Published at 11th of May 2022 05:19:55 AM

Chapter 1378

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All right, all of you, take a seat in the box.

Cao Menglan said: "do you know how serious the consequences will be if you do this? Xiao Yunhai and Wu Yifa have become the stars of the business community in China. They pay tens of billions of taxes to the government every year. Now Yunyi shopping network is suddenly attacked by hackers. The government must strictly investigate it. If you are found out, what should we do? "

Li Kaifeng said with a smile, "sister LAN, don't worry. Don't worry, the hackers we are looking for are the top in the industry, and no one can find them out. "

"Nothing is absolute. You... "At this point, Cao Menglan suddenly shook his head and said," Hey, now it's useless to say these things. I don't understand. Why are you doing this? Is this all that important to you? "

Sun Zhiwen said: "sister LAN, you own Menglan clothing and jewelry company, with an annual income of 10 billion yuan. Naturally, you will not pay attention to a small stell business network. But we are different. Our small companies bring us $1.2 billion a year, and sometimes even lose money. I can't even afford to bet against Wu's game, let alone compared with Xiao Yunhai, a wealthy man with hundreds of billions of dollars. According to statistics, the global profit of Yunyi shopping website this year will reach more than 150 billion US dollars, while Huaxia has contributed more than 80 billion US dollars to them. If we can seize all the business of the website, we can share several billion dollars at least for each of us here. You say, why don't we do it for such a big benefit? "

Li Kai said: "sister LAN, I want to know, which side are you standing on now?"

Cao Menglan was stunned and asked, "what do you mean by that?"

Hu Weiguo said: "sister LAN, when you gambled on Boxing last time, Xiao Yunhai gave you 6 billion yuan. From then on, we felt that you appreciated Xiao Yunhai very much. In addition, the relationship between you and Wu's game method made us feel uneasy. At the beginning, you came to join us. After becoming a shareholder, we find that you don't seem to care about it. Especially in the competition with Yunyi shopping network, the performance is more negative. That's why Li Shaocai asked

Cao Menglan's face changed and her eyebrows frowned slightly. She said, "you don't trust me, do you?"

Hu Weiguo shook his head and said, "how can it be. If we don't trust you, we won't tell you about it. "

Cao Menglan said: "you're right. I really appreciate Xiao Yunhai and Wu's playing methods. I grew up watching Wu's game. I thought he was just a boy who couldn't support the wall with mud. I didn't expect that in just three years, he started Yunyi shopping website and made it popular all over the world. It's something I never dreamed of before. "

"As for Xiao Yunhai, he is a business genius who has made a fortune in the entertainment industry and has gone to the position of the richest man in the world at an astonishing speed. Moreover, he is bold and unconstrained, broad-minded, and has a good temper. I appreciate him, and it's normal. But that doesn't mean I'll be with them. There is no common interest between us. On the contrary, because stell business network is still on the opposite side, we are a community of interests. So you can rest assured that I will only be on your side. "

"But I don't approve of what you've done. This is a blatant violation of the hidden rules of business. In order to compete for the market, stell business network and Yunyi shopping network compete so much in the world, but why don't they use this tactic? Don't they know hackers? Because they know it's a crime. Once it's found out, the whole company is dead. "

Hu Weiguo said: "sister LAN, we knew the consequences before we did this. So, we are very careful not to let anyone find out. "

Cao Menglan sighed and said, "I hope so. I don't know about this, let alone participate in it. I just hope this is the first and last time

Li Kaifeng and others nodded.

The picture of Xiao Yunhai competing with Matsumoto was broadcast on Yunqing TV station that night. Although it was only four minutes, the audience rating of both Asia, America and other regions did not drop by 30%.

Over and over again, ten times in a row, each time with a minute's advertising, so that Yunqing TV station made a lot of money.

The Internet is full of netizens' comments on their contest.

"I just saw the martial arts competition between Xiao and Matsumoto. Is there any special effect added to the picture? This is too exaggerated."

"Is this still human? The reinforced concrete floor looks like paper paste in front of the two people. If it hits ordinary people, God, I can't imagine what the consequences will be. "

"It's eye opening. I can't imagine how a person can be so explosive. Kung Fu Xiao's last strike, I suspect, is at least 3000 kg. Otherwise, the surrounding ground will not be cracked like that "

" before, everyone said that Kung Fu Xiao was the best in the world. I didn't believe it. I thought he was boasted by the media. Now through this war, I fully believe that Xiao Yunhai is the strongest one on the earth. It's a pity that in the end he didn't fall. ""Mr. Xiao has defended his reputation as the first in the world with his own efforts, and Matsumoto is still proud of his defeat. This competition will definitely make Kung Fu rise again. They are the spokesmen of Kung Fu. "

In addition to netizens, the competition has also been put on the front page of each major network homepage.

"The cloud emperor fights the demon king, the scene is extremely hot, comparable to the special effects movie."

"Serious injury to Baoqi and SONGFENG."

"In the decisive battle against the Tokyo martial arts hall, Xiao Yunhai won a tragic victory, and Matsumoto's victory was still glorious."

In the ward, Xiao Yunhai looked at the online comments on them and said with a wry smile: "I knew it would be like this."

Zhao Wanqing said: "then you also let uncle put the video on the TV station to broadcast."

Xia Yunhai shrugged and said, "even if I don't do this, can't the video be transmitted? Don't be kidding. Anyway, the results are the same. It's better to let Yunqing TV station make a lot of money. Hehe, however, the editing is good, especially the section of my blood spurting is very clear. In this way, I'm not so conspicuous. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "you are full of ghost ideas. By the way, should you call Wu Yifa about the Seoul concert? "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I'll call him right now."

Xiao Yunhai took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of Wu's game method. Wu's game method was quickly picked up.

"What are you up to, Lao Wu?" Xiao Yunhai asked in a hoarse voice.

He should be just waking up now. It would be too fake for him to talk like a man who has nothing to do.

"Lao Xiao, how do you feel when you wake up

Hearing his voice with a trace of fatigue, Xiao Yunhai said, "I don't have much problem. Lao Wu, how did you

? I sound like you're not feeling well

"I've just returned to Yanjing, and I'm on my way to the company from the airport. Lao Xiao, something has happened to our Yunyi shopping website. This afternoon, the website... "

Wu's game theory said here, pauses for a moment, and says:" forget it, wait until you get better. "

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "my injury is OK. I can be discharged in two days. Why don't you make it clear to me first

Wu Yifa said: "Yunyi shopping website was attacked by hackers this afternoon, and they almost broke the financial system. The network department did not resist, so it had to shut down the server. We were worried that something would happen in Asia, Europe and the United States, so we shut down all servers. "

Xiao Yunhai's eyes narrowed slightly and suppressed the shock in his heart. He said, "you mean that our website of Yunyi shopping website has been closed down, right?"

"That's right," Wu said

Xiao Yunhai was puzzled and asked, "Lao Wu, isn't our system called a level with the banking system? How could such a problem arise? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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