Published at 11th of May 2022 06:04:29 AM

Chapter 135

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When the audience saw Meng Xiaohong sing "little apple", they burst into laughter.

The camera lens also timely hit Xiao Yunhai.

"Come on, come on, isn't this little apple? It's all over the streets, especially those who dance square dance. They love this song

"Yes. In order to open up the atmosphere, Xu Jun and Meng Xiaohong talked about the popular songs of this year. Many of them were written by Xiao Yunhai.

After some jokes, the award ceremony entered the formal award stage.

The first award was the best new man and woman award. The two awards were presented together. The guests were Chen Huan and Yao Na, Xiao Yunhai's old acquaintances.

Chen Huan and Yao Na walked to the front of the stage hand in hand. Yao Na, with a strong northeast accent, said to the microphone, "brother Huan, what's going on with the organizing committee this year? Let's start with the two of us. "

Chen Huan said with a smile: "the so-called new generation for old people, the organizing committee is in the whole of us two early retirement, so as to leave a place for the new."

Yao Na said with a smile, "is that right? I don't think the organizing committee means that. Come on, let's talk about the candidates first

As soon as Yao Na's voice fell, the camera shot the eight male and female candidates on the big screen.

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing are both actors. They control their emotions perfectly and wave from time to time. It seems that the award has nothing to do with them. They are light and light.

Other singers also set up their posture.

However, one of the young candidates, who seems to be named Zhang Yuan, is a bit frustrated. Although he was smiling and straightening himself up, the sweat on his forehead kept flowing downward, causing a burst of laughter.

"Look at the beautiful men and women above, I feel that I am old, and the world will be theirs in the future." Speaking of this, Yao Na suddenly showed a sinister smile and asked Chen Huan, "brother Huan, I want to ask you a question. Which singer do you want to win the prize? To tell the truth. "

Chen Huan obviously did not expect Yao Na to ask himself such a question, he was stunned for a moment, but, in the end, is the old king of heaven, and soon made a response.

"If I had a choice, I would have chosen the friends I knew. This is human nature. Coincidentally speaking, among the young singers above, I happen to know two people, one male and one female. I want to say to them, whether you win or not, don't change your love for music. "

Yao Na gave Chen Huan a thumbs up and said, "ginger is still old and spicy. It's just as powerful as not saying it. Come on, let's not waste our time and make a quick announcement. "

Chen Huan nodded, took the lead to open the new male singer's envelope, took out a piece of paper, and then said with a smile to Xiao Yunhai: "congratulations to Xiao Yunhai."


Maybe it was rehearsed long ago. The fans who supported Xiao Yunhai cried out with one voice: "the cloud emperor and the cloud emperor are the best in the world." Soon, the whole audience followed.

The artists present were a little surprised. They didn't expect that a newcomer would have so many people to support him. This situation is not inferior to that of the king and queen.

When Xiao Yunhai saw Chen Huan looking at himself, he knew that he should have won the prize. Sure enough, Xiao Yunhai's guess is not wrong.

Since Xiao Yunhai was nominated, he has fantasized about how excited he will be when he really gets the golden cup award. Xiao Yunhai didn't know whether he was crying, laughing or choking.

Now, he has won the first prize in his previous life and this life. Suddenly, he found that his heart was even more peaceful than ever. The noise on the scene seemed to disappear at this moment, leaving him sitting with a smile on his face.

After hearing Xiao Yunhai's name, the other candidates could not hide their disappointment. However, they quickly adjusted their mentality and clapped for Xiao Yunhai.

No matter how unhappy they are in their hearts, there should be no flaws on the surface. Otherwise, the media will write about themselves the next day.

The stars on the scene saw Xiao Yunhai so calm, they were secretly admired.

Because the new man and woman need to be on stage together, Xiao Yunhai doesn't stand up, just sits there waiting quietly.

It's the turn of the new female singer. Xiao Yunhai gently patted Zhao Wanqing with an unnatural expression. She asked her not to be too nervous.

Yao Na opened the envelope and saw the name on it. She said with a smile: "it seems that they are all your old acquaintances. Do you know who the two friends of brother Huan are? "

The audience at the bottom liked the interaction and said with one voice, "I don't know."

"Well, I'll tell you. One of them is Xiao Yunhai, who has just won the prize, and the other is the one who will soon be awarded... Zhao Wanqing. Congratulations to them. "

Hearing Yao Na's words, Zhao Wanqing was relieved and showed a brilliant smile.They both stood up at the same time and walked back and forth to the podium.

Yao Na said with a light sigh, "it's so clever. The two winners also sat together. The organizing committee was very considerate. "

In the middle of the stage, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing respectively took over the trophies handed over by Chen Huan and Yao Na, and hugged them both.

Xiao Yunhai made a gesture of invitation to Zhao Wanqing, and stood with Chen Huan and Yao Na to listen to Zhao Wanqing's acceptance speech.

Zhao Wanqing held the cup tightly in her hand and said, "thank you for the golden cup award selection committee for giving me the best Rookie Award, which is the greatest encouragement to me. Thank you very much for my company Tianlai records, my album producer Mr. Li Yuhua, and my parents for giving me free space to pursue my dream. Finally, I want to thank my fans, thank you. You are the best. "

All the fans on the stage were shouting wildly.

Zhao Wanqing bowed deeply to the stage and then exchanged positions with Xiao Yunhai.

Standing on the stage, Xiao Yunhai was in a calm mood. He looked at the stage calmly and said, "like Miss Zhao Wanqing, I am very grateful to the Organizing Committee for giving me this award, and thank you for your liking my song."

"To tell you the truth, I'm not a qualified singer. Maybe because of some reasons of my personality, I seldom go out to do publicity, and the contact and interaction with fans are almost zero. Therefore, I sincerely thank those fans who support me and thank you for your generosity. In the future, I will work harder to provide you with more beautiful songs. Thank you

After finishing the speech, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing return to their seats and smile at each other. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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