Published at 11th of May 2022 05:20:00 AM

Chapter 1375

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Just now Matsumoto's action, because of the explosive force, the audience below seemed to see a strong air wave passing by, and he stepped out a big hole on the reinforced concrete floor.

All of them stood up in surprise.

Such explosive force, such speed, such momentum, is simply a giant human.

Xiao Yunhai felt the strong threat from Matsumoto's treasure field. His hair and hair stood upright. His Qi and blood were surging like the tide of Qiantang River, which quickly poured into all parts of his body.

Originally, the height of 1.8 meters was impacted by Qi and blood, just like the monkey king in the fairy tale. It actually expanded by 10 cm and became almost as tall as Matsumoto's.

At the same time, it has become a sandbag sized fist to hit Matsumoto's hand knife, where the air crackles like firecrackers, and the momentum seems to be more powerful.

The hand knife and the fist finally collide together, only listen to Peng's voice, the place where they collide sends out a dull sound, as if hit by a heavy thunder.

Matsumoto's hand Sabre has reached the peak. It is almost the same as the real Dao. With this hand, I don't know how many Mafia experts were killed.

Today, however, he met his opponent. He not only took his own hand knife, but also made his hand bone ache. It seemed that he was about to crack, and his body retreated sharply.

Xiao Yunhai is under the tremendous force of the other party. He just stepped on a huge footprint under his feet. Even his internal organs seem to have been shaken. He ran Qi and blood in a hurry, which slowed down.

Only in this way, Xiao Yunhai can no longer pursue the retreating Matsumoto treasure field, and has missed a good chance to win.

It's a long move, but it's just a matter of blink.

It took less than two seconds from the impact of Matsumoto's treasure field to blasting back, but the concrete pouring ground on site has become pitted and pitted, and the scene is in a mess.

There were no less than 100 martial arts masters on the stage. When they saw each other, their eyes suddenly burst out and almost fell to the ground.

"Is this still a man? That's how destructive it is. "

"I didn't expect that they all reached the highest level of martial arts. They were so powerful. They were really amazing."

"I'm glad I'm here, or I won't regret my death."

"If I can see this peak competition in my life, I will die in peace."

When Zhao Wanqing saw Matsumoto's ferocity, her face was worried. Her hands and ten fingers were constantly intertwined, and her knuckles were faintly white.

Although her eight trigrams boxing has been trained to the point of clear strength, what can he understand in this high-level competition.

"Grandfather, can Yunhai win?" Zhao Wanqing asked softly.

Chen Jiahong said: "the blow just made Matsumoto suffer a loss. He is the offensive side, if not the cloud sea is too strong, he would not have collapsed. The power of Matsumoto's treasure field is indeed unexpected. Even in the period of Anti Japanese War, he was able to compete for the best master in the world. Unfortunately, it is doomed to fail if we meet the sea of clouds. "

Chen Jiahong has absolute confidence in Xiao Yunhai. He has experienced too much in his life. He has not never seen those legendary kungfu masters. Some of them have even dealt with each other, but he has never seen one who can compare with his grandson.

Sometimes, he even doubted whether the grandson was human.

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. Matsumoto is really extraordinary and has the qualification to become my opponent of Xiao Yunhai."

Matsumoto said nothing and attacked again. The legs are like legs, full of strength, but the body shape is relaxed like a swallow. The toes are on the ground, and there is no sound at all. It is extremely fast.

The extreme contradiction between light and heavy makes people under the stage extremely uncomfortable.

"This is the top body method in Chinese martial arts. I didn't expect Matsumoto would do the same."

Xiao Yunhai is not afraid. His body is also as fast as lightning, but he is half a step forward. Wherever he has been, the soil must fly, and some even hit the audience. This shows how powerful his explosive power is.

Xiao Yunhai uses the half step collapsing fist of Xingyi Quan. In the process of impact, his whole body bones sound like a barrage of guns. His Qi and blood are like boiling water, making a huge sound, like a God, punching Matsumoto's belly.

Matsumoto's body dodged and dodged the blow of the blow. His five fingers stretched out like a steel gun and stabbed Xiao Yunhai's chest. The speed was extremely fast, but it was vicious and vicious. With his strength of thousands of Jin, as long as he is stabbed, his body may be pierced.

Xiao Yunhai's arm suddenly became extremely soft, five fingers pinched together, like the head of a snake. With a whoosh, he accurately hit the wrist stretched out by Matsumoto's treasure field.

Matsumoto's heart is neither happy nor sad. He can see that if his moves remain unchanged, he will peck his wrist before he hits Xiao Yunhai.

His reaction is very fast, the five fingers out quickly become a fist, more powerful, return to Xiao Yunhai's snake head.Xiao Yunhai's eyes narrowed slightly and his body shrank, like a sensitive monkey, avoiding his powerful fists. At the same time, his right arm drooped down, like a whip, toward Matsumoto's treasure field.

It is the single whip in Taijiquan.

It's just that his kung fu is too high and his explosive power is so strong that there is a crackling sound of whips in the air.

A martial arts master who has practiced Taijiquan all his life sighs: "it is really unprecedented that a single whip of Taiji can be practiced to this point, and there is no one to come after."

In the face of this fierce single whip, Matsumoto's pure light blasted, and his body suddenly burst out with a powerful force. His left leg retreated half a step, and his right fist burst out suddenly. The ground suddenly gave out a huge roar, and its strength was incomparable. It was the cannon fist in Xingyi boxing.

The recoil force of his gun punch was amazing. The ground around him was ten feet square, and there were cracks on the ground. Therefore, we can imagine the weight of his blow.

The fists and whips collided with each other, and suddenly a huge sound came out. The whole arena was shaking, as if there had been an earthquake. There was a panic on some timid faces.

Matsumoto has practiced martial arts since childhood. He has developed a strong body. With his natural power, his kung fu has reached the level of transforming strength. It can be said that his physical strength, endurance and explosive power have almost reached the limit of the human body.

I thought that no one in the world could compete with himself in strength. However, Xiao Yunhai was not inferior to himself, but seemed to surpass himself.

After receiving the other party's whip, he could hardly hold his Qi and blood. His body was shaking, and the bones on his fist came in bursts of pain. It was obvious that Xiao Yunhai had injured the bones of his hand.

Matsumoto's feet dodged and dodged Xiao Yunhai's subsequent two fists.

With this flash, his initiative is equivalent to completely handing over to Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai naturally will not miss this opportunity, raised his arm, Pu fan big right hand suddenly from top to bottom to cover the top of Matsumoto's treasure field.

This move is not one of the boxing techniques. It is completely a live performance of Xiao Yunhai. However, its power is unprecedented. It is driven by his powerful explosive force. It is as big as the emperor and as heavy as thick soil.

Matsumoto's eyes were black and the wind was howling. It was like a Mount Fuji under his head, making him unable to hide or avoid.

Such prestige is hardly attainable by one person.

Helpless, Matsumoto Baotian steel teeth a bite, two arms together, hard to block Xiao Yunhai hit.


The biggest sound since the contest was made on the arena, like a thunderbolt from the blue. The ears of the audience were buzzing and the eardrum seemed to have been broken.

If you look at the scene, the ground around them is full of cracks of varying thickness, some as thick as a finger, some as thin as spider silk, and Matsumoto's legs are directly inserted into the concrete ground, his eyes are wide and his face is red and frightening, and he stands there motionless.

Then the two arms drooped down like noodles, and the bones inside had been smashed to pieces by Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai took a deep breath, shook his head and sighed, "Mr. Matsumoto, you lost."

Matsumoto's face is more red, a mouthful of blood directly vomited out, which is also mixed with several snow-white teeth, is obviously shaken off.

"You won. I never dreamed that there would be a master like you in the world. This time I was convinced. "

With that, Matsumoto pulled out two legs and walked to the stage. But without taking two steps, he rolled his eyes and fainted.

Several doctors quickly trotted up and put Matsumoto's treasure field on a stretcher and carried it to the ambulance. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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