Published at 11th of May 2022 05:20:45 AM

Chapter 1343

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At about eight o'clock, Xiao Changfeng and Zhao Mingsheng walked in with their two children under the guidance of Sima Qian.

The two children seem to be very curious about this place, staring at the big black eyes and constantly searching.

Zhao Mingsheng said with a smile: "Yunhai and Wanqing's concert seems to have invited many people. Just this time, I saw several bosses in the circle. "

Sima Qian said with a smile: "Mr. Zhao, today's concert is not just the boss of the entertainment company. There are more than 30 rich people in China's top 100. There are more than 40 stars in the circle, such as Mr. Wang Guoan, Mr. Liang Hui, Mr. Ge Wuyou, Mr. Huang Qiusheng, Mr. Zhang Hong, and so on The crew came. It can be said that this evening's concert will almost wipe out the elites in the society and circles, which has a great influence

Yan Piaoyun took a deep breath and said, "I didn't expect that even those rich people came. The concert of Yunhai and Wanqing is really attractive."

Sima Qian said: "I can't help it. Their songs are both classic works. Everyone wants to listen to them. If it is not restricted by the ticket, I believe that there will be at least tens of millions of people willing to spend money to enter the venue. "

Just then, the door of the box opened and Chen Zhan came in.

"At last. Xiuzhu, give me a bottle of mineral water. I'm dying of thirst. "

Chen Xiuzhu handed the water to him and said with a smile, "brother, why are you so late?"

Chen Zhan drank up half a bottle of water and then said, "don't mention it. I arranged the affairs of the TV station this morning and came to Yanjing. I arrived at the airport at more than four o'clock in the afternoon, had a casual meal, and took a taxi to arrive at the airport only now. The traffic jam is absolutely overwhelming. "

Chen Xiuzhu rolled her eyes and said, "who is the blame? It's not your fault. I said I'd send a car to pick you up, but you said you didn't need any trouble. What about? It's almost late. "

Chen Zhan said: "even if there is no use in going to the car, the result will be the same unless a helicopter is sent there. Ha ha, I just received a call. Do you know what the rating of Yunqing TV station is now? "

Chen Xiuzhu curiously asked, "has it been more than 10%

"Ten percent?" Chen Zhan looked scornful and said, "sister, you don't know your son and daughter-in-law. In terms of their status and status in the music world, not to mention the fact that the two people have joined together, even one person has to watch hundreds of millions of people. I tell you, this has not started yet, the ratings have exceeded 30%, cattle are in a mess. "

Zhao Mingsheng's startled eyes were about to fall off and said, "30 percent, that's not to say that there are 500 million people watching their concert. God, there is no singer in the world who can do this. Brother Chen, did you make a lot of money this time? "

Chen Zhan shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "this time, not only did not earn, but also lost."

Chen Xiuzhu was surprised and asked, "why is this? Are advertisers not interested in this concert? "

Chen Zhan said: "that's not true. The main reason is that the two people want to do charity, and all the income from their concerts should be donated. Even the voice of heaven has agreed. We Yunqing TV station can't give Yunhai Wanqing a leg up. "

Xiao Changfeng said with a smile: "it's a good thing that two children have such kind hearts. If it is for the sake of wealth, it is the root of the disaster. "

Chen Zhan nodded and said, "yes. So I support it with both hands and feet. What's more, it's only $1.2 billion, which is not in my eyes. "

Chen Zhan's words are very grand, but as we all know, what he said is true.

The second round of "prison break" is still on the air, with an average audience rating of about 10%. As Asia's best, the advertising cost will not be less.

Xiao Yunhai didn't take a cent from Yunqing TV station. Chen Zhan was naturally rich. He had no less than 10 billion yuan in his hand. Naturally, he didn't care about 1.2 billion yuan.

On TV, the live concert has begun to be broadcast.

In order to improve the ratings, Chen asked the photographers to focus on following up the celebrities. The faces of Wang Guoan, Liang Hui, Hong Tianchou, Jiao fangtao and others all appeared on the TV, causing a stir in the audience.

"Damn it, there are so many stars. It's really a big face after yunhuangqing."

"It's not that they have a big face. It's estimated that these movie queens want to come. Otherwise, how can they be invited to come?"

"I tell you, the real bull people are not them, but those who just don't look familiar."

"Yes. Just like the middle-aged man in his 40s with glasses, he ranks 12th in China's fortune list, which is a mess. "

"And the beautiful lady in her thirties, Hu Yaoting, the boss of Jiujiu music. Com, is now ranked 22nd. The old man next to her is Yu Yuexian's father Yu Hai, who controls the largest real estate company in China, worth hundreds of billions. "

"I heard that there were no less than 40 tycoons who came to see the concert this time, and they all brought their families with them. After Yun Huangqing, it's amazing that she can attract them here. It's amazing. "Many viewers in front of the TV set are busy with their comments on the computer while watching TV.

Time flies, blink of an eye to eight o'clock sharp, the concert officially began.

In the applause and screams of the fans, the stadium was completely dark, and then the fireworks, which had been prepared for a long time, rose into the sky, shining brightly and shining like the day.


the fans crazily shook the fluorescent sticks in their hands and called out the name of yunhuangqing.

At this time, the familiar melody rings, the lights flicker again, and the eight large screens show the delicate reflection of the stage, and everyone can see it clearly.

In a white fog, an ethereal female voice seems to come from a distant place, such as Mu Ru Fu, distant and moving. The fans quickly quieted down and listened with their ears up.

"Love is the life of you and me. Love is your and me's constant promise in adversity. Love is your hand, touching my pain. Love is listening to your sorrow and joy with my heart

The first song, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing, chose the song "love is you and me" when they announced to you. The song has beautiful melody and grand lyrics. It expresses not only the little love between men and women, but also the great love for the world.

It is undoubtedly very appropriate to use it as an opening song.

It has been four years since the release of love is you and me. In these four years, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing only sang at the concert two years ago. Since then, they have never sung this song on stage.

Now, both of them have made great progress in singing. Singing this song again is undoubtedly more comfortable.

After Zhao Wanqing's first stage of singing, before fans could clap their hands, Xiao Yunhai's voice began to ring. Singing atmosphere deep, such as mountains and seas.

"I come to the world, and let the storm whirl."

After singing the first paragraph, Xiao Yunhai suddenly raised the tune. The high pitched and loud timbre made the scene explode immediately, and the screams and cheers resounded throughout the gymnasium.

Zhao Wanqing also came to a high octave, the voice is very penetrating and infectious, setting off the atmosphere to the highest point.

"It's your promise of love that makes me see the sunshine twinkle and love embraces me. I can feel its touch, even if life gives me endless pain and suffering, I still feel more happy

After singing here, the fog is gone. Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing hold hands, just like golden children and maidens coming out of fairyland, which makes the whole scene explode.

"I love you after yunhuangqing."

"After the cloud is clear, there is no match in the world."

"You are the best after yunhuangqing."

Countless fans yelled, not caring if their throat could stand it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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