Published at 11th of May 2022 06:04:24 AM

Chapter 138

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A few people talk and laugh, there are five or six stars came, these people are either not shortlisted, or won the golden cup award. It would be very bad to find someone who has entered the encirclement but has not won the prize.

In this regard, Yao Na is still very careful.

The waiter opened a glass of red wine for everyone.

Chen Huan, the oldest of them, said, "first of all, congratulations on winning the golden cup award, especially Lao Yao and Xiao Xiao, who won three awards respectively. It's really envious, envious and hateful. Secondly, I'd like to comfort a singer like me who has not even been shortlisted."

Yao Na Pooh, said: "OK, what are you talking about. You Chen Huan's golden cup award can't even be released from the cook's. Don't say anything. I'll call you here today to be happy together. Come on, everybody. "

Yao Na's words and deeds are still as crisp as ever. When she drinks wine, she is more than a woman. A glass of more than two or two red wine, a head up, drink in.

Other people also know Yao Na's style. They all drink it in one breath.

On the field, only Zhao Wanqing and Dong Piao are holding the cup, and they don't know what to do. I'm afraid you can't drink as much as you can. If you don't, it's hard to say. After all, you've done so much.

Seeing their predicament, Yao Na came to take their slender waists and said with a smile, "two sisters, you can just mean something. You don't need to learn from us. Listen to me. These two beauties will be my sisters in the future. If they ask you for anything, you can't pretend that you don't know each other

"Don't worry about it. If you look at two beautiful women like you, I can remember them at a glance. "

Yao Na, pointing to Liu normal, said to Zhao Wanqing and Dong Piao: "don't go to him if you have something to do. This guy is a flower. You must be careful when you see him."

"Well, you old Yao, that's too much. Lao Chen, do you think I am like that

Chen Huan thought for a moment and said, "it seems."

When they saw Liu normal, they all burst into laughter.

For these empresses, such an occasion is their favorite, unrestrained, carefree, casual talk about the world, do not worry about anything.

They are also very good to Xiao Yunhai, and they don't treat them as outsiders.

Like them, they are very clear that these three young people are promising rookies. Maybe in a few years, they will become the queen of heaven. Xiao Yunhai, in particular, makes them most valued.

And Xiao Yunhai, they also gained a lot, knowing a lot of entertainment secrets that they didn't know before.

The party didn't end until two o'clock in the morning. Xiao Yunhai helped Yao Na clean up her things and went back to her villa. Zhao Wanqing and Dong Piao stayed there.

The next day, the major media, newspapers and the Internet carried out a large number of reports on the Golden Cup Music Festival.

"Pop star Yao Na won three golden cup awards, becoming the biggest winner of Golden Cup Music Festival."

"Xiao Yunhai, a newly born calf, won three awards: best rookie, best single and best online singer, setting a new record for the newcomer at the golden cup film festival."

"New Xiao Yunhai beat many powerful singers and won the best single with Chinese wind" Orchid Pavilion preface "

"Xiao Yunhai, the next king of heaven, will surely become a new legend in the music world."

"Well, the media just know how to brag. A rookie is just lucky and gets the favor of the golden cup Festival judges. He also dares to call it a legend. " Xia Chengfeng saw that the media were singing praises for Xiao Yunhai, and the newspaper on the handle was thrown on the ground.

Zheng Quanyou, the agent next to him, frowned and said, "Chengfeng, what are you angry about. Media? That's always been the case. They are good at it. You don't need to care. By the way, are you really going to snipe at Xiao Yunhai's album? "

Zheng Quanyou is the gold medal agent of Hongda media company. He is the leading figure in the whole circle of brokers in terms of ability and qualification. Almost all the top stars of Hongda media are brought out by him.

Even Xia Chengfeng's father was polite to see him, let alone Xia Chengfeng.

"Uncle Zheng, that Xiao Yunhai has repeatedly cut my face. I can't bear this tone."

Zheng Quanyou narrowed his eyes a little and said, "the products of the emperor must be exquisite. I have to say, his music is really very good, even I like his "Orchid Pavilion preface". Chengfeng, are you sure to beat him? You should know that the other party is not an oil-saving lamp. If you don't steal chicken, it will make you laugh

When Xia Chengfeng heard Zheng Quanyou's evaluation of Xiao Yunhai so high, he felt a little uncomfortable. He changed his face slightly and said, "Uncle Zheng, I admit Xiao Yunhai is indeed a fierce opponent. But this time I'm going to launch the whole Hongda Company to create my new album. I don't believe that with the strength of our company, we will lose to a new album. ""What? The power of the whole company? " Zheng Quanyou stood up in surprise and said, "Chengfeng, have you ever thought about the consequences of doing this. You are not the only singer in our company. If the company put all its resources into you, what would other singers think? It's going to be a big deal. Does your father know about it? "

"He doesn't know yet. Don't worry, uncle Zheng. I have a sense of propriety. This time, I just asked for the songs of those new singers. I didn't move the resources of other singers above the first line. As long as I beat Xiao Yunhai this time, I will make up for it. "

"That's good. In the future, the whole company is yours. Don't do anything that kills you and takes eggs. " Now that the warning has come to an end, Zheng you said, "let's take advantage of the wind. Let the company publish a huge collection of songs on the website, once used, directly pay the creator two million. I think once this news comes out, it will certainly cause a great sensation. At that time, it will be very beneficial to your album promotion

Xia Chengfeng clapped his hands and said happily, "Uncle Zheng is still brilliant. People say that experts are in the folk. Let's see how many experts there are in the folk. "

Then his face turned cold and said: "Xiao Yunhai, how can you die this time?"

Looking at Xia Chengfeng, Zheng Quanyou is still worried. Xiao Yunhai can stand alone on the Internet. Can his own method really hold him down.

Xiao Yunhai is not clear about Xia Chengfeng's plan. Even if he knew, it would not have any effect on him. Based on the theory of strength, Xiao Yunhai, which owns the whole earth resources, is absolutely invincible.

Xiao Yunhai drank a lot last night. When he got up in the morning, it was already seven o'clock. Having a simple meal with Mengfang, he took Zhao Wanqing and Dong Piaopiao from Yao Na. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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