Published at 11th of May 2022 05:20:42 AM

Chapter 1345

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Time flies, an hour has passed in a twinkling of an eye.

After singing more than ten classic songs in one breath, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing introduced the singers who will appear. Then they went backstage to have a rest in the applause of everyone.

The vast majority of the singers were forced by entertainment companies through their relationship. Xiao Yunhai excluded some singers who were really bad at singing, and others were all welcome.

In a dressing room, Shen Qingyun, a new generation singer of Tianhua film and television media company, is making up seriously.

His agent, Luo Shanshan, rushed in and said, "Qingyun, I just got the news. The audience rating of this concert on Yunqing TV station has exceeded 40%. Almost half of the people in China are watching. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you. You must take good advantage of it. "

SHEN Qingyun is a graduate of Yanjing Conservatory of music. He not only has outstanding singing skills, but also has a very good creative ability. In the second half of last year, he made an album, which just won eight million sales in China. Tianhua film and television media company regards him as the next generation of music king, and countless resources are inclined to him.

This time, Xue Tianhua made a phone call to Xiao Yunhai to perform a song at the concert of the world-class queen of heaven, Zhao Wanqing and Xiao Yunhai.

"Don't worry, sister Shanshan. I'll do well. "

After watching his old rival Qu Xiangjie's singing and dancing performance on TV, Shen Qingyun couldn't help asking, "sister Shanshan, how long will it be my turn to appear?"

"You and the other two singers are scheduled to sing around 10:30. I'd like to tell you secretly that because of this rare opportunity, our brokerage company is doing its best to promote public relations for you, so you have a good chance to sing two songs. "

Shen Qingyun was stunned and said in surprise, "sister Shanshan, are you kidding me. Although Mr. Xiao and Miss Zhao let go of the restrictions on singing guests, their requirements for singers and songs are very high. How could they agree to us so easily. I'm afraid it's too much for me

Luo Shanshan complacent smile way: "this is I seek help in private, Xue always does not know."

Shen Qingyun asked, "who can have such a big face to let Mr. Xiao promise this matter?"

Luo Shanshan said: "of course, it's our elder sister, big Su Yingxue. She used to be Mr. Xiao's agent, and Miss Zhao Wanqing was her best friend in the boudoir. With her help, they would surely sell her face. This time, I let sister Xue take the main song of your new album. If you can satisfy them, the possibility of success is very great. "

Shen Qingyun asked in surprise, "sister Shanshan, are you and sister Xue very good? I was able to ask her out. "

Roxanne said with a smile, "of course. She's my cousin. Can't she have a good relationship? "

Shen Qingyun looked forward to saying: "I hope sister snow can bring good news."

He is very clear that if he can sing two songs in the concert after Yun Huangqing, it means that he has been favored by both of them. Not only will his popularity increase dramatically, but even in the circle, everyone will be polite to himself because of his special relationship with them.

This is the use of power in the circle. Sometimes a person does not really have a relationship with that big man. As long as he creates an illusion to the outside world, that is enough.

At this time, Su Yingxue, one of the two people, is chatting with Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing in the dressing room not far away from them. It is this Shen Qingyun who is talking about.

"Sister Xue, if you confess, you will be lenient; if you resist, you will be strict. What does Shen Qingyun have to do with you Xiao Yunhai said with a smile.

Su Yingxue rolled her eyes and said, "boss, I'm only 23 years old, OK? Do you think I'll find a boy ten years younger to be my boyfriend

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "why not. Sister Xue, depending on your figure and appearance, not to mention looking for a 23, even if you find an 18, I won't be a bit surprised. "

"Don't talk nonsense to me." Su Yingxue said: "Shen Qingyun's agent is my cousin. I can't stand her grinding, so I have to ask you two for help. Of course, if you don't think his song is going to work, you can just say that you don't need to give me face. "

Shen Wanqing's songs are very good. Husband, what do you say? "

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and said, "Shen Qingyun is really great to be able to write such a song. He is a good seedling. He he, no wonder sister Xue and Xue will always speak for him in person. "

Su Yingxue said, "so you agreed?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "of course. I'll transfer him to the last one later, and then I'll stand on the platform for him. It's a good music for Miaozi circle. "

Su Yingxue said with a smile: "that's really good. I'm going to inform them and let them prepare well

Leaving Xiao Yunhai, Su Yingxue comes to Shen Qingyun's dressing room.

As soon as Luo Shanshan saw Su Yingxue, she couldn't wait to ask, "sister Xue, did Mr. Xiao and Miss Zhao agree?"Shen Qingyun beside him did not speak, but the expression on his face had fully expressed his feelings.

Su Yingxue nodded and said, "yes. Both of them think that Qingyun's "heroes of the earth" is very good. When the time comes, they will turn Qingyun to the last one

Luo Shanshan clapped her hands and said excitedly, "that's great. Sister Xue, you still have a big face. "

Shen Qingyun pursed his lips and bowed to Su Yingxue. He said solemnly, "thank you, sister Xue."

Su Yingxue waved her hand and said, "it depends on your own songs. I just recommended them for you. Qingyun, you are about to release your second album. This promotion opportunity is really rare. As long as you sing this "hero of the earth" well, it's better than running back and forth to the big cities. I don't know how many times. And I'd like to tell you a piece of good news. Mr. Xiao attaches great importance to your talent and is likely to stand for you. "

As soon as Shen Qingyun heard it, he felt like a dream. He opened his mouth, but he was excited and didn't say a word.

The famous cloud emperor wants to be a young singer platform for him. This treatment seems to be the first in the entertainment industry.

How many fans does yunhuang have in China? Even if there is no billion, there will always be 700 million.

As long as he is willing to say a word for himself, his fans will certainly look at his album differently. As long as one percent of them buy it, it is nearly ten million. It is not a dream to win the first World War.

As an agent, Roxanne clearly understood this truth more clearly, and her excitement was beyond expression.

"Sister Xue, I don't think that there are two or three songs in Qingyun's second album? If I take this opportunity to ask the company to replace him, it should be ok? "

In this second album, Shen Qingyun wrote only seven songs, all of which were of medium or high quality. However, the three songs collected from outside were somewhat mediocre. Therefore, Luo Shanshan asked about this issue.

Su Yingxue said with a smile: "this is not a question of whether we should or should not, but we must change it. You don't want to think about it. If Yunhai praises Qingyun in public, but the quality of Qingyun's album is not good, where do you let his face go

Roxanne said happily, "that's great. I know what to do. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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