Published at 11th of May 2022 05:20:40 AM

Chapter 1346

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When Shen Qingyun and Shen Qingyun discussed the album, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing stepped on the stage again.

Another 10 classic songs in succession, which made the atmosphere of the scene burn to explosion.

Especially in the end, Xiao Yunhai performed the space dance steps of Michael Jackson, the previous life, which made everyone scream. The slogan of "the emperor of clouds, the world is unparalleled" resounded throughout the stadium.

After Xiao Yunhai finished singing "beatit", Zhao Wanqing's touching "my heart forever" followed, which made the excited and incoherent fans cool down quickly, and everyone's heart became quiet.

Wang Guoan said with a wry smile: "the couple really know how to play. My heart can't stand it up and down."

"I guess they are afraid that fans are tired. After all, the concert took more than four hours. If everyone shouts blindly, there will be something wrong with their voice. "

Wang Guoan said, "in this case, they are really well intentioned."

After Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing finished singing the songs of the second stage, they randomly selected more than 10 fans to play a few games. The main reason for doing so is to give the band a rest time so that they can solve their personal problems.

After the game is finished, the concert has been going on for two and a half hours, and the remaining singers all came out to sing their famous songs.

Because of Su Yingxue, Shen Qingyun got the chance to sing two songs, which made him stand out among the numerous guests.

After hearing Shen Qingyun's live version under the stage, Xiao Yunhai, who has changed into a black robe, is very fond of Shen Qingyun's singing skills and typhoon. He can't help but feel a love for talents.

At the end of Shen Qingyun's performance, Xiao Yunhai stepped onto the stage, embraced him with a smile, and said, "do you think this song" heroes of the earth "sounds good

"Good to hear." The fans answered in chorus.

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and said: "the lyrics are bold and unrestrained, and the melody is magnificent. I also think it's very good to listen to. By the way, you should know who the young man next to me is? "

"Shen Qingyun."

"Yes. His name is Shen Qingyun, a handsome boy who can sing and write. It's said that his first album sold eight million copies, and all the ten songs in it were written by him. It's really brilliant. "Hero of the earth" is the main song in his second album. I hope you can pay attention to it

Xiao Yunhai's words surprised many musicians in the circle.

They didn't expect that Xiao Yunhai would come out of the mountains for Shen Qingyun platform, and he said so blatantly that he almost appealed to everyone to buy his album.

Can let Xiao Yunhai so, obviously two people's relations are not general.

At this moment, Shen Qingyun successfully borrowed the power of Xiao Yunhai. As long as he doesn't have a big problem, he should be a top singer in the near future.

Luo Shanshan tightly grasped Su Yingxue's hand and said happily, "sister Xue, Qingyun has become."

Su Yingxue said with a smile: "take him well, maybe he will become a superstar in the future."

Luo Shanshan nodded hard and looked at Xiao Yunhai on the stage and said, "sister Xue, I will bring out a world-class superstar just like you."

Su Yingxue was stunned and said with a wry smile: "it's all his own abilities. It has nothing to do with me."

On the stage, after Shen Qingyun left, Xiao Yunhai opened his arms, turned around and said, "look at my clothes. Do you know what songs I will sing next?"

"I don't know." Everybody said.

Xiao Yunhai was stagnant and said with a bitter smile: "it's really Frank. The next song is a duet, but you should have never heard of it. It's called cool and cool. It's a new song


As soon as Xiao Yunhai's words came out, the scene suddenly clapped and thundered, and the shrieks and shouts resounded through the whole Yanjing city.

"Oh, my God, it's wonderful. Finally, there's a new song to listen to."

"Cool. It's weird to hear the name. "

"Whatever. Yunhuang's products must be excellent. This song must be another classic song. I'll listen to it

Fans are looking forward to Xiao Yunhai's new songs, and have been talking about it.

After a while, the sentimental melody of "cool" began to ring, and the mist rose slowly on the stage, like a fairyland on earth. Zhao Wanqing, wearing a long white dress and a gold belt around her waist, walked from the fog step by step, showing her enchanting figure and noble temperament, just like a fairy.

The big screen shows eight words "three lives, three generations, ten li peach blossom". At the same time, there was a shower of peach blossom on the stage, and countless pink peach blossoms fell from the sky, rendering the stage beautiful.

Of course, these are not real peach blossom, but Xiao Yunhai used technical means to create such an illusion for everyone.

"The stage is so beautiful that there is no one else."

"It's supposed to be a 3D effect. It's great.""Three generations, ten li peach blossom. What a beautiful artistic conception. "

The fans looked at the two people on the stage, but they couldn't help whispering.

On the stage, Zhao Wanqing, who is extremely beautiful, goes to Xiao Yunhai. The prelude of the song just comes to the position where she is going to sing.

Zhao Wanqing: it's getting colder at night, and the flowers fall into frost. You look in the distance, exhausted all the twilight, do not think, since it is difficult to forget.

"Good to hear."

The lyrics are meaningful and the melody is beautiful. Zhao Wanqing's singing is ethereal and ethereal. The sound line seems to have a spirit of immortality, which is full of appeal.

Only the first paragraph, everyone's mind completely into the mood of the song, it seems that a woman in white to love and not give up.

Xiao Yunhai: how can you give up the peach blossom in the past life. This sea heart is boundless, still pretending to be not painful, not far fetched, are all illusions.

Xiao Yunhai's singing is quite different from Zhao Wanqing, with delicate and affectionate voice lines, which complement Zhao Wanqing's voice lines perfectly.

Zhao Wanqing: I miss Chenghe for you in the cool night,

turns into spring mud and takes care of me.

Xiao Yunhai: in the shallow years, my lover's sleeve is full,

pieces of fragrance flow into the current.

Zhao Wanqing: it's cool and the sky is full of flowers and colors,

falling into the mortal world hurts me.

Xiao Yunhai: Life robbery is easy to get over, and love is hard to get through.

the heart of depreciation still has some hatred of previous life,

there are still some points.

He: the hatred of previous life. .

this song "cool" is the theme song of the previous TV series "three lives, three lives, ten li peach blossom". Once launched, it has attracted wide praise from fans and the TV series has also been in a big fire.

When Xiao Yunhai wrote the script of "flowers and thousand bones", he once wanted to move the play here. Now, taking advantage of the concert, Xiao Yunhai took it out and had no intention of shooting the play next year.

At the end of the first paragraph, the scene was full of applause.

"It's wonderful. It seems to me that a man and a woman, after countless twists and turns, have finally made a third life in the peach blossom forest

"How can I listen to something like the theme song of Xianxia TV series?"

"Yes, I feel the same way."

The interlude in the middle is not long. Within a minute, the second paragraph begins.

Zhao Wanqing: I also had a slight frost on my temples, and I have been shining back because of you. Long time, how can we waste time wandering for growth.

Xiao Yunhai: the burning peach blossom is cool, this life is getting hotter and hotter. One has already been assured that it is enough for three generations to form a double figure on the water side.

Zhao Wanqing: I miss Chenghe for you in the cool night and turn into spring mud to protect me.

Xiao Yunhai: shallow years brush the sleeve of love, pieces of fragrance into the current.

Zhao Wanqing: the cool sky is full of colors, falling into the mortal world and hurting me.

Xiao Yunhai: life is easy to cross, love is difficult, depreciation of the heart still has some previous hate.

After singing here, the climax comes. Zhao Wanqing's voice suddenly raises a tune, and her feelings rush out like a tide, rushing to the ears and hearts of her fans.

Zhao Wanqing: Cool three lives suddenly like a dream, a moment of dry tears.

Xiao Yunhai: if the memory can't recognize each other again, it will let the feelings fall to the dust.

If Zhao Wanqing's handling is a storm, then Xiao Yunhai's singing has raised the tide by more than ten meters, but it is more affectionate.

Zhao Wanqing: when will spring be prosperous when it is cool and cool for ten miles, and see a wind under the tree.

Xiao Yunhai: falling flowers deliberately flow mercilessly, don't let resentment and hatred cool through the pure flower.

He: my life is willing to lead the dust.

A song of "cool", Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing sing is melodious, ups and downs, like listening to a moving love story.

All the fans stood up and yelled at the stage with excitement.

Huang Qiusheng clapped his hands and said, "I'll bet that this song is definitely from a movie or TV series, and then Yunhai wrote it according to the plot."

Liang Hui nodded and said, "I think TV plays are more likely. Yunhai will not shoot TV series again."

Both of them are at the top of the entertainment industry. Although they have never heard such a song, it does not hinder their understanding.

Sure enough, Xiao Yunhai and other cheers gradually died out and asked, "do you think this song is good?"

"Good to hear."

"Do you know how it was written?"

The fans shook their heads.

Xiao Yunhai said: "this song comes from a Xianxia TV play called" three lives, ten li peach blossom. "

Liang Hui slapped his thigh and exclaimed, "how about it? I'll tell you. "

Huang Qiusheng rolled his eyes and said with a smile, "I said it was OK."

The fans on the stage were puzzled. They didn't know what kind of TV play "three lives and three lives, ten li peach blossom" was. How could they have never heard of it.Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "this is a story of Sansheng, which has not been shot up to now, even the script. At the beginning, when I was writing huaqiangu, I had such a story in my mind. According to the plot, I wrote the song cool. Although I chose huaqiangu in the end, I didn't intend to give it up. Maybe we'll find a suitable director to shoot next year, and please give us more support at that time. "

There was a lot of cheering from the audience, saying that they must watch.

Huang Qiusheng said with a smile: "this boy really has his own. The TV play hasn't started shooting yet, but the advertisement is on first. "

Next, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing once again opened the mode of "you come and go", bringing you a perfect audio-visual enjoyment.

It was not until 12:30 p.m. that the concert ended. It took four and a half hours, which was a record.

The fans were hoarse, but still excited. They walked out in an orderly way and poured out their excitement to the people next to them.

"I didn't spend five thousand dollars in vain. It was wonderful."

"Yes, it's the best concert I've ever seen. It's not one of them."

"Last month, I watched a concert by Lin Yuying, the queen of heaven. I only sang about 20 songs. There was no interaction between them. It ended in less than two hours. Compared with the concert after Yun Huangqing, it's not even as good as pickles. "

"Who was he after the emperor's reign? That's the richest man in the world. The purpose of the concert is to thank our fans for their support, not to make money. Other singers are just trying to make money. "

"Yunhuangqing is definitely the best couple in the 21st world, not one of them." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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