Published at 11th of May 2022 06:04:26 AM

Chapter 137

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In the following awards, the best producer was won by Peng Pai music director Zhao Guangshui; the most popular singer of the year was won by Tian Wang Ye Yongren and Tian Tian Yao Na, which was selected by fans through mobile phone or Internet voting, with high gold content; the best album of the year was won by Yao Na, who sold more than 10 million copies; and Yao Na was still the best singer of the year.

All three awards were won by Yao Na, making her the biggest winner of this golden cup Music Festival.

The difference between Jinzun Music Festival and other music festivals is that it won't do things like "Hello, I'm good, everyone's good". The jury's review is very strict. It will only be selected according to your achievements of this year. If you have the ability to complete all the awards, the golden cup jury will also send all the awards to you.

That's why it's so powerful, and it's also the reason why all the artists look at the golden goblet.

For example, Yao Na won three awards in succession this year, which is nothing in the history of Golden Cup awards. What's more, in 1994, ye Yongren won six awards for his album butterfly in love with flowers, which shocked the whole music world.

Finally, it was Xiao Yunhai's best single.

Those who competed with him for the award were Lin Yuying's "people who don't go home", Yao Na's "legend", ye Yongren's "soul", Cai pingya's "fruit of dreams", Xia Chengfeng's "Sadness", Mu Yuyang's "don't ask me who I am" and Li Chengming's "Queen of heaven", which are the most fierce awards in the music festival.

On the stage to present the award are the veteran King Liu normal and queen Wang Junru.

Eight candidates with different faces were quickly hit on the big screen.

Ye Yongren and Yao Na are both smiling and motionless: Xiao Yunhai is talking to Zhao Wanqing gently; CAI pingya's face is slightly red and slightly nervous; Xia Chengfeng doesn't even pick off his sunglasses, so he can't see any expression on his face; Lin Yuying is very excited and keeps his eyes on the stage; Mu Yuyang and Li Chengming tightly close their lips, and their bodies collapse unnaturally Come on.

Ye Xiong opens the envelope and gives the card inside to Wang Junru. Wang Junru took a look, laughed, and said in a loud voice, "let's congratulate... The preface to the Orchid Pavilion by Xiao Yunhai"

hearing that Wang Junru didn't pronounce her own name, Lin Yuying seemed to have lost all her strength and leaned on the back of her back, and her face was a little ugly.

Summer Chengfeng whole body a tight, deep spit out a breath, pretended to clap hands.

Mu Yuyang and Li Chengming shake their heads and smile bitterly.

Although Ye Yongren, Yao Na and CAI pingya, who made friends with Xiao Yunhai, did not receive the award, they still applauded with a smile when they saw that the winner was their friend.

Xiao Yunhai stood up and shook hands with the stars who congratulated him. On the way to the stage, he hugged Ye Yongren and Yao Na tightly, and then came to the stage.

After receiving the golden cup award from Wang Junru, Xiao Yunhai began to give his third speech.

"As a new comer who has been on the road for less than half a year, the organizing committee has been able to give me three awards in succession, which makes me feel a little flattered. However, I am confident and able to prove to you that there is no mistake in the selection of the golden cup organizing committee. "

"For this preface to Lanting, I want to thank my father. He was a Chinese teacher in middle school. He forced me to practice calligraphy with brush. I copied Wang Xizhi's preface to Lanting for more than a thousand times. Before I wrote this song, I was wondering why I couldn't combine Chinese traditional culture with contemporary pop music. So, the Orchid Pavilion preface appeared. To tell you the truth, when this song was finished, I was very proud, and I was very fussy. I gave this music form a name called "Huaxia wind".

"Ha ha ha."

The stars and the audience below all laughed at Xiao Yunhai's words.

"I'm very glad that you have not rejected Huaxia style. Now you have won this golden cup award. I think this is the greatest encouragement to Huaxia wind. Thank you

Xiao Yunhai bowed down deeply and then returned to his seat. Tonight, he is the most dazzling star besides Yao Na.

When Su Yingxue saw that Xiao Yunhai had won three prizes in a row, she was very excited. She remembered the prophecy he had made that day. Unexpectedly, it really made him guess.

Soon, more than a dozen awards were settled and the party was over.

Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing made an appointment to meet, and then went out from the star special channel.

As one of the biggest winners of the award ceremony, Xiao Yunhai knew that there would be countless reporters who would like to interview him, and Xiao Yunhai was most afraid of such trouble. So as soon as the party was over, he called his senior brother and asked him to wait for himself at the exit of the special channel.

Unfortunately, what he didn't know was that the reporters outside had already surrounded the exit.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai appear, the reporters' eyes were bright, just like a group of wolves saw a poor sheep. With a whoop, Xiao Yunhai was surrounded by water. Countless flash lights were lit up in front of Xiao Yunhai.

"Mr. Xiao, you won the golden cup award for the first time. How do you feel now?""I'm very excited. I'm very grateful to the Golden Cup awards jury and the fans who supported me."

Xiao Yunhai could not help but answer the questions raised by Reporters without any nutrition.

Otherwise, these reporters will write about the new man Xiao Yunhai the next day. Xiao Yunhai is arrogant and plays big cards. This is not good for his reputation.

After answering several questions one after another, a reporter suddenly asked with ulterior motives: "Xiao Yunhai, do you think you deserve the three awards you won tonight?"

Xiao Yunhai listened and looked at the malicious reporter and said faintly, "what this reporter friend said is very interesting. Can I think that this is questioning the fairness of the golden cup award? "

That reporter didn't expect Xiao Yunhai to speak so sharply and question the golden cup award. Are you kidding? I don't have the courage to kill him.

So he quickly explained, "I don't mean that."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "that would be the best. After more than half a month's discussion and research, more than 100 senior musicians finally voted for the three awards. Is your opinion more authoritative than they are? "

The reporter was asked by Xiao Yunhai that he was as pale as clay, shaking his hands in a hurry to show that he did not mean that.

At this time, Su Yingxue and Mengfang finally squeeze in. At the same time, she also heard Xiao Yunhai's reply to the reporter, and she was very satisfied.

A writer is a writer, absolutely high IQ.

With the help of Mengfang, Xiao Yunhai tried his best to squeeze out of the crowd. After getting on the bus, he found that Dong Piao was also in it. Mengfang drove away quickly.

In the car, Xiao Yunhai received a call from Zhao Wanqing.

"Yunhai, sister Na invited us to a cocktail party with her. Would you like to go?"

"Well, where?"

"It's in Wangda District, next to Diecui district."

"Well, let's meet at the door."

Xiao Yunhai hung up her mobile phone and said with a smile to Su Yingxue, who was playing with the cup: "sister Na is inviting me to her party."

"Isn't that good? In yaona's position, most of them are celebrities in the entertainment industry. It will be good for your future if you get to know them in the past. " Su Yingxue said that, suddenly saw Dong Piao with an envious look on his face, so he said to Xiao Yunhai, "do you think you can take Piao Piao with you?

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I'll call and ask sister Na. After all, without her consent, it's not appropriate to go in a hurry. "

Dong piaofeo quickly waved his hand and said, "brother Xiao, don't ask. In case Mr. Yao gets angry, doesn't it hurt you? "

" ha ha, sister Na's heart is not as small as you think. "

Finish saying, Xiao Yunhai called Yao Na, said, Yao Na did not want to agree.

Dong Piao was grateful and said, "thank you, brother Xiao."

Twenty minutes later, the four of Xiao Yunhai came to Wangda district and saw Zhao Wanqing waiting at the door.

Xiao Yunhai asks Meng Fang to send Su Yingxue back. He gets off with Dong Piao and says gently to Zhao Wanqing, "have you been here for a long time?"

Zhao Wanqing shook her head and said with a smile, "no, I just came here. Is this Miss Dong Piao Piao? Your record is really good. "

Dong Piao and Zhao Wanqing shook hands and said, "thanks for the two songs written by brother Xiao."

"Well, two beauties, let's get there. Wan Qing, how did sister Na come back so early? "

Zhao Wanqing led the way and said: "in order to get rid of the reporters' entanglement, sister Na left before the end of the award ceremony. Do you think people will be as stupid as you are? "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and did not speak. Yao Na is a pop star with good popularity and friends all over the world. If she leaves early, no one will say anything. If you learn from her, I'm afraid that what's waiting for you is that you don't respect the golden cup prize.

The three soon arrived at yaona's villa.

At this time, the living room in addition to Yao Na and Chen Huan, other people have not come.

Yao Na holds Zhao Wanqing in her left hand and Dong Piao in her right hand, and says to Xiao Yunhai, "hurry up, go and arrange the mahjong table with Lao Chen. Who can play mahjong?

Zhao Wanqing and Dong Piao shake their heads at the same time.

Yao Na rolled her eyes and said, "that's over. We have to wait. "

Xiao Yunhai and Chen Huan said hello and went to play mahjong table together.

After a while, ye Yongren also rushed to see the young people in front of him and said with a smile: "I'll tell you. We have to find more young people to have a party. What's the point of us old people alone? "

After that, he looked at Xiao Yunhai and said, "Yunhai, you should have two more drinks tonight. After half a year's career, you won three golden cup awards. This is the first time I've heard about it."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I'm also very surprised. I don't know those judges teachers."Chen said with a smile: "how can we know each other? I know almost all of them. I haven't even won a consolation prize. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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