Published at 11th of May 2022 05:20:32 AM

Chapter 1352

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Xiao Yunhai turned a deaf ear. When they finished, he said slowly: "Mr. Zhang, Mr. Xie, 60% is absolutely impossible, and the lowest is 80%

"Absolutely not. Mr. Xiao, you are joking Zhang Guangnan eyes a stare, full of anger said.

Xiao Yunhai looked at him and did not speak.

Wang Mingda, next to him, said, "I'm sorry, the price of our Yunyi shopping website is 80 percent."

Xie pianpianpian showed a slight frown and said, "manager Wang, it's a bit deceiving for you to do so. It's not easy for us to open a physical store, so don't we really have a way to live? "

Wang Mingda said: "you bosses, you have not understood up to now. It is the utmost benevolence of Mr. Xiao to give you such a price. He is a shareholder of Yunyi shopping network, holding half of the shares. If he sells it to us at this price, he will make 10% more profits. The reason why 90% is not needed is to give you a way to live. Otherwise, why should he come to negotiate with you? "

"Mr. Wang, don't forget that both mobile phones and tablet computers need after-sales service. Without them, do you think the rice grain series will sell well? "

Wang Mingda shook his head and said, "it's not a difficult thing for us Yunyi shopping website. Moreover, although you are among the best sellers of electronic products, you are not the only choice. We can work with other vendors. I believe they will be very interested. By the way, there is also Mr. Xiao's industry, which is also the largest electronics company in China. There are 100000 after-sales service personnel. They can repair the refrigerator and TV, and a small mobile phone is no exception. At that time, the appearance of electronic products, such as computers and mobile phones, may also appear. By then, you'll be in serious trouble. "

Wang Mingda's words directly let Zhang Guangnan, Xie pianpianpian and other facial expressions difficult to see the extreme.

They are very clear, if Xiao Yunhai really let smug electric company involved in the sales of computers, mobile phones and other products, it will be fatal to them.

Whether it's money or strength, they simply can't compete with it.

And all this is just a word for Xiao Yunhai.

Seeing everyone sitting there, no one spoke, the air seemed to solidify.

Xiao Yunhai coughed and said with a smile, "you don't have to be too serious. 80% of the price is my bottom line, which I will never change. As for the problem that you are worried that the product can not be sold, I will provide you with a solution. Within half a year, if we can't sell 50 million rice grain mobile phones in China, you can return them at any time. We will return the original price. Tablet computers are limited to 20 million, which can be written in the contract. What do you think? "

For the seller, the most fear is the pressure on the goods. Xiao Yunhai is very sincere in doing so.

If you want to sell, you can sell if you can't, and you can make money vertically and horizontally. This is very attractive to people.

Everyone's eyes were all on Zhang Guangnan and Xie Pianpian, who were obviously the leaders of these people.

Zhang Guangnan and Xie pianpianpian looked at each other and saw the meaning in each other's eyes at the same time.

Zhang Guangnan thought for a moment and said, "we agree with Mr. Xiao's opinion, but the price on Yunyi shopping website must be consistent with ours, otherwise it will have a great impact on us. After all, our shops need to pay the rent, and we can't even make it under the hard work. "

Everyone looked at Wang Mingda. Wang Mingda was stunned, waved his hand, and said with a smile, "you see, what's the use of me? I'm just working for Mr. Wu and Mr. Xiao. I can't do such a big thing. When I came, Wu said, everything has the final say of Xiao Zong. As long as we Yunyi shopping network does not suffer losses

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "this old Wu really trusts me, then I have to think about it carefully, so as not to let Yunyi shopping network suffer losses."

With that, Xiao Yunhai closed his eyes and knocked his fingers unconsciously.

Half a minute later, Xiao Yunhai opened his eyes and said, "Mr. Zhang, Mr. Xie, the reason why Yunyi shopping network is popular with consumers all over the country is that it is cheaper than physical stores, in addition to the real price. I can promise you, no matter what kind of activities Yunyi does, their lowest price will not be lower than 100 yuan of your market price. What do you think? "

A hundred yuan is not much for consumers. Some anxious consumers don't pay attention to it at all. In order to get the product as soon as possible, they will definitely buy it in the store.

Xie pianpianpian thought for a moment and said, "this is a good way. I agreed. "

Zhang Guangnan nodded and said, "I agree. Mr. Xiao, Mr. Xia, how many goods do you have

Xia Fujun said: "the factory is in full production. So far, there are 20 million mobile phones and 10 million tablet computers."

Zhang Guangnan frowned slightly and said, "the quantity is a little less. I'm going to buy five million mobile phones and one million tablet computers."

Xie said with a smile: "we are poor in Shaanxi and Gansu, so we can only introduce two million mobile phones and 300000 tablet computers.""I'm the same as Mr. Xie."

"I want 1.5 million mobile phones, 200000 tablets."


in any case, Xiao Yunhai has promised that he can't sell it and can return it. They have no worries about their future, so they buy more and more.

For fear of rice grain series mobile phones and tablets after the fire, no goods, then they have to cry to death.

After all, the 20 million mobile phones were almost all divided up by them, and only 700000 mobile phones and 500000 tablet computers were left to Yunyi shopping network, which made Wang Mingda very dissatisfied.

"Mr. Xiao, Yunyi shopping network has 700 million members, on these numbers, it can not meet the demand."

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand, turned his head and asked Xia Fujun: "Mr. Xia, there is still a week to go before the sales day. How many mobile phones and tablet computers can be produced if the factory operates 24 hours a day during this period?"

Xia Fujun thought about it and said, "there are 3 million mobile phones and 500000 tablet computers."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "all of these are transported to Yunyi shopping network. What's more, our production capacity is a little low, and it's better to double it. I don't want to sell it. Suddenly it's out of stock. "

Xia Fujun said: "Mr. Xiao, it is impossible to build a large production line in a short time. Unless you buy a ready-made factory, and then put machinery and equipment, direct production. But at least a billion will be needed. "

"A billion is a billion. Our rice grain mobile phones need to be exported to the world. As long as they are sold well, a billion yuan can be earned back in less than a few days. " Xiaoyun Haidao.

Xia Fujun nodded: "I will handle this matter immediately."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "all the bosses, we have finished the business negotiation. After signing the contract, I will do business. Let's go to have lunch."

Zhang Guangnan touched his bald head and said, "it's our pleasure to have a drink with Mr. Xiao."

At noon, Xiao Yunhai invited everyone to have a meal in a five-star hotel. The atmosphere was very warm.

In the next few days, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing have been rehearsing in the cultural center, very hard.

During this period, Xia Fujun called Xiao Yunhai and said that the factory had been found. It was in a suburb 200 kilometers away from Feicheng. The area was very large, but the price was high. It needed 1.1 billion Chinese dollars. If you add in the machines, it will take at least 1.5 billion.

Xiao Yunhai didn't think about it, so he agreed.

Now, for him, there are no more than 18 billion, let alone 1.5 billion.

Time flies. In a twinkling of an eye, it is December 7. Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing get up, have a meal, and rush to the cultural center.

Today, all the performers will come to rehearsal. Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing need to receive them.

Entering the cultural center, Xiao Yunhai immediately saw Yao Na, a diva singing enthusiastically on the stage. There were two or three young singers beside him. They were all rising stars. Through various relationships, he found Xiao Yunhai. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Last week, Shen Qingyun sang one song at Xiao Yunhai's concert, and his fans rose by tens of millions directly. The popularity of other singers also increased significantly. A concert can reach this level, which immediately shocked the whole music circle.

These two days, Xiao Yunhai received a lot of phone calls, even some actors were moved, but Xiao Yunhai politely refused.

He and Zhao Wanqing attach great importance to their concerts. How can they casually let some cats and dogs come to the stage.

Yao Na's strength naturally needless to say, a love song is very moving.

Seeing that they arrived, Yao Na said with a smile, "Yunhai, Wanqing, your hospitality is not so good? Come so late. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a bitter smile, "sister Na, is it only eight o'clock?"

Yao Na said, "I arrived at seven o'clock. These young people were earlier. When I came, they all rehearsed for a long time."

Several young people listened to Yao Na mention themselves, and quickly made a self introduction.

The agent nearby worried that Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing could not remember their artists' names, so they gave their business cards to them.

Xiao Yunhai nodded to the crowd and said, "thank you for coming to my and Wanqing's concert and being our singing guests. At the last Yanjing concert, several singers performed very well, adding a lot of luster to the concert. This time, I believe you will have no problem, because you are all powerful singers. As long as you are serious and attentive, you will definitely bring fans great audio-visual enjoyment. Is there anything I can do for you

Li Ruoxi, a beautiful young singer, said, "Mr. Xiao, I heard from sister Na that our venue will be closed this afternoon. At noon, we only need a long rehearsal here. Do you think you can give us an hour? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "no problem. I'll talk to the person in charge of the venue. They work, you rehearse, both right. "Li Ruoxi said happily, "thank you, Mr. Xiao." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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