Published at 11th of May 2022 05:20:20 AM

Chapter 1361

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Li Kaifeng and sun Zhiwen, who were drinking in the bar, soon learned of the news and couldn't help clapping their hands to celebrate.

"Sun Shao, you are still powerful. You just smashed the world's richest man's concert, Niu Jie." Hu Weiguo laughed.

Sun Zhiwen said triumphantly: "it's nothing, mainly depends on Li Shao's uncle. Without the final strike of the Ministry of culture, the result may not be so good. "

Cao Menglan looked at them and sighed in his heart.

It is not only because of her family background that she has been able to make such a big success in the business sea, but more importantly, she can see through people's eyes. Although she only met Xiao Yunhai once, she could see that Xiao Yunhai was definitely not the kind of person willing to be threatened.

I'm afraid he doesn't want to open any more.

As for the Vice Minister of culture, Li Chengdong, is nothing to Xiao Yunhai.

Li Kaifeng said with a smile: "now Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing have cancelled their Chinese concerts, and we can finally breathe a sigh of relief on the stell business network."

Sun Zhiwen said: "yes. The most important thing for us now is to find a way to attract people. What can you do, sister LAN? "

Cao Menglan shook his head and said, "it's very difficult. Chinese consumers have formed a habit of buying things in Yunyi shopping website. It is not a matter of a day to break this habit. "

Li Kaifeng flashed a dangerous light in his eyes and said, "unless something goes wrong with the website."

Cao Menglan's face changed and said, "Kaifeng, I warn you, don't play small tricks. The fight between us is a normal business competition. Once we mix other means that can't get on the stage, it will be a big trouble. "

To deal with ordinary businessmen, those small means naturally have no problem.

But Xiao Yunhai and Wu's status in playing chess is not lower than them, but higher than them. After all, their parents are still in office.

If you attack them, these two valuable men will surely fight head-on, and no one can say what will happen.

Li Kaifeng said with a smile: "sister LAN, I'm just talking about it. The firewall built by Yunyi shopping network, known as the most powerful fortress in the world, belongs to the same level as the bank. Even if we want to attack, it is impossible. "

Cao Menglan nodded and said: "don't think about this matter, or the consequences will be very serious. Well, I have something else to do. You can keep playing. "

After Cao Menglan left, sun Zhiwen said: "ladies and gentlemen, Lan Jie seems to have been bought by Xiao Yunhai's 6 billion yuan. She is quite indifferent to our STEL business network."

Li Kai said: "I have the same feeling. It seems that the development of the stell business network still depends on us. "

Hu Weiguo asked, "Li Shao, what you just said has some meaning. Is there any way to end their website? "

Li Kaifeng said with a smile: "I know a group of foreign super hackers. If they are willing to attack, they will certainly be able to break their website. Time doesn't need to be too long, just let Yunyi shopping network disappear for a week, and we will be able to come back to life. "

Hu Weiguo shook his head and said, "I'm afraid it's very difficult. Li Shao, there was a period of time when hackers attacked various shopping websites. Most of them couldn't hold on, and soon it was over. However, Yunyi shopping website stood up and had no problem. I heard that those hackers didn't even break through the first layer of firewall. I don't think that hackers, no matter how powerful they are, can't succeed. "

Li Kai said: "Hu Shao, do you forget that there is a saying called" daily defense and night defense ". It is difficult to prevent domestic thieves? I have got the handle of a real power figure in the network Department of Yunyi shopping network. He was one of the main persons in charge of the construction of Yunyi system. As long as we get some information from him and give it to the hackers, do you think they will be so safe? "

As soon as Hu Weiguo's eyes brightened, he gave Li Kaifeng a thumbs up and said, "Li Shao, you are still an ox. If this thing is really done, maybe Yunyi shopping website will be completely finished. "

Sun Zhiwen raised his glass, laughed and said, "come on, let's drink to the bright future."


It has to be said that David Stern was right to tie these two generations together. There is little need for them to deal with problems. It is enough to have these second generation ancestors solve them.

The news of Xiao Yunhai's cancellation of the Chinese concert soon spread all over the world. When we learned that the reason was that the performance was so wonderful that people died, foreign fans expressed their fear and hoped that Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing could come to their place to hold concerts as soon as possible.

Especially in Japan and South Korea, the original plan was that Xiao Yunhai would perform in Tokyo and Seoul after finishing five concerts in China. Now it's time for them to go there.

Therefore, fans in both places were very excited and landed on Xiao Yunhai's Chinese homepage to urge him to go.

The next day, Li Tianlai called Xiao Yunhai.

"Mr. Xiao, are you really not going to hold a concert in China?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a wry smile: "Mr. Li, things have developed to this point, even the Ministry of culture has taken action, I really do not have the mood to continue to hold concerts in China.""What about Tokyo and Seoul?" Li asked? Will these two concerts be cancelled? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "foreign concerts are still the same. Originally, we scheduled December 27 and January 2. In this way, we directly advanced the performance date. Mr. Li, you can decide which day is suitable. As long as it is after December 16, there is no problem. "

Li Tianlai nodded and said," OK. I'll get in touch with the people at the venue. "

Finally, the concerts were scheduled for December 18 in Tokyo and December 24 in Seoul.

While Xiao Yunhai was busy with the aftermath of the concert, the publicity of Yazhou electronic technology company's second-generation rice grain mobile phones and tablet computers was in full swing. The advertisements shot by Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing were broadcast dozens of times a day on television and everywhere on the Internet.

Netizens are very concerned about this product, especially when they hear that it uses the latest developed universal system, and its performance is much better than all mobile phones on the market, they are more interested in it.

"I'm sorry now. If I had known there were rice grains, I would not have bought a whirlwind. "

"Look at the introduction above, the performance of rice grains seems to be very strong."

"It's not bragging. Look at its various data, almost catch up with the computer, this is too cattle

"There's no need to worry about it upstairs. Who is yunhuangqing after? Do you think they will advertise falsely? "

"Yes. Anyway, I have decided to buy it. I believe that the rice grain series will not disappoint me

Yazhou Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. can become one of the three major electronic companies in China. Rice grain mobile phones and tablet computers are still very basic in China. Now it has launched mobile phones and tablet computers with performance at least 50% higher than that of Mili before. Regular users must buy them. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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