Published at 11th of May 2022 05:19:48 AM

Chapter 1384

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After the meeting, Li Kaifeng and others got together again, and Cao Menglan also joined in.

"The Revenge of Xiao Yunhai and Wu's game is quick and cruel. In just one day, we have made such a big battle. All of a sudden, our plan to make money is in vain again. " Li Kai is popular.

Cao Menglan shook his head and said, "I want to say that this is your fault. We have to break the rules to get rid of them. Now it's better. The Revenge of others is ten times stronger than ours. Not only the stell business network paralyzed, music network and video network has also been implicated. If it really takes a week, we will lose at least a few billion dollars. "

Hu Weiguo said: "sister LAN, we didn't expect them to be so powerful. It's amazing that in such a short period of time, such a cow's virus can be found. "

Cao Menglan rolled his eyes and said: "what did Xiao Yunhai start with? Movie special effects. People even 3D such complex things have been made out, can't a network virus come out? What's more, Wu studied computer science in University. God knows how many people he knows? I think he probably did this time. Xiao Yunhai is a man who loves feathers very much. He is always aboveboard and never hurts people secretly. Even if we open Pandora's box first, he should not fight back in this way

Li Kaifeng nodded and said, "sister LAN is right. It's a pity that we can't catch each other, or we'll make him suffer. "

Cao Menglan looked at him and said, "even if you find it, do you dare to sue? The Wu family is in charge of politics and law. If Wu's method of playing chess is involved, I can guarantee that we will be the next to enter. None of them can run away. "

Li Kaifeng's throat moved, but he didn't say anything.

He knew that Cao Menglan was right.

Just then, Qu maoxun's mobile phone rang.

"Hello, Lao Li, I'm in a meeting. What can I do for you?"

"Qu Shao, it's not good. The TV reporter is shooting an interview in our coal mine. They're all down the hole. "

"What?" Qu maoxun stood up with a shocked face and said angrily, "what the hell are you doing to eat? In the past, when reporters went to shoot interviews, didn't you all stop them? "

"Song Shao, it's different this time. There were too many people coming, and more than 50 people came in all of a sudden. All of them were veterans and active servicemen with guns. Even if our people ate the gall of bear heart leopard, we dare not fight with them. "

Qu maoxun said: "there are so many people here. They are prepared. You have to find out. Which TV station is it

Old Li said: "don't check, people don't want to hide, it's Xiao Yunhai's Yunqing TV station."

Hearing that it was Xiao Yunhai, Qu maoxun narrowed his eyes and sat back again, saying, "OK, I know. Wait for my call. "

Hang up the phone, Qu maoxun looks ferocious, curse: "Xiao Yunhai, you son of a bitch."

Li Kai said: "Qu Shao, what's the matter?"

Qu maoxun said coldly, "something happened to us in the northeast. Xiao Yunhai wants to kill us all. "

Li Kaifeng said, "what do you mean? You make it clear to me. "

Those large and small coal mines in Northeast China are the source of their wealth. Once there is a problem, it will be a big trouble. Li Kaifeng is not nervous.

Qu maoxun said: "Xiao Yunhai let the host of Yunqing TV station go to the coal mine, and now they are going to go down the well."

"Then get rid of them at once?"

"Fart. Reporters followed by dozens of veterans protection, there are also armed soldiers, how to catch up. What a Xiao Yunhai, tough and spicy. "

"What shall we do? If the situation of the coal mine is really broadcast, then we are all finished. "

"I wish I had a way. However, the coal mine is not only related to the two of us, but also to other people. I think Xiao Yunhai should not dare to take the world's public opinion and become a public enemy in the circle. "

Cao Menglan said: "I advise you not to have a fluke mind. Xiao Yunhai is the richest man in the world. His status is different from ours. Even if he didn't have the identity of Xiao's family, he could go straight to heaven. Don't talk about you. Even if you are the older generation, you should treat him with courtesy. This time he thundered at you to get revenge. Well, there is a big gap between us and him. It doesn't take an hour for him to say a word that can spread to every corner of the world, and we, who know each other. "

Cao Menglan's words are quite a long others' ambition and destroy their own prestige, but no one disagrees with this.

Today, Xiao Yunhai does have high capital. In any aspect, he is not himself who can fight against him.

At the thought of this, people suddenly feel a little depressed. They are also young people. This gap is too big.

Qu maoxun said: "no matter what, we must stop him now. We must never let the northeast coal mine broadcast on TV."

As soon as the voice dropped, two beautiful music began to ring at the same time. They were the mobile phones of Qu maoxun and Li Kaifeng."Hello, boss Zhang... What? Yunqing TV station went to your place. "

"Mr. Li, try to prevent Yunqing TV reporter from entering... Has he entered? OK, I see. "

Qu maoxun and Li Kaifeng looked at each other and asked, "how many reporters did Xiao Yunhai send?"

Li Kaifeng said in a deep voice: "no, we must have a showdown with Xiao Yunhai. Otherwise, we'll really have a lot to eat. "

Qu maoxun also knew the seriousness of the matter. He nodded and looked at Cao Menglan and said, "sister LAN, can you help me and call Xiao Yunhai. We only have you and him relatively relaxed here. "

Cao Menglan took out his mobile phone and said with a bitter smile: "out of this matter, I can't confirm whether he will answer my phone?"

Having said that, Cao Menglan still found Xiao Yunhai's number and dialed in the past.

At this time, Xiao Yunhai and his two children are riding horses on cotton mats in the living room. Zhao Wanqing is sitting on one side and watching. The whole family is enjoying themselves.

Hearing the sound of the mobile phone, Zhao Wanqing picked it up and took a look at it and said, "my husband, it's Cao Menglan."

Xiao Yunhai didn't have to think about it. He knew that the other party must have come to talk to each other. He said, "wife, go to other rooms to answer the phone. Let's just say that my injury is not good and I'm lying in bed. "

Zhao Wanqing nodded, walked quickly to the bedroom on the second floor, closed the door, and pressed the answer button.

"Hello, is that sister LAN? I'm Zhao Wanqing. "

Cao Menglan a Leng, Jiao smile way: "originally is Miss Zhao."

Zhao Wanqing said, "sister LAN, are you looking for Yunhai

Cao meng Lan said: "there is really an important thing, do not know that the other side is not convenient to answer the phone?"

Zhao Wanqing said, "sister LAN, I'm really sorry. He's already asleep. The competition with Matsumoto's Baotian made him suffer a lot of internal injuries. Yesterday, because of Yunyi shopping net, I came back to Yanjing in a hurry. Now the injury is more serious. The doctor told him to take a good rest, so I confiscated his mobile phone. Well, when he wakes up, I'll ask him to call you back, OK? "

Hearing Zhao Wanqing's words, Cao Menglan said, "then I'll trouble Miss Zhao. I hope Mr. Xiao's injury will recover as soon as possible. "

Zhao Wanqing sighed and said, "he always likes to be brave and aggressive. Even today, he is still stubborn. Now I'm honest

The two chatted for a while, and then hung up.

Li Kai said: "sister LAN, did Xiao Yunhai not answer the phone?"

Cao Menglan nodded his head and said, "it was his wife Zhao Wanqing who said that Xiao Yunhai had not been given enough rest, and his injury has aggravated a lot. He is sleeping. I can't tell if he really fell asleep or didn't answer my phone? "

Qu maoxun narrowed his eyes and snorted angrily, "it must be fake. Yesterday's meeting was fine, but today's meeting is busy. How can it be? "

Cao Menglan said: "no matter true or false, we have no way, we can't go home."

Li Kaifeng pursed his lips and said, "no way. We can only break the net with him this time

Qu maoxun frowned and said, "I'm afraid that the fish will die. The net has not been broken. Li Shao, we know very well about the coal mines. Xiao Yunhai has those videos, which is equivalent to grasping our handle. But he doesn't have the slightest handle to let us catch. How can you fight with others

Li Kaifeng said grimly: "then let the financial bureau check his account. I don't believe it. His large company has not stolen taxes and missed taxes. Even if he didn't, his father-in-law Zhao Mingsheng must have. As long as we get the evidence, we have the capital to negotiate with him. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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