Published at 11th of May 2022 05:20:04 AM

Chapter 1372

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After breakfast, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing arrived at Chen Jiahong's hotel by car.

"Grandfather, are you used to living here?"

When Xiao Yunhai saw Chen Jiahong, he asked with a smile.

Chen Jiahong said angrily, "I could still sleep in those days when the sky was the quilt and the ground was the bed. Now I'm not used to living in such a spacious and luxurious hotel. Yunhai, it's said that after you and Matsumoto's martial arts contest were confirmed, Matsumoto's cultivation was closed and no one was seen. Obviously, we attach great importance to this competition. Don't be careless. If you lose, you will lose face. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "if it's useful to practice in closed door, can we still use our martial arts practitioners to practice hard every day and night? When it comes to martial arts competition, it's OK to see who is closed for a long time? Don't worry, granddad, you just made a dark effort and killed the pine tree. At present, I'm also practicing hard. If I can't even do Matsumoto, it's useless. You can rest assured that I will win him. "

"Well, Mr. Xiao, it's really a bold and dry cloud, quite like the old man's demeanor."

There was a loud voice outside the door.

Xiao Yunhai turned his head and saw a middle-aged man in his forties, with his back and back and his eyes shining.

Chen Jiahong introduced: "Yunhai, this is Lai bingchang, the master of Hongmen in Japan. You have seen it before."

Xiao Yunhai hugged his fist and said, "Uncle Lai, let's meet again."

When Chen Jiahong was on his ninetieth birthday, Lai bingchang went to celebrate Chen Jiahong's birthday, but he didn't introduce him.

Lai bingchang looked Xiao Yunhai up and down and sighed, "five years ago, I saw you for the first time. At that time, you were still a student of Yanjing Film Academy with a trace of student spirit. I didn't expect that in five years' time, the young man grew up to be the richest man in the world, an international superstar, and was honored as the No.1 master in the world. To tell you the truth, I'm still a little unbelievable

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "Uncle Lai, don't praise me. These three terms of address are international superstars. There are more rich people in the world than I am, but their reputation is not obvious. As for the best master in the world, they are all hard put on my head by the media. I dare not be worthy of it. "

"As long as you can beat Matsumoto this afternoon, you will be the world's number one," Lai said with a smile

Xiao Yunhai asked, "Uncle Lai, is this songben treasure field really so strong? I've seen his video. Although the fight is fierce, it doesn't seem to be so fierce. "

Lai bingchang said: "that's a video that didn't enter the world a long time ago. After years of hard training, no one can detect the depth of his kung fu. Every year, Japan holds a forum for the heads of various guilds in order to divide the regions of interest. The year before last, I wanted to give him a try, so I took the initiative to challenge him. I'm not bragging. My Hongquan training is pretty good. I'm in the habit. I didn't expect... Ha ha, I'm ashamed. I was beaten by his fist after only two interviews. Otherwise, I would have been merciful. He is called the first in Japan by the Japanese martial arts circles. He is really worthy of his name. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "no wonder he has so much confidence in himself. It turns out that he has real skills."

Seeing that Xiao Yunhai had listened to his own words, his face did not move at all, as if listening to another unimportant person. This made Lai bingchang admire him very much, and said in his heart: "the grandson of the old man is really wonderful. Although I don't see his kung fu, it's not something that ordinary people can have by virtue of his determination. "

While they were chatting, Hongmen lords from more than ten regions came. Most of them were between 40 and 60 years old. All of them were loud and full of momentum. The worst martial arts were at the level of dark strength.

Although Xiao Yunhai is only in his twenties and the youngest among a group of people, he is the richest man in the world and the best master in the world to fight against the Japanese great demon, Matsumoto. Therefore, no one dares to despise him.

After lunch, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing drove for a full hour and a half in the top bulletproof luxury car that Hongmen gave to the old man. Then they arrived at the destination of the lecture hall in Tokyo.

This martial arts hall is similar to a Chinese temple. It stands on a hillside outside Tokyo. It's very elegant.

When he came out of the parking lot, Xiao Yunhai saw a long stone step leading to the gate of the Daoguan. Every three steps, there were two people from Shanhe formation standing on both sides like javelins, with sharp eyes and sharp edges.

When Xiao Yunhai saw their appearance, he could not help but smile and said, "these people are selling well."

Hearing this, Chen Jiahong said with a smile: "people don't just sell their faces. They have seen blood in their hands. Far away, I can smell the blood on them

Xiao Yunhai said: "grandfather, the battle of Matsumoto's treasure field is not a deliberate attempt to give me a power?"

Chen Jiahong was stagnant and said with no good spirit: "people are not so naive."

Lai bingchang nearby said with a smile: "Yunhai, this competition between you and Matsumoto is really too influential. I heard that even Russian Deputy Prime Minister Prov, who is visiting Japan, asked to come and see it. In addition, there are nearly 100 Chinese military commanders, senior Japanese government officials, masters of various major schools of Japanese martial arts, and colleagues of Chinese martial arts circles, even nearly 100 tycoons with more than 10 billion US dollars have arrived. This competition field is chosen by the Shanhe group. If the battle in the Shanhe group is too low, it will lose a lot of people in front of the whole world. "Xiao Yunhai shook his head and sighed: "it was just a private contest. I didn't expect to attract so many big people to watch the war. It's really depressing."

Lai bingchang said: "this should be an honor. Because no two kungfu masters can have your influence. "

Xiao Yunhai cut a, disdainful said: "such influence, I would rather not."

Hongmen and his party were seventy-eight or eighty people in total. They were very powerful. As soon as they came down, they startled the high-level of Shanhe formation.

Deputy group leader Liu Chuan Junxiong personally led people out and took everyone up.

Xiao Yunhai asked, "Mr. Liuchuan, I wonder if Mr. Matsumoto has arrived?"

Liu Chuan Junxiong said with a smile: "Mr. Matsumoto arrived this morning and has been meditating in the Taoist hall. Mr. Xiao, this contest between you and the group leader will attract many super rich people. There may be a bet at that time. Please don't mind. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "you Shanhe group is really good at business, and even moved the gambling game here. Ha ha, this is a good way to make money. I'm not afraid that there are many senior officials in Japan, but I'm not afraid of them coming here? "

"Mr. Xiao, gambling is not advocated in Japan, but it is not prohibited by law," he said

Xiao Yunhai patted his forehead and said, "look at my brain, I almost forget that this is not Huaxia."

While speaking, they came to the gate of the Taoist school. There were three Japanese characters written on it. They were iron pen and silver hook.

When he walked into the hall, he suddenly saw a large-scale training ground that could accommodate tens of thousands of people. There was a huge arena in the middle. Xiao Yunhai estimated that the competition between him and Matsumoto was held on it.

In order to welcome these well-known people from all over the world, Shanhe group directly held an open-air reception on the training ground. People who came here in advance held cups and chatted there in groups.

Xiao Yunhai's eyes are so sharp that you can see many of his acquaintances at a glance, such as those rich second generation of huaxiaster business network, the prince of general motors, Mr. Gordon Welch, and his partners Yu Hai, Wu Yifa, Hu Yaoting, etc.

However, Xiao Yunhai did not come forward to say hello, but turned to Zhao Wanqing and said, "wife, there are many of our friends over there. Please help me to greet them. I don't want to work hard in these areas

Zhao Wanqing nodded: "OK."

Liu Chuan Jun Xiong said: "Mr. Xiao, do you need anything?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "I'm going to take a walk on the challenge arena, and then find a quiet place to rest."

Liu Chuan Jun Xiong way: "good, you please." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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