Published at 11th of May 2022 05:19:58 AM

Chapter 1376

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There was no one to speak. It seemed that they were still immersed in the battle just now.

After a long time, the overwhelming discussion began to ring.

"After watching this competition, I suddenly found that the black fists I had seen before were really weak."

"Look at that arena. If you fight a few more times, it will be knocked down by two people. God, it's made of reinforced concrete. "

"Mr. Xiao deserves to be the best in the world. I dare say that no one in the world can take the last blow."

"Yes. That's not what people can do

"Although Matsumoto lost, his kung fu can be second. Only he can take Mr. Xiao's last blow. I'm afraid I would have been beaten into meat by a slap. "

The host stepped onto the stage and said, "I declare that the winner of this contest is Mr. Xiao Yunhai. He will get 100 billion dollars from Shanhe group

Xiao Yunhai takes the check from the host's hand, and smiles at Zhao Wanqing, whose eyes are red and almost tearful. She has just stepped out of her three steps, and suddenly stops. Her face changes. She spat out a mouthful of blood and slowly falls to the ground.

Everyone is a burst of consternation, heart way: "originally Mr. Xiao is also injured."

Zhao Wanqing exclaimed and ran up.

"Husband, wake up, don't scare me." Holding Xiao Yunhai in her arms, Zhao Wanqing's tears fell down.

Xiao Yunhai suddenly opened his eyes, gave her a wink and quickly closed it.

Zhao Wanqing was slightly stunned. Although he didn't know why he wanted to do this, he still cooperated very well.

She is a famous international film queen. It is not easy to shed a tear.

Therefore, although she knew that her husband was ok, she did not show any flaws on her face. She was still crying with tears, which was pitiful.

Hongmen people quickly took Xiao Yunhai to the ambulance and left the scene in a hurry.

Those who lost the game yelled when they saw this.

"Both of them are dizzy. Should this be a draw?"

"Yes, it should be a draw."

"So we don't have to pay the stakes."

"Yes, host, you're on stage and announce it again."

Hearing the other side's sophistry, those who won the rich disagreed.

"What do you mean? it ends in a draw. Isn't that lying with your eyes open? "

"Yes. It is clear to everyone who loses and who wins. Don't you even want your face for money

"The rule of the game is that whoever falls first loses. Mr. Matsumoto fell first. Everyone saw it. It's not a good idea to break the bill. "

When the host went to the ring, his face did not change at all. He said, "everyone, Mr. Xiao fainted a full minute later than Mr. Matsumoto. Moreover, after I announced the result, although he was injured in the end, he has killed Mr. Matsumoto ten times in this period of time. Therefore, the winner is Mr. Xiao, which can not be changed by anyone Real. Everybody, the Shanhe group lost 100 billion US dollars to Mr. Xiao. There is no objection. We should stop making trouble without reason. "

After hearing the host's words, those rich people who lost in gambling have no more words to say.

Yes, they lost 100 billion dollars and didn't pay back. Their little bet is nothing.

The world-famous competition has made a remark on this.

Although Xiao Yunhai and Matsumoto were only fighting for two minutes, what they brought was incomparable shock.

That super explosive force, lightning speed and amazing destructive power are simply beyond the ability of human beings.

Fortunately, they are human beings, not gods. After experiencing a high-intensity fight, both of them fainted on the ground, otherwise it would be too frightening.

After Xiao Yunhai "fainted", he was taken into a hospital they opened by Hongmen people.

As a underworld, fighting and killing is very normal, and injuries are more common. Therefore, it is necessary to have a hospital of your own.

After more than half an hour's examination, the doctor gave the conclusion that the blood flowed too much, the viscera was shaken, and it was necessary to take a rest.

In the ward, Chen Jiahong sent everyone away and said with a smile, "OK, don't pretend. I really think I'm old-fashioned."

Xiao Yunhai opened his eyes, turned over and sat up. He gave Chen Jiahong a thumbs up and said with a smile, "grandfather, you are so perceptive that I even know how to pretend to be dizzy."

Chen Zhan was surprised and said, "Damn it, you boy has been acting all the time?"

At this time, Zhao Wanqing asked, "why did you not see the tears on your face? I think it's a good performance. "

Chen Jiahong said with a smile: "Wanqing, I don't see it from you, but I don't believe that cloud sea will be hurt by Matsumoto treasure field."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "so it is. I thought I had a problem. Husband, I don't understand why you do this? "Xiao Yunhai sighed and said, "the wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it. The video of my competition with Matsumoto will surely be spread all over the world, and there may even be national departments to study us. Matsumoto's Kung Fu has reached an unimaginable level. It can be said that he has stepped into the limit that the human body can reach. If I beat him intact, it does not mean that I have become a superman, which is likely to lead to a series of unnecessary troubles. Now that we're both losing, it's definitely the best result for me

Chen Zhan nodded and said, "Yunhai, you have a good grasp of the degree. By the way, I'd like to tell you the good news. Wan Qing made a lot of money this time. Originally, the odds between you and Matsumoto's were very different. As a result, Wan Qing used more than 50 billion dollars to fill in the gap. Hehe, you didn't see the appearance of those tycoons at that time. They were staring at Wanqing one by one, and their eyes were almost broken. Now that you win, the money will come soon. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "wife, you are cruel enough. The first time you bet on boxing, you can bet 50 billion. "

Zhao Wanqing's face turned red, and she said, "you said that if you are 100% sure, you won't call it gambling? I learned this from you. Besides, I'm far from you. "

Chen Jiahong was surprised and asked, "Yunhai, did you also gamble?"

Zhao Wanqing said: "Europe and the United States have opened a bet on the two people's martial arts competition, and Yunhai suddenly invested 100 billion dollars."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "wrong, it's 160 billion dollars. I asked Christie to put in all the liquidity of the company. "

Chen Zhan opened his mouth wide, and his face showed an unbelievable look and said, "in other words, you have made nearly 300 billion yuan from this competition, right? My God, it's so easy for you to make money. If you come a few more times, you will be richer than the country. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "uncle, this competition is a special case. Yunhai's fame is needless to say, and Matsumoto's video of playing black boxing has quickly become a topic for everyone to talk about after dinner, which has attracted the attention of the whole world, and the gambling amount has reached over one trillion yuan. If you change two people, there is no such influence at all. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and said, "therefore, I will take advantage of this contest to bet all the money and make a lot of money."

Just then, Xiao Yunhai's mobile phone rang. When you open it, it's Wu Yifa's number. It's estimated that he came to inquire about his injury.

Just about to get through, Zhao Wanqing quickly stopped: "husband, you are stupid. You're seriously injured and you've passed out. "

Xiao Yunhai suddenly realized that he patted his forehead and said, "look at my brain. Wife, you answer the phone these two days

Zhao Wanqing nodded, adjusted her mood, and pressed the answer button. Zhao Wanqing said in a low voice, "Hello, is that Mr. Wu? I'm Zhao Wanqing. "

"Miss Zhao, I'm Wu Yifa. How about Lao Xiao's injury? "

"The doctor has just seen it. It's no big problem. I'll be discharged in a few days. Thank you for your relationship

"Great, as long as he's OK. By the way, what about your Seoul concert? Do you want to cancel it? "

"Mr. Wu, let's wait until my husband wakes up. The doctor said he would wake up tonight at the latest

"Good." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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