Published at 11th of May 2022 05:20:01 AM

Chapter 1374

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The time is so fast that only half an hour is left for the competition time.

All of them sat down under the challenge arena, and a host came to the arena and said, "ladies and gentlemen, the world-famous Mr. Xiao and Mr. Matsumoto are about to start the competition. Not only did they have to decide the outcome, they also made a 100 billion dollar bet. Whoever wins, the other party's 100 billion dollars belongs to him. We saw many world-famous super rich people coming to the scene. I wonder if you are interested in gambling? "

a super rich man with glasses said," how to bet? "

The host said: "you are all rich people. I believe you will not do something that you don't recognize. So if you have a check, you can deposit a check. If you don't have a check, you can write an IOU. Our staff are in place. If you choose Mr. Xiao to win, please put your check or IOU in the red betting box. If you choose Mr. Matsumoto, put it in the blue box. After you have finished, we will make a statistics and announce the name and amount of the beter in public. After the game, we Yamamoto team is responsible for delivering the check to the winning party within three days. But we have to charge 5% of the hard work fee. Do you have any objection? "

"Yes, five percent is less. I'll bet Mr. Matsumoto five billion dollars. "

"I'll bet Mr. Matsumoto two billion dollars."


the host winked at the staff nearby, and six beautiful women with red and blue betting boxes came to the rich.

Chen Jiahong said, "Wanqing, don't you bet on the sea of clouds?"

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "don't worry. Let's wait and see."

Twenty minutes later, the host read out the sum of the bets and said, "is there anything wrong with what I just read? Do you have any objection? "

Seeing that everyone did not speak, the host said, "OK. According to the final calculation, Mr. abxiao won a total of 43.2 billion US dollars, and Mr. abasone won a total of 93.8 billion US dollars. Is there anything else to bet on? If not, let's... "

" hold on. " A beautiful voice, like a yellow warbler, rang up. People looked at him and said it was Zhao Wanqing.

"What's wrong with Miss Zhao?" the host asked

Zhao Wanqing said: "I just heard that there is a $50.6 billion difference between my husband and Mr. Matsumoto. I will make up for the difference. If anyone has a pen, please lend it to me. I'll write an IOU

"Wow, it's Mr. Xiao's woman. It's really magnificent."

"In order to let her husband not lose to the other side in momentum, he just smoothed the difference of bets. It seems that there is nothing wrong with the rumor. This Miss Zhao really has the right to control Mr. Xiao's wealth. "

Zhao Wanqing handed the IOU to the host. The host put it in the red bet box, then gave Zhao Wanqing a thumbs up and said, "there is a saying in China that women are not inferior to men. Today I can see it from Miss Zhao. With Miss Zhao's $50 billion, our odds are exactly 1:1. Well, the competition is about to start. The rules are very simple. Whoever falls down first and can't get up will lose. We'll see you later. "

At fifteen o'clock sharp, Matsumoto and Xiao Yunhai seemed to have agreed, and appeared in front of the public at the same time.

Xiao Yunhai came to the challenge arena, and Matsumoto's Baotian went straight to Chen Jiahong.

So he sat on his knees and sat on the ground.

Matsumoto came to Chen Jiahong, bowed deeply to him, and said, "Mr. Chen, I've finally seen you."

Chen Jiahong looked at him for a moment, nodded and said, "Mr. Matsumoto can have a grandson like you. He is dead in peace."

Matsumoto's eyes flashed, and he said, "Mr. Chen, you killed my grandfather on the ring with the highest cultivation of dark strength, which made us a disgrace to the Japanese martial arts circles. I want to know what was going on at that time? "

Chen Jiahong said, "you are not afraid to know, will let your momentum be frustrated?"

Matsumoto said: "if only a few words can affect my martial arts competition, then I Matsumoto may be too useless."

Chen Jiahong laughed: "what a Matsumoto treasure field, I really have the qualification to be my grandson's opponent. In that case, I'll tell you what happened then. "

Although Chen Jiahong is more than ninety years old, he speaks with a loud voice and full of confidence, without any trace of old-fashioned manner.

"Son of Matsumoto, your grandfather is a real warrior worthy of our respect. At that time, when Japan invaded China, ichiki Matsumoto, as the military martial arts instructor and the first master of Japan, set up a challenge arena in Shanghai to fight against our Chinese martial arts circles. At that time, his Kungfu had reached the peak of strength, and none of us could match it. "

"But how could our martial arts practitioners let your grandfather show off his crimes in China at a time of national ruin. Therefore, we know that we are defeated, or one after another to launch suicide attacks on your grandfather. He would rather blow his head off, but also leave something on Matsumoto's body. For two days in a row, thirty-three kung fu masters were killed in the war. "Hearing Chen Jiahong's words, everyone seemed to see the scene that the Chinese people would rather die than surrender in order to protect their country.

Matsumoto's eyes narrowed slightly and said, "what happened later? Are you on the stage? "

Chen Jiahong shook his head and said, "originally I was the 34th one, but an expert from the North beat me to the stage. The master didn't even leave his name. He directly used the eight pole fist to fight against your grandfather. Unfortunately, he still died under your grandfather's fist, but he successfully wounded your grandfather before he died. "

"I have to say that your grandfather's heart is very big. After he was injured, he not only did not retreat, but also took advantage of the momentum of great victory to challenge us again. They even want to suppress the martial spirit of the whole Chinese nation with the strength of one person. At that time, the kung fu masters in Shanghai were full of blood, and no one cared about their own lives. "

"I was only 26 years old, and I didn't care about death. So, I got on the ring and fought with your injured grandfather. In the fight, I unexpectedly broke through to Huajin and finally killed your grandfather. This is the whole story of that year. To tell you the truth, if your grandfather hadn't been injured before, I would have been the one who died. Speaking of it, I have taken advantage of others, but I have a clear conscience. "

It seems that all the characters in the war, including those in the era of matsutama, have not written their own tragic songs.

Matsumoto took a deep breath, bowed to Chen Jiahong again, and said, "thank you very much for telling me the truth. At that time, my grandfather was not wrong. You and those 34 heroes were not wrong. The fight between the martial arts was decided by nature. Anyway, my grandfather lost to you. Since Mr. Xiao is your grandson and descendant, as long as I can defeat him today, I will fight back for my grandfather. "

Chen Jiahong said, "you should be careful. I don't think there is anyone in the world who can match my grandson. "

Matsumoto's face showed a smile and said, "Mr. Chen will wait and see."

With that, Matsumoto stepped onto the arena, bowed slightly to Xiao Yunhai who had just stood up, and said, "Mr. Xiao, please give me your advice."

Xiao Yunhai hugged his fist and said, "please."

As soon as the words fell, Matsumoto's eyes were shining, and his right foot stamped on the challenge arena. The whole person was like a giant beast of the great wilderness, carrying a suffocating momentum to Xiao Yunhai.

The two were originally more than 20 meters apart, but Matsumoto's farmland seemed to shrink into an inch. In the blink of an eye, they came to Xiao Yunhai. The right hand becomes a knife, cuts straight to Xiao Yunhai's shoulder.

This hand knife is as fast as lightning and makes a whoosh sound in the air, which is almost the same as a real knife. If it is cut down, Xiao Yunhai's arm will not be wanted. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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