Published at 11th of May 2022 05:20:34 AM

Chapter 1351

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When she arrived at Xiao Yunhai's office on the 12th floor, the service lady saw that the door was open, and there seemed to be a voice inside. She wanted to knock on the door and give a notice, but she was stopped by Zhang Guangnan.

Zhang Guangnan can eat so much in the south, of course, he is not a man without brains.

He didn't just rush into it, but bang bang, knock three times on the door, which was the first to go in.

"Mr. Xia, my old friend is here. Should you make a pot of good tea and serve it?" Zhang Guangnan laughed.

But only a second later, the laughter stopped suddenly, because he saw Xiao Yunhai sitting in the back of the office, his face suddenly changed.

Xiao Yunhai, as a public figure who has attracted worldwide attention, these businessmen naturally know him.

Originally, they were ready to attack Xia Fu Jun, and they stood there honestly and honestly. They just didn't say a word.

These people don't know that Xiao Yunhai is in the company, or they dare not be so presumptuous to kill them. I'm kidding. That's the richest man in the world. The hair of a leg is thicker than them.

Xia Fujun saw all the people standing there with a smile in his heart. He stood up and said with a smile: "you are really sorry. Because Mr. Xiao came to inspect the work, he neglected everyone and asked Haihan

Xie pianpianpian's face showed a charming smile and said with a delicate smile: "Mr. Xiao is here, where do we dare to blame."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "thank you very much. Welcome to Yazhou electronic technology company

With that, Xiao Yunhai got up, came to the people and shook hands with them.

When Xie pianpianpian arrived, Xiao Yunhai felt that her soft fingers gently scratched in his palm, and her eyes were full of spring, which seemed to be teasing himself.

Xiao Yunhai's heart was dark angry, and looked at her deeply. Although she didn't say anything, the Yin cooling in her eyes made Xie Pianpian fight a cold war and quickly let go of her hand.

After a few greetings, they sat down one after another. The service staff served tea, closed the door and left.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "Mr. Zhang, would you like to try this tea?"

Zhang Guangnan is very good at tea research. He said with a smile: "just from the fragrance in the air, we can know that it is the top Dahongpao. Although it is not comparable to the mother trees in Wuyi Mountain, it is already the top class."

Xiao Yunhai gave him a thumbs up and said, "Mr. Zhang is really a master of tea ceremony. It's really the top red robe I got from the old man. It's very rare. "

Zhang Guangnan glanced at Wang Mingda, who was sitting there without speaking. He asked, "Mr. Xiao, Mr. Xia, I don't know who this gentleman is?"

Xia Fujun said: "this is Mr. Wang Mingda, manager of Yunyi shopping network."

Zhang Guangnan's face changed slightly and said, "it's manager Wang. It's a pleasure to meet you. Your company is so wonderful that we almost lost our jobs. "

If you ask them who they hate most? Without exception, they will choose Yunyi shopping website.

Since it was born, it has become popular all over China with its members of more than 700 million, and the price of its goods is much cheaper than that of physical stores, which makes the handsome men and women who often go shopping become the house men and women, and the customer flow of the shop has dropped by more than 50%.

What is more irritating is that many people go to the physical stores to see things for the sake of low price. They think it's good, so they write down the brand and model and buy from the Internet, which makes the merchants feel helpless.

In particular, these electronic product retailers have suffered more harm, and their sales volume has dropped sharply. Everyone is about to die of worry.

Wang Mingda said with a smile: "Mr. Zhang, you really know how to sell rice grains."

Wang Mingda said: "it's not competition, but cooperation. Joke. Cloud Yi shopping network is Mr. Wu and Mr. Xiao jointly opened, how can you get unemployed. "

Zhang Guangnan said:" the things in Yunyi shopping website are so cheap, how can our physical stores compare with you. Mr. Wang, you are not here to snatch the second generation of rice grain electronic products with us. Because of the use of the latest universal system, the performance has been greatly improved. It can be said that it has epoch-making products. How can we let go of them? "

Zhang Guangnan and others looked dignified when they heard Wang Mingda's words.

They knew very well that the plan negotiated by all the people would die soon. There are Yunyi shopping network people here, want to get a high price, no doubt very difficult.

Xiao Yunhai took a sip of tea and said with a smile: "ladies and gentlemen, first of all, I would like to thank you for your love for the second generation of rice grain electronic products. We have come all the way to Feicheng to conduct business cooperation with Yazhou electronic technology company. Secondly, I heard from Mr. Xia that you still have some doubts in your heart, so I came here to give you a complete explanation. If you have any questions, you can talk about them and discuss them together

Xie pianpianpian looked around and found that everyone didn't mean to speak first, so she said with a smile: "let me talk about it. Mr. Xiao, all of us have received the mobile phones and tablet computers sent to us by Mr. Xia. To be fair, both the appearance and the quality are very good, which is much better than the whirlwind mobile phones popular in China some days ago. However, in the past six months, whirlwind electronic products have been selling well. Not counting computers, all kinds of mobile phones have sold more than 40 million. Do you think rice grains have any hope of winning under such circumstances? "Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "general manager Xie means that you just bought whirlwind. In such a short time, you will not buy rice grains again, right?"

Xie pianpianpian nodded and said, "that's what I mean."

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "Mr. Xie doesn't need to worry at all. There are 1.6 billion people in China, and more than 700 million people earn more than 100000 a year. Even if more than 60 million people do not buy it, there are still more than 600 million people, which will not hinder our overall situation. I'm very confident about this rice grain product, and I hope you can have confidence in it. "

Zhang Guangnan asked: "Mr. Xiao, since the rice grain series products are so powerful, how do you price them?"

Xia Guofu said with a smile: "between 4000 yuan and 6000 yuan, the market price of tablet computers is 3888 yuan. What does Mr. Zhang think of the price? "

Zhang Guangnan and others looked at each other, nodded at the same time, and said: "very suitable. Mr. Xiao, Mr. Xia, to be honest, we have also discussed Mi Li mobile phones and tablet computers in private. If you want us to help sell, we all want to sell it to us at 60% of the market price. "

Xiao Yunhai was directly happy, shook his head and said, "Mr. Zhang, are you sure you are not joking?"

"Of course not. Mr. Xiao, although the rice products are excellent, it is still different whether they can succeed under the strong attack of the whirlwind. We have taken great risks in introducing rice kernels. If we can't sell it, we'll lose our money. "

Xie pianpianpian said: "Mr. Xiao, to be honest, we give whirlwind such a price. Although Yazhou electronic technology company is powerful, there is still a big gap compared with whirlwind. Therefore, the price we want is very reasonable. I'm sorry, I'm a little straight. Please don't blame Mr. Xiao. "

This is Xiao Yunhai sitting here, Xie pianpianpian will add such a sentence at the back, if it is for Xia Fujun, it is impossible.

Other people also spoke in succession to put pressure on Xiao Yunhai, hoping that he could accept the price. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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