Published at 11th of May 2022 05:20:46 AM

Chapter 1342

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Soon, on December 2, Yanjing Yunqing world tour began in Yanjing workers' Gymnasium.

This day is known as the most congested day of traffic in Yanjing. The traffic police also know that tens of thousands of people will come to watch yunhuangqing's concert in Yanjing today. Since 6:00 a.m., all major traffic arteries have been filled with traffic police on duty, for fear of problems.

But even so, the road of Yanjing is still blocked.

A young traffic policeman, who took half an hour to evacuate the vehicles, wiped the sweat on his face and said, "Captain, the charm of the cloud is too great. Looking at this situation, it seems that there are 30% more vehicles than yesterday. "

The captain said with a smile: "two years ago, Mr. Xiao held a concert, and we were not ready. Yanjing was immediately blocked. Now it's Mr. and Mrs. Xiao holding a concert together, the appeal of which has doubled in an instant. Fortunately, the workers' gymnasium can only hold 120000 people, otherwise the traffic in Yanjing will be paralyzed. Xiao Wang, to tell you the truth, have you got any tickets? "

Xiao Wang said with a sad face: "I spent more than 8000 three days ago and got two yellow cattle tickets. If it wasn't for my girlfriend, I wouldn't have spent the money

"Wronged money?" The captain snorted coldly and said, "you boy, don't be in good luck. I tell you, today's scalper ticket has increased to more than 10000, and there is still a price but no market. If you like, I'll give you fifteen thousand. You can sell me these two tickets, and my husband and I will go and see them. "

Xiao Wang quickly shook his head and said, "that's not good. Captain, you have a wife. I'm still alone. After watching yunhuangqing's concert this evening, maybe I will take her down as soon as my girlfriend is happy. "

"You boy... I wish you success."

After that, the captain sighed again and said, "Mr. Xiao is the richest man in the world. It is very difficult to find time to hold a concert. Miss this time, I don't know when they will hold it again. "

Xiao Wang said with reverence: "yes. Being a star can do Mr. Xiao's job. It's really unprecedented and there will be no future. "

After less than five minutes, the road was again blocked by a large truck.

I can't help it. The traffic in Yanjing is like this. It's not much better until 7 o'clock that night. Because at this time, everyone has already arrived at the workers' Stadium.

With only an hour to go before the start of the concert, the stadium is already packed with people inside and outside.

There are countless fans of men and women, some carrying banners, some with fluorescent sticks, some with billboards, walking in groups to the venue.

The concert has brought great pressure on the police who maintain public security. A total of 120000 people are careless, which will lead to great disaster. They can't help but neglect it.

There were more than 300 policemen alone, and there were even dozens of explosion-proof armed police, fully armed, waiting for orders all the time, in order to put an end to all accidents.

Yesterday, director Du of Yanjing police station called Xiao Yunhai in person to discuss the safety of the concert. He said that even a vice national leader had been involved in this matter, which was the first time among artists in China.

Xiao Yunhai also felt that he was somewhat sorry for the police on duty. He told director Du that Xiao Yunhai would personally give 1000 yuan to the police who participated in the security work of the concert.

Xiao Yunhai's and Zhao Wanqing's concerts were broadcast live by Yunqing TV station. Because most of the songs are Chinese songs, they only cover China and other Asian countries.

The reporters of Yunqing TV station have already come to the gymnasium armed.

Just after the news broadcast on TV, the screen switched to the scene.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I'm wang Sihui, the host of Yunqing TV station." A slender, dignified and elegant beauty host appeared in front of the TV, introducing the century concert.

"Do you know where I am now? Yes, I'm just outside our Yanjing worker's Gymnasium. See the crowd behind me? I tell you, since 6:30, the fans have arrived here, in groups of small groups to walk inside the stadium. This concert jointly held by Mr. Xiao Yunhai and Miss Zhao Wanqing can be said to be a great attraction. There will be 120000 live audiences to watch this concert tonight. This is very busy. Our hard-working police are sweating and tired. "

"Next, let's interview a policeman to see what they are feeling now."

Wang Sihui took two steps and randomly found a young policeman in his twenties who was maintaining order there. He said, "how do you feel now, big brother of the police?"

The young policeman was a little shy. When he saw this beautiful female reporter, his face turned red and became a monkey's buttocks, but he still answered her question.

"It feels like a lot of responsibility. We know that there are 120000 fans coming to the concert of Mr. Xiao and Miss Zhao. With so many people, the safety protection work is naturally very troublesome. So we started to make various plans and formulate measures three days ago to prevent accidents. In particular, the stampede incident is the top priority for us to strictly guard against it. Our goal is to make sure that this evening's concert is absolutely safe. "Although the young policeman had no voice, he spoke in a systematic and orderly manner.

Wang Sihui asked, "do you like the songs of Mr. Xiao and Miss Zhao? Are you a fan of them? "

The young policeman's eyes lit up and said, "of course. Not only me, but also my colleagues are their fans. Mr. Xiao and Miss Zhao's songs are our favorite songs. Almost everyone can sing them. Therefore, after receiving the task this time, we are very happy and happy. Oh, I'm sorry. I have to work. "

Wang Sihui nodded and said, "thank you for your interview. Audience friends, do you hear me? Even Yanjing's police brothers like yunhuangqing's songs. It's really amazing. "

"Hello, beauty. Can I interview you?" Wang Sihui saw a hot and hot girl and quickly stopped her.

"Of course." The hot girl is very generous. She agrees and waves to the camera.

Wang Sihui said, "are you a fan of Mr. Xiao or Miss Zhao?"

"Of course, it's a fan of yunhuang," she said bluntly. I like his people and his works very much. As for Qinghou, I like her songs, but I don't like her people, because she has taken away my cloud emperor

When Wang Sihui heard this, he was directly happy and said, "you really dare to say anything. Are you afraid that your boyfriend is not happy?"

"I don't have a boyfriend yet," she said with a smile. Because I want to find a boyfriend like emperor Yun, even if it's only one tenth of him. "

Wang Sihui asked, "what songs do you like to hear them sing?"

Without thinking about it, the hot girl replied, "any kind of song is good. Because the product of emperor Yun must be a fine product. As long as it's his song, there's nothing bad to hear. What are you looking forward to most? Then I might say it's a new song

Wang Sihui said, "OK, thank you for your interview."

Next, Wang Sihui interviewed 45 consecutive people, including handsome men in their twenties, students in their twenties, and middle-aged people in their forties. Everyone spoke highly of Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing.

In addition, Wang Sihui also interviewed the ambulance team, which was full of 50 vehicles. The doctors were all in it.

Seeing that the time was almost over, Wang Sihui said: "the audience friends in front of the TV set, most of the 120000 fans have arrived at the scene, and the police and the hospital have made full preparations. I believe that this party of Mr. Xiao and Miss Zhao will be very successful. This is our live report. I'm wang Sihui. Thank you for watching. "

As soon as the voice fell, the picture immediately turned to the inside of the worker's gymnasium, where countless fans had been seated.

Everyone was so excited that they couldn't help shaking the sticks.

Xiao Yunhai left a lot of tickets for his relatives and friends, one of the best VIP box for his family. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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