Published at 11th of May 2022 05:20:23 AM

Chapter 1359

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Gong Bo is from the old Xiao family. Naturally, he wants to help Xiao Yunhai speak.

Liang Qianqiu frowned slightly and said, "director Gong, be more serious."

Gong Bo restrained his smile and said, "Minister Liang, I just heard something wrong. Vice Minister Li, what do you mean to do

"I think under such circumstances, we should prohibit Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing from holding concerts in China," Li said

Gong Bo snorted and said, "it's the most important thing in the world. Because they were too good, they were not allowed to give concerts. Vice Minister Li, do you think this is reliable? "

Chen Yixian, another new vice minister who has been closely following Li Chengdong, said: "director Gong, whether it is film and television, or singing and dancing, the purpose is to serve the audience and the audience. Now, it's a good idea. The opening concert has caused a lot of lives. Do you think we can take it for granted? Two of them died this time. Can you guarantee that there won't be three, four or even ten next time? Compared with life, no matter how good the program can be given up. "

Gong Bo said angrily, "do you know what will happen if you stop them from holding concerts? That is, our Ministry of culture is likely to be besieged by tens of thousands of fans. Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing have a total of 700 million fans in China. After hearing that they held a concert, they were not excited. Now that they are suddenly not allowed to hold, what kind of reaction do you think these crazy fans will have? "

Li Chengdong patted the table and said with righteous words: "we can't let the danger continue because we are afraid of responsibility. The concert of Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing is a source of danger and must be stopped. I still say that, compared with life, any price can be borne. "

Chen Yixian said: "I agree with Vice Minister Li. Director Gong, you can't defend Xiao Yunhai just because he belongs to the Xiao family? "

Hearing Chen Yixian's explicit words, Gong Bo's anger erupted like a volcano. His face was hard to see. He said, "Vice Minister Chen, you should be responsible for this. What is the maintenance of the Xiao family? Who are you talking about the Xiao family? The former chief executive or the present chief two? "

Chen Yi first listen, immediately silly eyes, faltering said: "I... i... I don't mean that."

Gong Bo pursued the victory and said, "what do you mean? What I said and what I did was out of public interest. Even when I got to the No. 1 chief, I said the same thing. If you think I'm partial to Xiao Yunhai, you can sue me. "

Chen Yixian was also angry and said angrily, "director Gong, please don't put on your hat here. Chen Yi, who was able to become vice minister of the Ministry of culture, didn't get promoted to the post of deputy director of the Ministry of culture. Who is sitting here is not out of public interest. Are you the only one who is the master of Qingtian

Gong Bo said with disdain: "Vice Minister Chen, you really don't know yourself. How did you get up there? No one in the Ministry knows

On hearing this, Chen Yixian directly patted the table and said, "Gong Bo, you..."


Liang Qianqiu buttoned the cup heavily on the table and said, "director Gong, don't bring some gossip to the meeting. Vice Minister Chen and director Gong are upright and upright. The whole Ministry of culture knows that. Don't attack him with Xiao family. If you let the No. 2 chief know, it will be all right. "

Although Liang Qianqiu gave each of them 50 pieces of advice, the fool could tell that he was defending Gong Bo.

When talking about Chen Yixian, he criticized Gong Bo, but in fact, he did not mean to belittle Chen Yixian's bad comments.

When it comes to Gong Bo, however, he uses the evaluation of being upright and upright.

A comparison between the two immediately shows the gap.

I'm afraid even Xiao Yunhai didn't expect that after Xiao Yuanyang left, the Ministry of culture suddenly divided into two groups.

One group was led by Liang Qianqiu and Gong Bo, and the other was led by Li Chengdong and Chen Yi Xianchang. The two factions fought with each other. At such a meeting, they were so noisy that they broke their faces.

From this we can see how big the internal contradictions of the Ministry of culture are.

As a matter of fact, Liang Qianqiu also felt very headache about this. He had talked with Li Chengdong and Chen Yixian many times, but their attitude completely killed Liang Qianqiu.

The political struggle was so cruel that Liang Qianqiu had no choice but to fight against them.

He is only 50 years old this year and has a bright future. If he does not resist, Li Chengdong and Chen Yixian will be left to struggle. In the end, I am afraid that he, the Minister of culture, will be totally ignored.

A minister who has been elevated by his subordinates will not use such a person in any case.

Li Chengdong asked, "minister, what do you mean?"

Liang Qianqiu thought for a moment and said, "Lao Li, since you say that canceling the concert is the best way to solve this problem, I'll leave it to you. However, I would like to remind you that Mr. Xiao and Ms. Zhao have great influence in the world. To be cautious, you'd better ask for their opinions before introducing measures. "

Li Chengdong nodded and said, "no problem."

Liang Qianqiu said, "well, that's all for today's meeting. The meeting is over. "With that, Liang Qianqiu left with the document and the teacup.

Just out of the conference room less than 10 meters, Li Chengdong caught up.

"Minister Liang, please wait a moment."

Liang Qianqiu turned to look at Li Chengdong, who came by, and said with a smile, "Vice Minister Li, do you have anything to do?"

Li Chengdong waved his hand and said, "there is nothing important. I just want to ask Minister Liang whether the application for building a cinema submitted by STEL network company has been approved?"

Liang Qianqiu was slightly stunned and said, "Vice Minister Li, does this have anything to do with you?"

Li Chengdong said: "it has nothing to do with me, but it has something to do with my nephew. You know, my nephew is a shareholder of stell business network. No, he called me this morning, and I had to ask for help. "

Liang Qianqiu looked at him deeply and said, "I have handed in their applications. Looking at this situation, the hope is very slim. After all, there are more than 200000 screens in China, which are enough. The government should not fail to see this. "

Li Chengdong looked gloomy and said, "so, there is no possibility for STEL network company?"

Liang Qianqiu said, "no one can do it unless the second leader agrees."

Li Chengdong nodded and said, "I see. Thank you very much."

Liang Qianqiu smiles at him and leaves.

Li Chengdong did not find that after Liang Qianqiu turned his head, he could not see the extreme in his face.

At first, Liang Qianqiu was very fond of Li Chengdong. He felt that he was full of energy, eloquence, vigorous and resolute. In the face of difficulties, he was even more brave and military.

But the horse power can be known by the distance, and the heart will be seen with time.

After a long time of contact, Liang Qianqiu found one of his biggest problems, that is, he had no principle, had no sense of the overall situation, and paid too much attention to personal interests.

Just like what he asked just now, no leader of the Ministry of culture would ask him so directly. This is a blatant announcement to Liang Qianqiu that I am covering the company.

A senior leader of the Ministry of culture did his best for a foreign company, which made Liang Qianqiu extremely dissatisfied.

Back in the office, Liang Qianqiu called Xiao Yunhai.

"Yunhai, the Ministry of culture has just held a meeting to discuss about your concert. Our Vice Minister Li will communicate with you and you should be prepared mentally. "

Xiao Yunhai was writing an English song when he heard Liang Qianqiu say, "Uncle Liang, is that Vice Minister Li Kaifeng's uncle?"

Liang Qianqiu said, "yes. This vice minister Li Chengdong is very concerned about the business of STEL network company, and just asked me about the establishment of cinemas in China. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "thank you, uncle Liang. I understand. In fact, Wan Qing and I don't have to hold concerts in China. I can't. It doesn't matter if I go abroad. "

Liang Qianqiu said, "I wish you could think so. Although the accident of the concert has nothing to do with you, once you catch up, you still can't get rid of it. They hold on to this matter and give you an outline. Even I have no way to refute it. After all, I can't guarantee that the same thing will not happen in your next concert. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I understand. Don't say you, even I can't guarantee it myself. Ha ha, wait a moment. I'll have a good chat with Vice Minister Li to see what kind of person he is. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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