Published at 11th of May 2022 05:20:27 AM

Chapter 1356

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When Xiao Yunhai saw the video, he felt very uncomfortable.

In the past life, when I saw a concert of Michael Jackson on the news, how many people could die? My heart would only admire the ability of Michael Jackson, but not the dead fans, as if they were supporting roles to set off Michael's talent.

But when things happen to themselves, Xiao Yunhai's mood is extremely heavy.

A good family, even let his concert to get fragmented, Xiao Yunhai feel that he is really some blame.

At the back of the video are messages from countless fans.

"The accidental death of the two gentlemen is very sad. But I don't think it all comes down to the empress yunhuangqing. "

"I agree with you upstairs. After Yun Huangqing is an artist, it is normal to hold a concert. It would be too unreasonable to put her husband's death on her like that aunt. Of course, we can't blame the aunt. She was a good family, but now she has become like this. She can't stand the blow. It's not incomprehensible to say something too much. I believe Yun Huangqing will not be angry about it. "

"It's unbelievable that a concert actually destroyed two families. It is strongly recommended that yunhuangqing cancel the following concerts in order to avoid such tragedy again. "

"I agree with you upstairs. Please cancel the concert after Yun Huangqing

"Fart, it's just bullshit upstairs. It's really a pity that such an accident occurred in the concert after Yun Huangqing. But I can't agree to cancel such a wonderful concert. "

"If we don't cancel it now, will there be several more accidents before we can cancel it?"

"There are definitely people upstairs who have not bought tickets. Otherwise, it will definitely not support the cancellation of the concert. This is a typical case of sour grapes. "

" I hope yunhuangqing will not cancel the concert because of this. If that's the case, I'll be crazy. "

Xiao Yunhai looked at the above post, a little confused for a time.

He picked up his mobile phone, found the number of Wu Yifa, and called in the past.

"Lao Xiao, did you see the video on the Internet?"

Wu Yifa picked up the phone and asked.

Xiao Yunhai said: "yes. Lao Wu, don't sell tickets for Mordor. I have to think about it. Should I cancel the next concert? "

Hearing this, Wu was in a great hurry and said, "what are you talking about. Which of those superstar concerts has never had a problem. At that time, ye Yongren's Shanghai Concert, there was a stampede, and more than ten people died. You see, ye Yongren did not hold the concert as usual. I tell you, it's all an accident. Don't care about the posts posted by people with ulterior motives. They deliberately let you quit in order to crack down on our Yunyi shopping website. "

Xiao Yunhai was surprised and asked, "what do you mean? What's the relationship between my concert and Yunyi shopping website? "

Wu Yifa said: "because you gave the right to sell the concert tickets to Yunyi shopping website, which made your two hundreds of millions of fans focus on our website. In these two concerts, our members have increased by 50 million, and the sales volume has reached the highest level in history. The just emerging STEL business network is in a state of rout. Now such a big thing, for stell business network, it is a once in a blue moon. In the past, they had no foundation in China, but now they are different. The second generation of officials will definitely not miss this opportunity. I'll bet that the people on the Internet are the Mariners they invited. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a bitter smile: "even if it is the person they deliberately look for, how about it? Do you think my wife can stand such a thing? Last night, she stayed up all night. Now the worst is happening, and I'm afraid she'll cancel the next show

"I will not cancel."

As soon as the sound of Xiao Yunhai dialect fell, Zhao Wanqing's voice came down from the building.

"Lao Wu, my wife is awake. I'll talk to you later."

Xiao Yunhai put down his mobile phone, looked at Zhao Wanqing, who was wearing pajamas and came down slowly. He said, "wife, am I quarrelling with you?"

Zhao Wanqing shook her head and said, "no, I can't sleep myself. Husband, I heard you talking to Wu Qifa just now. In spite of this accident, our concert must not be disturbed. We are artists and should be responsible to our fans. If we cancel the concert, we are sorry for the millions of fans who support us. What do you say? "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said with a smile, "yes. Wife, I didn't expect you to be so strong. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "but we still have to do what should be done."

Xiao Yunhai said, "good. Later, we'll go to the hospital together. "

At the same time, Cao Menglan, sun Zhiwen, Qu maoxun, Li Kaifeng and Jason stern sat together early in Yanjing.

Sun Zhiwen said with some schadenfreude: "I didn't expect that such a thing would happen in the concerts of Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing. This has never happened in the history of concerts. It's a good time for us to beat down the coyotesLi Kai said: "to be honest, I saw the concert last night. It was really wonderful. It was the best concert I've ever seen. There was no one. If I were on the spot, I might be as excited as they were

Sun Zhiwen said: "what about Xiao Yunhai's brilliant talent? Now his concert is dead, and it's not an accident. It's just that he can't stand the stimulation of his music. Now I can't bear it

Recently, in the competition with Yunyi shopping website, stell business network lost everything. The members who bought things there last month almost all went to Yunyi shopping website this month. The main reason is that tickets for Yunqing world tour concert are sold on Yunyi shopping website.

In order to attract popularity, Wu's game method can be said to be extremely despicable.

He divided the tickets for a concert into five parts and sold some of them every day within the specified time. Not only that, he also hid the tickets in some product introductions for fans to look for.

Fans are naturally flocking to the site, basically an hour in advance to enter the site, crazy looking for tickets on the site.

If you find a ticket, you are happy. It's normal to buy something.

To find something in my heart is to vent my impatience.

As a result, it is difficult for Yunyi to make a fortune.

Yunyi shopping network made a fortune, then its rival STEL business network naturally fell into blood mold, sales plummeted, almost the same as before the price war.

Cao Menglan and others have thought of various ways, but they have no effect at all. In front of the hundreds of millions of fans of Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing, everything is in vain.

Just when they were at a loss, the concert suddenly caused death. The reason was that the songs were too exciting. If they didn't use this opportunity, they would be very sorry.

Jason stern asked, "Mr. Sun, have you come up with any idea?"

Sun Zhiwen put on a set of confident appearance, said triumphantly: "I prepared three axes for him, then, you will know."

Cao Menglan frowned slightly. He was not used to sun Zhiwen's face, but he didn't say anything. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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