Published at 11th of May 2022 05:20:36 AM

Chapter 1349

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The next day, Xiao Yunhai ate some breakfast at will and rushed to Yazhou electronic technology company.

When he came downstairs, it was exactly eight o'clock. Xia Fujun, dressed in suits and leather shoes, led several middle-level cadres downstairs for a long time.

Seeing his car coming, Xia Fujun immediately welcomed him with a smile and opened the door for Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai came out of the car and complained, "Mr. Xia, don't do this. What I hate most is that it's a waste of time to welcome and deliver these things. Let's do whatever we have to do. "

Xia Fujun said with a smile: "well, I'll tell them now, and I won't do it again. But, Mr. Xiao, do you know them? After all, you are the real owner of Yazhou electronic technology company. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head, agreed, shook hands with the people, said a few words, and then walked into the president's office specially set aside for him with Xia Fujun.

Looking at the spacious space and magnificent decoration inside, Xiao Yunhai said with a bitter smile: "Mr. Xia, you must not engage in this set of virtual head Ba Nao things in the future. In Los Angeles headquarters, my office is not a third as big as here. What's more, it would be nice for me to come here two or three times a year. It's a waste to have such a good office. "

In fact, Xiao Yunhai is also very clear that Xia Fujun did this mainly because he felt a kind of crisis.

You should know that at this time, the controlling right of Yazhou electronic technology company is already Xiao Yunhai. If Xiao Yunhai has a trace of dissatisfaction with him, he can be expelled from the position of CEO at any time and replaced by someone else.

Therefore, Xia Fujun tried his best to please Xiao Yunhai so as not to lose his position.

It's not for money, it's mainly because he has worked in Yazhou all his life and really doesn't want to leave it.

Xia Fujun said: "Mr. Xiao, this office is not only the place where you work, but also the place where we receive guests, so this is a bit big."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I see. Have the sellers come here? I think it can hold a lot of people. "

Xia Fujun nodded and said, "yes. This time, there are eight electronic film sellers in China. We can talk about business while drinking tea. "

As a matter of fact, Xia Fujun did not arrange the place for the negotiation here. He was just in a hurry, so he had to make a mistake and tell the people below secretly at most.

Xiao Yunhai said, "that's good. Mr. Xia, is there anything that needs to be focused on in this negotiation with these sellers? "

Xia Fujun said, "yes. Mr. Xiao, we haven't set the factory price and price of mobile phone and tablet. There is a great deal of disagreement. For example, people in the R & D room think that rice grain mobile phones and tablets are all-purpose systems, and their performance is far better than all electronic products on the market. The price should be set at more than 6000. Others think that 6000 is too expensive, which is beyond people's ability to accept. Therefore, they demand that the price be reduced to between 2000 and 4000, with small profits and quick sales, so as to seize market share. Everyone has a meeting every morning, and I have a big head on this price issue. "

Xiao Yunhai asked, "Mr. Xia, which side do you support? To tell the truth. "

Xia Fujun was obviously prepared. Without thinking about it, he replied: "the price is too low to show the superiority of our products. The price is too high, which makes it difficult for us to accept. Therefore, I think we should take a middle value, between 4000 and 6000. What do you think, Mr. Xiao? "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "we are heroes who think alike. When Wan Qing and I were discussing this matter yesterday, she said it was between 3000 and 6000. "

"Three thousand?" Xia Fujun shook his head and said, "3000 is too low to match our products."

Xiao Yunhai's eyes narrowed slightly, and said, "general manager Xia, how much is the cost of our rice grain series mobile phones and tablets?"

Xia Fujun said: "mobile phones are between 800 and 1500. There is only one model of tablet computer, and the cost is about 980 yuan. The more you sell, the lower the cost. "

Xiao Yunhai thought for a moment and said, "well. We set the lowest cost mobile phone at 4000 yuan, and the others are priced in proportion to the cost. As for tablet computers, it seems that everyone is not very keen. Let's make it cheaper and set it at 3888 yuan. Of course, this is Huaxia. When it comes to Europe and the United States, we should at least double the price. "

Xia Fujun nodded and said, "that's settled. The market price is these. What about the ex factory price? According to the old rules, we're going to give those dealers a 20% discount. "

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "so cruel."

Xia Fujun said with a bitter smile: "there is no way. This is the rule of the industry, even after whirlwind mobile phone entered China, they are abiding by this agreement. And it will only be low, never high. "

Xiao Yunhai shrugged his shoulders and said, "there's no way. Let's have a good talk with each other."

At this time, Xiao Yunhai's mobile phone suddenly rang. It's Wu's game.

"Lao Xiao, are you in Yazhou electronic technology company?"Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "you boy, don't you send someone to follow me? It's so clear to me

Wu's method of playing chess Pooh and said, "you are not a beautiful woman. I have a fart to stare at you. Today is the day of negotiation between Yazhou electronic technology company and those dealers. We Yunyi shopping website also went to represent us. You boy, give me a good reception. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "what? You want to fight? "

Wu's method of playing chess was not angry and said: "nonsense. Your second generation of rice grain mobile phone advertising is overwhelming, you two appear on TV every day, I almost vomit. I said that your so-called universal system is really so good? It's twice as powerful as a whirlwind. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "of course. I never tell lies. When the company's people go back, I'll ask them to bring you some. "

Wu Yifa said with a smile, "that would be great. If you want me to tell you, don't cooperate with those people. It's better to use our Yunyi shopping website directly. At least, the profit is much bigger. You can make two more bucks. Why not

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I have just listened to President Xia's words, and I am also considering this issue. According to the rules, the price of the other party is a little harsh. "

"I know. Well, I'll give you a price, 20% off the market price. Our company only needs 20% profit. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "OK, wait until I see them."

Hang up the phone, Xiao Yunhai habitually touched his nose, said: "my Yunyi shopping network bid 80%, asking for exclusive sales of rice grain electronic products."

Xia Fujun shook his head and said, "Mr. Xiao, we have no choice. If you have a choice, do you think the whirlwind will be willing to be skinned by them? "

"What do you mean?"

"It's mainly about after-sales service. If we don't hand over the electronic products to them for sale, the maintenance stations all over the country will not provide us with maintenance services, which will be the most fatal for us. "

Xiao Yunhai suddenly realized and said, "it's so. If we have this maintenance site, we can leave the vendors alone. "

Xia Fujun said with a wry smile: "yes. It's just that the repair points are all attached to the seller. It's not a simple thing to ask them to agree. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "did I use them?"

Xia Fujun was stunned and asked, "Mr. Xiao, what do you mean by this? No, who do they use? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a ready-made smile: "you forget that I am the proud boss of the largest household appliance company in China. Now, let alone Huaxia, there are our maintenance points in Asia. As long as developers do an online training, they can learn it in less than three days. "

Xia Fujun clapped his thigh and said happily, "that's right. Mr. Xiao, this is a wonderful solution. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "wait. What Lao Wu gave is 80% of the price, and I own 49% of the shares in Yunyi shopping network, and I can earn 10% of it. For me, it is the best choice to give it to Yunyi shopping website. But if these mobile phone vendors can accept the 80% price, no, even 75%, I can agree. After all, these people are already familiar with the business, so they don't have to train so much. "

"What if they don't agree?" Xia asked

Xiao Yun Hai Shen's feeling was cold, his eyes shot a knife like edge, and said: "I'm sorry. Let them go and cooperate with smug electric company directly. Ha ha, in fact, we are too worried. If our products can sell more than 50 million units, do you think the owners of maintenance shops will miss this opportunity to make money? "

Xia Fujun nodded and said, "it is. Mr. Xiao, do you think we can sell 50 million units in China

Xiao Yunhai said: "at least 50 million. People's whirlwind electronics company has sold 48 million mobile phones. Our mobile phones are so much better than them. If we can't sell 50 million mobile phones, it would be a shame. Mr. Xia, I tell you that the lowest target in my mind is 100 million in China, 100 million in other parts of Asia, more than 200 million in Europe and the United States, and 100 million in the rest of the world. That is to say, we must have 500 million rice grain mobile phones to barely reach my standard line. "

When Xia Fujun heard this, he was directly stupid. After a long time, he sighed, "how big the heart is, how big the stage will be. Compared with Mr. Xiao, my Xia Fujun is a little far behind. It's just that the goal is too big. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "Mr. Xia, this is not nonsense. You know, Wanqing and I have at least 500 million fans in China. As long as one fifth of the fans buy, the task will be completed. Don't worry, as long as our products are excellent, there will be no problem. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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