Published at 11th of May 2022 05:20:39 AM

Chapter 1347

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Not only the fans, but also the stars and guests who watched Xiao Yunhai's and Zhao Wanqing's concerts were full of praise.

Wang Guoan said, "Lao sun, Lao Hong, how do you feel about the concert?"

Sun Yanjun said with a smile: "from the beginning to the end, every song is so fascinating that it can't be described with such idioms as wonderful."

Hong Tiancai nodded and said, "yes. I've seen countless concerts. In any aspect, Yunhai Wanqing's concert is the most wonderful. "

Wang Guoan exclaimed: "what makes people admire is that all the songs in it are composed by the sea of clouds, and each capital is a classic. Ha ha, the product of emperor Yun must be a high-quality product. The eight words can be regarded as the most incisive expression in this concert. The reputation of the world's king of pop is worthy of its reputation. "

Outside the scene, those fans who did not buy tickets and could only watch the concert on TV were even more excited. All of them became their world on the Internet.

"After watching yunhuangqing's concert, I just want to ask who is not satisfied?"

"This concert, I can only use the sounds of nature to describe, good to hear a mess."

"What moved me most was not how good the couple sang, but their sincerity. In the middle of four and a half hours, we played more than ten minutes of games, and the rest were all classic songs. It is estimated that there will be no such concert in the world. "

"The live broadcast is so wonderful, isn't it even more exciting. "

" my family is in Feicheng, and the next concert is here, but I can't get a damn ticket. Cry to death. "

"Selling tickets, selling tickets. I have two tickets in my hand, 50000 yuan each. Who will buy them?"

"I'll take it."

"Buy me."

"I'll take it."

"I'll give you 60000."

"I'll give you seventy thousand."


the first concert of Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing astonished countless fans. Originally, the ordinary ticket price of the second concert was only 3000 yuan, but it was fired up to 100000 yuan. Finally, it was bought by a rich second generation.

For a while, their concert once again set off a storm.

One ordinary ticket is 100000, which is much faster than robbing a bank.

After unloading their makeup, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing hurry to the box where their family members are. They see that only Xiao Changfeng, Zhao Mingsheng and Chen Zhan are left.

"Don't worry. The two children go back to bed at about ten o'clock Xiao Long wind.

"That's good. Well, let's go back. It's OK for Teana and the staff of the venue. By the way, uncle, didn't you say there was something wrong with the TV station and it would not come? " Xiaoyun Haidao.

Chen Zhan said with a smile: "I've finished my work, and I can see that I still have a lot of time to come here. Yunhai, Wanqing, do you know the audience rating of the concert? "

Xiao Yunhai doesn't like to guess this riddle most. He turns his eyes and doesn't say a word.

Zhao Wanqing asked with great interest: "uncle, do you have 20 percent."

"Twenty percent?" Chen Zhan shook his head and said with a smile, "Wanqing, you are seriously inadequate in estimating the charm of your husband and wife's cooperation. I checked the Internet and found that the most successful Chinese concert was Ye Yongren. When he was broadcast live in 1996, he won 26% of the audience rating, and no one can surpass him. And your highest ratings have reached 52.7%, which is twice as high as him. "


Hearing this number, even Xiao Yunhai could not help but be surprised: "uncle, your data monitoring room will not be wrong in statistics, right? It's a little too high. "

"How could it be? I tell you, it's not just the top ratings, the average ratings are definitely not down 30 percent. "

Speaking of this, Chen Zhan's face showed a look of appreciation and sighed: "no way, your songs are so classic. Almost all the viewers who come to our TV station are attracted by you. Four and a half hours of performance, can be said to have set a record. I tell you, I still pay for the advertisement according to the charging method of prison break. Although it was only increased by more than ten minutes, the audience rating of the concert was too high, and I could still win 300 million Chinese dollars. It's OK to make an idol drama. "

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said with a smile: "all right, uncle, Yunqing TV station has really entered the eyes of Chinese audiences. As long as the development of Yunqing TV station is step by step and surpasses CCTV and mango TV station, it is within sight. Tomorrow, you ask people to count the profits and donate money in the name of Yunqing TV station. In this way, we have done good deeds and gained a good reputation, which is very beneficial to the future development of Yunqing TV station. "

Chen Zhan nodded and said, "I know. Just now I was just trying to test you. If you can resist the temptation of money, you can pass the test. "

Xiao Yunhai skimmed his lips and said scornfully, "I haven't seen you are a trial."

"Ha ha ha."

The crowd couldn't help laughing.

The next day, the official website of the Red Cross Society of China announced the concert of Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing. The tickets and the profits of the TV station reached 800 million yuan, all of which were donated to the Yunqing charity foundation. In order to win his trust, Xiao Yunhai even aired the bills without any concealment.For such behavior, countless fans have given high praise.

"After Yun Huangqing, he is indeed a great philanthropist in the entertainment industry. This concert can help many people in need."

"I suddenly feel that the price of the concert after yunhuangqing is a little cheaper. If I double the price, I will buy it immediately."

"Yes. They are the only people in the world who can donate so much money without hesitation. The top 100 richest people in China, I'm afraid, are not as good as those after the emperor Qingqing, and their influence is even more incomparable. "

"Support yunhuang, support Qinghou, support Yunqing World Tour Concert, support Yunqing charity foundation. Come on, come on. "

After the first Yanjing concert was a complete success, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing made their way to Feicheng without delay.

Five days later, their second scene will be held there, so the two need to familiarize themselves with the performance environment in advance.

When they arrived at Feicheng, Xiao Yunhai, Zhao Wanqing and Chen Zhanzhan were surrounded by countless reporters as soon as they left the airport gate.

Xiao Yunhai was surprised and asked, "how do you know we came here today?"

They take private planes, and the time is set by themselves. Generally speaking, journalists should not be able to catch them.

A beautiful reporter said, "Mr. Xiao, we have been waiting here since five o'clock this morning. We know that the concert will be held in five days' time, so we expect you and Miss Zhao to come here in these two days. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and asked, "if I come in two days or after midnight, what will you do?"

A middle-aged journalist said in a natural tone: "it's 24 hours, of course. Not only here, but also at the entrance of the special passage were reporters. Anyway, you'll be there anyway. "

Xiao Yunhai was shocked and had a trace of pity for these reporters.

In order to get a news, they would rather wait outside for a few days and nights, and their efforts may not get any reward in the end. Even when they release the news, they are likely to be misunderstood and insulted by the outside world. It has to be said that this is very unfair to them.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yunhai sighed and said, "even if you wait for me now, I'm afraid I don't have any news to give you."

Seeing the door, the middle-aged reporter even said, "Mr. Xiao, as long as you can answer some of our questions."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes, it's a little cold here. It's limited to ten questions."

Reporters are very happy to hear Xiao Yunhai's words.

"Mr. Xiao, what will you and Miss Zhao sing in the next Feicheng concert?"

"There may be more foreign songs. After all, the Yanjing concert basically sang Huaxia all over the place, and it would be meaningless to sing it again."

"The Red Cross Society of China has announced that you have donated 800 million Chinese coins. Will it be the same for every concert that follows? According to statistics, your donation has exceeded the sum of the other nine richest people in the world, and the United Nations is considering inviting you to be a charity ambassador. Why do you do this? You know, it's tens of billions of dollars. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "the source of the money is not only our husband and wife, but also Tianlai record company and Yunqing TV station, and the future concerts will be the same. As for the charity ambassador, I've heard about it, but I'm not very interested in it. Because I'm very busy on weekdays, I'm afraid I don't have time to do what charity ambassadors should do. And the reason why he donated tens of billions of dollars is mainly because my brother is rich and willful. "


"Ha ha ha."

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, all the reporters couldn't help laughing. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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