Published at 11th of May 2022 05:20:17 AM

Chapter 1363

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After driving for more than half an hour, the car stopped in front of the building of Feicheng people's court.

Good guy, at the gate of the court, people are everywhere. At least hundreds of media reporters, 500 or 600 fans and dozens of security police on duty are gathered.

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing take sunglasses and come out of the car. The scene suddenly becomes noisy.

The cameras and cameras in the hands of journalists kept ringing. The flash lights were like thunder sea, and there was no gap between them.

Fans are even more excited to see the idol, some girls even wail.

"After yunhuangqing, we support you."

"I love you after yunhuangqing."

"Come on after yunhuangqing, you are the best."

The fans were shouting, and their voices were deafening.

Accompanied by more than a dozen security police, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing greet their fans with a smile and walk to the court.

Reporters are always asking questions.

"Mr. Xiao and Miss Zhao, what do you think of the trial?"

"Do you feel sorry for canceling the next Chinese concert?"

"After yunhuangqing, I heard that you are going to hold concerts abroad. Have you ever thought about what will happen if such incidents happen again?"

Innumerable questions like machine guns have been fired from reporters' mouths.

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing turned a deaf ear to this. They walked hand in hand without stopping. After a while, they entered the court.

At 9:30, the trial officially began.

The plaintiff's lawyer said the cause and effect. As the facts are clear, neither side has any objection.

Next, the lawyers of the two sides stated the legal basis respectively, and then the judge closed the case and sentenced Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing innocent.

Xiao Yunhai waited for five days, but the trial took only 40 minutes.

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing look at each other and smile bitterly.

From the court, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing were surrounded by reporters again.

"Mr. Xiao and Miss Zhao, it took only 50 minutes to get in and out. Do you think it's ridiculous?"

Xiao Yunhai knew that the reporter was digging a hole for them. He said solemnly, "I don't think this is a ridiculous thing. After all, two gentlemen died forever because of our concert. "

"Are you really not going to hold a concert in China?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a bitter smile: "the Ministry of culture has issued a notice, we have no way. What's more, this accident also reminds us of the fact that when we go abroad, we will try our best to finish the performance. "

"Your next stop is Tokyo. I wonder if Chinese fans can see this concert?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Yunqing TV station will record and broadcast it at a suitable time."

"Have you ever thought about leaving some of your tickets for domestic fans? Tokyo is not far away from Huaxia. I believe many fans will be interested in watching it. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I haven't really thought about this problem. This afternoon, I will contact the organizers and listen to their opinions. Even if you want to stay, it won't be too much. "


in half an hour, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing rushed to the airport.

Boarding his own private plane, Xiao Yunhai saw that there were already people sitting inside, all veterans of Yunqing security company, about 50 or so, all of them were top-1 experts.

Xiao Yunhai did not dare to take it lightly, especially in terms of security. Compared with the domestic, foreign is much more chaotic, he does not want to have any problems during the concert.

While greeting everyone, Xiao Yunhai suddenly saw Mengfang, who had not been seen for a long time, was also in it.

"Elder martial brother, if you don't look after the children at home, how can you come here?" Xiao Yunhai stretched out his arms and hugged him tightly. He asked in surprise.

Since Meng Fang got married, Zhao Yan gave birth to two children, one male and one female, all of them were very cute.

In order to take care of his children, Mengfang saw that Xiao Yunhai had no shortage of martial arts experts. He asked him to quit his job as a bodyguard and worked as an instructor in the security school.

Because Xiao Yunhai is too busy, so they can see two or three times a year, but this did not hinder their brotherhood.

Meng Fang said with a smile, "I'm still thinking. I stay at home all day. I'm bored. When I heard you were going to concerts all over the world and needed security, I couldn't help but follow

Xiao Yunhai said, "did you go to see my grandfather?"

Mengfang shook his head and said, "we just flew from Yanjing, and we have no time to go. I called my master the other day. He said that he would open a martial arts school after the new year. I told him that I would also go to school as a teacher. There is no other way. There is no problem in teaching students to practiceXiao Yunhai said in surprise, "what about your wife and children?"

Meng Fang said with a smile, "of course, they all moved to Feicheng. The living environment in Yanjing is so bad that I can't stand it. After discussing with the swallow, he decided to settle down in Feicheng. My father-in-law and my mother-in-law will go with them. "

Xiao Yunhai gave Meng Fang a thumbs up and said, "elder martial brother, you are still powerful. To be honest, I also want to leave Yanjing. The air and traffic there are really unbearable. It is very harmful for children to stay in such environment for a long time. What do you think, wife? "

Zhao Wanqing said, "what you say is what you say. However, it is better not to be too far away from Yanjing. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said with a smile, "I understand. Then, let's choose a place in Hebei. Go back and talk to your parents. "

Zhao Wanqing said, "good."

The plane took off quickly, and it took only two hours from Feicheng to Tokyo.

During this period, Xiao Yunhai and Meng fang had a good time chatting.

In the process of chatting, Xiao Yunhai found that Mengfang and he were quite different when they came to Beijing.

Before he was a facial paralysis Muggle, you say 10 words, he can return a good.

Now Mengfang is always smiling. Although his words are still not much, there is no problem in communication.

Especially when talking about the children, Xiao Yunhai, who seldom takes care of the children, is embarrassed by his dazzling eyes.

Zhao Wanqing, who was next to her, looked at the child with excitement on her face and sighed in her heart: "I thought that when I saw Meng Fang for the first time, I felt like a silent and dangerous element, and I felt a little scared. And now look at it again, it's like a super daddy, who has half a trace of evil spirit on his body. It seems that love and affection can really change a person. "

From Tokyo International Airport, Xiao Yunhai and his party of more than 50 people sat on the double deck bus arranged by Teana records company.

It took more than half an hour from the airport to Tokyo. The bus stopped at a five-star hotel near the Tokyo International Stadium where the concert was held.

The hotel has been contracted by the sounds of nature and only receives the relevant staff of the concert.

After finishing the accommodation, Ke Zhengde, who is in charge of the concert sent by Tianlai, knocked on the door of their room.

Xiao Yunhai opened the door and said with a smile, "Mr. Ke, are you going to eat?"

He nodded and said, "that's right. Mr. Xiao, do you want to eat in this hotel or try some local food? "

Xiao Yunhai did not make any consideration and said: "of course, I went to eat special products. I'm tired of eating these five-star hotels. "

Ke Zhengde said with a smile, "I'll book a hotel now."

"What about others?" Xiao asked

"It's here, of course. The food in five-star hotels can not be eaten by everyone. "

Xiao Yunhai thought, it is true.

For ordinary people, they are reluctant to live in a five-star hotel, let alone eat in it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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