Published at 11th of May 2022 05:19:54 AM

Chapter 1379

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Wu's voice was as cold as ice: "I suspect that someone inside us has betrayed us. He told the hackers the relevant information, hackers are prepared, naturally can be like no one

Xiao Yunhai said: "do you have any suspects?"

Wu Yifa sighed and said, "No. There are more than 30 programmers and technicians in the network department who are familiar with our system. If we investigate all of them because of this, it certainly won't work. "

Xiao Yunhai thought about it and said, "I can't sit in the hospital because of such a big thing. Tomorrow, I'll go back to work with you. Since there is a problem with Yunyi's shopping system, it can't be used in the future. "

Wu said, "yes. That's the trouble. Yunyi shopping network finally came to today, if because of this matter, leading to our failure, it's better to kill me directly. "

Xiao Yunhai comforted him: "there is no way out of heaven. There are always more ways than difficulties. Don't worry, we will turn the corner. By the way, did this come from stern business? "

Wu Yifa said: "it should be impossible for stele. I think it is the second generation of officials. When I got the news this afternoon, they were by my side. At that time, I had a conflict with them. Although they covered it well, I could see that there was a flicker in their eyes. It's just that we have no evidence. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "Lao Wu, this matter can't be concealed. In this way, you put the website hacked things out, the spearhead intentionally or unintentionally pointed to the stell network company. We can't make them feel better. As for the traitor in our company, you don't need to worry. I have a way to know who it is. "

Wu's method of playing chess:" good. By the way, what about your concert? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "originally thought to delay for a week, since this matter happened, then wait for Yunyi shopping network to reopen and talk about it."

Wu Yi Fa said, "well. Lao Xiao, working with you is the wisest decision I have made. "

Xiao Yunhai chuckled: "you just know now. Don't worry. No problem. "

After talking with Wu, Xiao Yunhai enters the website of Yunyi shopping website. It says that the website is under maintenance. Please forgive me.

A cold light flashed in Xiao Yunhai's eyes and said, "some people are really damned."

Zhao Wanqing said, "husband, what are you going to do?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "if you want to stop outside, you must settle in first. First find out what you eat and what you eat, and then you can talk about other things. "

Zhao Wanqing asked, "how can I find it?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "this kind of thing is very difficult for others, but for me, the best master in the world, it is a thing that can't be easier. Unless that person is a specially trained agent who can control his heart beat and breath, he can't escape from the palm of my hand. "

Xiao Yunhai's kung fu training to today's state, hearing, smell, vision and so on has reached the level that ordinary people can't imagine. At that time, he only needs to ask, if it is an internal ghost, his expression, breathing, heartbeat and other reactions will certainly be abnormal, and he can not escape Xiao Yunhai's eyes and ears. It's easy to see who is the ghost at a glance.

Zhao Wanqing said, "when will we go back to China?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "now. Ha ha, I haven't acted for a long time. This time, I'll play a patient in reality. Wife, please do me a supporting role

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "no problem."

That night, Xiao Yunhai was discharged from hospital and returned to China with his grandfather and uncle. They first sent them to Feicheng, and then went to Yanjing overnight.

When he arrived at the office building of Yunyi shopping net, it was 10 o'clock in the morning. Wu Yifa and a group of people were waiting for him in front of the building.

Xiao Yun's face turned as white as paper. He pretended to be recovering from a serious illness. Then he opened the door and got out of the car slowly.

Zhao Wanqing smiles in her heart when she sees that her expression and movement are in sharp contrast to her former high spirits.

There is no one else in my family. If I hadn't known in advance, I would have thought he was a serious patient.

Zhao Wanqing walked over, took his hand, and showed a trace of worry on her face from time to time, presenting a wife who was worried about her husband's body incisively and vividly.

Seeing this, Wu's chess method rushed up to him and said, "Lao Xiao, I can handle this matter. Now that you're all hurt like this, you can't come here in person

Xiao Yunhai coughed and said weakly, "now is the time of life and death for Yunyi shopping net. Can I, the major shareholder, not come? What's more, I'm a martial arts practitioner. I can't do anything with this minor injury. "

Zhao Wanqing was not angry and said: "it's all like this. Can we blow less cattle? General manager Wu, the sea of clouds is bleeding too much, and the five internal organs are shaken, so we can't stay outside more. Let's hurry up and get down to business. "

Wu Yi Fa nodded and said, "OK, let's go up now."Xiao Yunhai saw the high-rise of Yunyi shopping network in front of the building. He said with a smile, "Lao Wu, you've got a big situation."

Wu Yifa sighed and said, "what's big. Lao Xiao, I'm sorry. You trusted me so much that you gave me all the rights, and this kind of thing happened. I'm really ashamed of you. "

Hearing the words of Wu's game, all the high-level officials bowed their heads, like eggplant beaten by frost one by one.

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "Lao Wu, can you bring up your spirit? It's just a little bit big, and it's not like a man. You are the boss of Yunyi shopping network. If you can't do it, what do you ask the people below to do. Let's go. There is no obstacle in the world. Let's go to the conference room and deal with the website first. "

Wu Yi Fa nodded and forced himself to say, "OK, let's go."

When they come to the meeting room, Wu Yifa gives up the position of the boss to Xiao Yunhai, and Zhao Wanqing sits next to Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai knocked on the table and said, "let's stop talking nonsense and discuss the problems facing the company directly. Other things aside, I want to know how difficult it is for our website to be reopened? How long will it take to solve these difficulties? Who can answer these two questions? "

Zhang Zhihao, director of the network department, stood up and said, "Mr. Xiao, this hacker attack is very targeted. It seems that they have found the flaw in our network system, which can defeat us with overwhelming force. If we didn't shut down the server in an emergency, our financial system would have been a mess by them, and there would have been tens of billions of losses. Therefore, I think our system can no longer be used and must be re developed. "

"Redevelopment?" Xiao Yunhai frowned, looked at Wu's chess game and said, "Lao Wu, I remember you said that this system was made by you for several years and hired many well-known programmers and technicians, right?"

Wu Yi Fa nodded and said, "that's right."

Xiao Yunhai said: "how long does it take to do it again? One year, three years or five years? Can we afford to wait? "

"I can't afford to wait. As far as the current situation is concerned, let alone a year, even a month, we can't afford to wait. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "in other words, it is not possible to re develop this method. Minister Zhang, do you have any other quick and effective methods? It's better not to get it done in more than a week. "

Zhang Zhihao didn't think about it, so he said, "yes."

Wu Yi's body was shocked and said, "Zhihao, don't you say there is no way?"

Zhang Zhihao said: "it occurred to me after I saw general manager Xiao."

Xiao Yunhai, with a smile, said, "minister Zhang, what does it mean to have a way after seeing me? I have such a use for affection? "

Zhang Zhihao said with a smile, "because you have something we need urgently?"

Xiao Yunhai is puzzled to ask a way: "what thing?"

Zhang Zhihao said in a deep voice: "bank, Barker bank. We often say that the online banking system of Yunyi shopping website is better than that of the banking system. In fact, the two systems are still quite different. If Xiao can always apply the Barker banking system to the cloud

Yi shopping website, there will be no problem at all. Even if someone inside us divulges secrets, hackers can never attack


Wu's eyes brightened and he said, "Zhihao, if you have this Barker banking system, how long can it take you to get the company back to normal?"

Zhang Zhihao thought about it and said, "it's less than a week. With the help of experts in the banking system, it can be done in three or four days. "

"Lao Xiao, you are the controlling person of Barker bank. Should this matter be ok?" Wu said , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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