss with you what to do? "

Xiao Yunhai's and Zhao Wanqing's concerts not only have a huge impact on the fans, but also in the music circle. Countless singers hope to be their singing guests.

Because everyone knows very well that their concert will be broadcast live on Yunqing TV station. No one can say how high the audience rating will be at that time. Anyway, 10% is OK.

If you can perform on such a platform, it is much better than participating in parties or other activities, which will greatly help their popularity.

Therefore, those singers above the second tier began to look for relationships. Since Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing had no agents, they found Li Tianlai, the organizer.

If it's a general singer, Li Tianlai will decide in one word.

However, Xiao Yunhai, the world's richest man in the world, did not nod his head and gave Li Tianlai ten courage to make decisions.

In fact, Xiao Yunhai didn't encounter Li Tianlai's problems. His father-in-law, Zhao Mingsheng, called him several times, which was also a choking matter.

Xiao Yunhai didn't feel embarrassed. After discussing with Zhao Wanqing, he agreed to all of them.

They said that they would invite more singers. Since everyone came uninvited, it saved him a lot of things.

However, Xiao Yunhai is not accepted by everyone. He has set a standard that he must be a second-line singer or above, and he must have his own famous works.

To the concert, also must sing his classic works, Xiao Yunhai does not want to let a mouse excrement ruin his pot of good porridge.

Therefore, hearing Li Tianlai's words, Xiao Yunhai said his request and said, "Mr. Li, our concert will not be limited to two hours. As long as the fans are willing to listen, even four hours doesn't matter. You send me a copy of the names of the singers and the songs they are going to perform. As long as the songs are good, that's OK

Li Tianlai said happily, "that's great. All the people who called me were old friends, and I couldn't say no

Xiao Yunhai said: "I understand. Entertainment circle is the relationship circle, which is really hard to deal with. Sometimes it can be very difficult. To tell you the truth, my father-in-law put five people in for me, and other good friends in the circle put seven for me. With more than ten of you and ten guests I invited personally, on average, there are only seven or eight in each show. At that time, we can extend the time of the concert

Li Tianlai nodded and said, "thank you for your understanding. I will pass on the song they want to sing to you."

After Li Tianlai left, Zhao Wanqing, who had never spoken, said, "honey, it seems that one of our concerts will last at least three hours."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "even if it is four hours, what can it do. As long as the fans are happy. Wife, you don't need to take care of these things. I'll take charge of them. You don't seem to be familiar with those new songs. You need to work harderZhao Wanqing glanced at him and said, "it's not all you blame. I just asked you to write a few new songs. You're good enough to produce 18 songs, enough to release two albums. I don't know how your brain grows. It's just amazing

Xiao Yunhai said: "wife, it doesn't matter. If you don't like it, you should sing two songs less."

Without thinking about it, Zhao Wanqing said, "no way. I like all these songs. I have to sing them. Husband, in your first concert, you made a new song into an album, selling tens of millions of copies. Have you ever thought about releasing the new songs of this concert into an album? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "of course I have. After the concert, we will make these 18 songs into a super long album to be released around the world. I believe the sales volume should be very good. How about all the money we've donated? "

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "good."

Time flies, "prison break" after a month of broadcast, finally on November 28, successfully ended.

According to statistics, the final global average audience rating of prison break is 23% and the highest rating is 55%. It has become the most successful TV series in the history of film and television.

The advertising revenue of prison break was also calculated. After taking into account the production, publicity and entertainment taxes, Yunqing finally earned 17.8 billion US dollars. Compared with Xiao Yunhai's "2012", they have to earn much more.

Things like this can't be concealed. The next day, the whole world will know about it.

Time magazine changed its cover to Xiao Yunhai. Other financial magazines also reported him and prison break.

A TV series made a profit of 17.8 billion US dollars in the first round, which almost scared people to death.

Other TV stations gave a sigh of relief, waiting left and right, and prison break was finally finished.

In this month, they have been living like a year, using countless ways to improve the ratings of their TV stations, but in front of prison break, they have no effect at all.

Now that "prison break" is over, many TV station directors are calling friends to have a good celebration.

What they didn't expect was that prison break was so good-looking that countless viewers who wanted to review it left messages in the hope that Yunqing TV station could broadcast it again in prime time at night, which has never happened in the history of European and American television.

Albert and Chen Zhan held a short video conference with Xiao Yunhai, and they agreed to the audience's request. Yunqing TV broadcast prison break again in prime time, and it was three episodes a night.

When the news came out, the prison break fans ran around happily.

The first three episodes of prison break were replayed that night, with 10% of the lowest ratings. Although it was far less than the first round, it was still extremely strong compared with other TV stations.

Many TV station directors look at the ratings report and want to cry without tears. People's ratings in the second round are much higher than their own. How can human feelings stand.

"Prison break" matters, Xiao Yunhai all left to Albert and Chen Zhan, he put all his energy on the concert. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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