Published at 11th of May 2022 05:19:46 AM

Chapter 1385

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In this world, tax evasion is a very serious crime, and relevant personnel will be sentenced.

It's just that in the entertainment industry, it's hard to calculate clearly because there are too many places where money comes from. Therefore, tax evasion has become a normal phenomenon. Most companies have this problem.

Cao Menglan frowned and said, "but you should be clear that once you do this, there is no room for turning around with Xiao Yunhai."

Sun Zhiwen said: "sister LAN, we have no room to turn around since we launched our hands on Yunyi shopping network. What are you going to do, Lao Li? "

Li Kai said: "you can only report in real name. Xiao Yunhai's donation has reached tens of billions, which should not be a big problem in taxation. But his father-in-law's Hanhai media company is not. Even if he doesn't do it now, but before. I don't believe he would be so clean. I sent someone to find a person who was familiar with Hanhai's financial situation and directly paid for him. I believe I can get something. At that time, let him report, and the tax bureau can come down to investigate. "

Hu Weiguo nodded and said, "Zhang Jianlin, director of Yanjing tax bureau, is an old subordinate of my grandfather. He has just been in office for a short time. I'll give it a call."

Qu maoxun said, "OK, that's it. It should not be too late, Li Shao. You must hurry up and try to get the evidence of Zhao Mingsheng's tax evasion before tomorrow evening. Otherwise, we'll be in big trouble. "

Li Kai said," I will go now. "

After discussion, they all scattered, leaving Cao Menglan sighing and not optimistic about them.

At noon, Xiao Yunhai was having a meal and received a call from Zhicheng, the general manager of Yunqing coal company.

"Mr. Xiao, the news from eight TV station reporters said that it was the director Chen's account that had been done. They were supposed to interview two coal mines, but when they arrived at the second one, they seemed to get the news. Without exception, they're all closed and we can't get in. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "it's OK to have these things. Is there a huge potential safety hazard in their coal mines

Lei Zhicheng said: "yes. Their coal mines have accidents almost every year. One of them happened three accidents last year alone, killing 12 people, but they didn't explode. "

Xiao Yunhai was surprised and asked, "how do you know?"

Lei Zhicheng said: "when reporters were interviewing, many miners were veterans of the army. When I see my comrades in arms, they pour beans out of bamboo tubes one by one. I tell you clearly what happened these years. We know the names and home addresses of the dead. In the afternoon, reporters will go over and interview their families. "

Xiao Yunhai took a deep breath and said, "they are really careless about human life. General manager, we must strictly control the safety of our coal mine, and we must not have a mine accident. "

Lei Zhicheng said: "Mr. Xiao, you can rest assured."

Xiao Yunhai said: "let the reporters pass the shooting to me, and I will deal with it."

Lei Zhicheng said, "OK."

Now that he has caught the handle, Xiao Yunhai is not in a hurry.

After dinner, he called Cao Menglan back.

"Sister LAN, I'm sorry. I'm not feeling well. I just woke up." Xiao Yunhai said in a feeble voice.

Cao Menglan said: "it doesn't matter. Is your injury OK, Mr. Xiao? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I was careless. Mr. Matsumoto deserves to be a top player. Although I won in the end, the five zang organs were still strongly impacted. However, in three days at most, I will be alive again. It's better to be honest now. By the way, sister LAN, what can I do for you

Cao Menglan said bluntly: "I know your temper, so I won't go around with you. Did you send a reporter from Yunqing TV station to the Northeast? "

Xiao Yunhai did not hide anything, and said, "yes."

Cao Menglan said: "Mr. Xiao, is there really no room for reconciliation? You know, if you really put what you've filmed on TV, it's going to be a big mess. "

Xiao Yunhai coughed twice and said, "sister LAN, since I started my career, Xiao Yunhai has always followed the rules. Now that they've broken the rules, I'll have to do it. "

Cao Menglan said: "but the stell business network has gone wrong, and also implicated the STEL music network and video network, this price is enough."

Xiao Yunhai said: "if I do something, if I don't do it, then I will. Once I do it, I will never give up until I see blood.". Sister LAN, I know that you must not be responsible for the blackout of our website, so I called you back. Otherwise, I would not have told you that at all

Cao Menglan said: "Mr. Xiao, the coal mine in the Northeast involves too many people and forces. If you lift the lid, you will offend a lot of people. It's very bad for you. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "even if you don't lift the lid, they will still be enemies with me. Since the results are the same, then I will put them into the dust. Ha ha, to tell you the truth, these little guys, I didn't pay attention to them at all. At the beginning, Li Kaifeng and Qu maoxun went to my Yunqing coal company for trouble. I saw the face behind them and didn't do anything about it. But now they make me feel a little annoying, it's better to get rid of them. "Cao Menglan felt the desperation of xiaoyunhai, the richest man in the world for the first time. The prince, Li Kaifeng, qumaoxun and huweiguo, who stamped their feet and Yanjing, were all going to shock the third earthquake. In xiaoyunhai's eyes, they would have to be angry if they heard it.

But Cao Menglan didn't think Xiao Yunhai was bragging. He really had the qualification to say such words.

Cao Menglan said bitterly: "Mr. Xiao, I know I can't persuade you, but I can only say please think about it again."

Xiaoyun Haidao: "I will think about it."

Just as Xiao Yunhai and Cao Menglan were on the phone, two middle-aged people in Western suits were talking in a restaurant box in Yanjing.

"Director Luo, have you considered it? Opportunity is not lost, and no more. Just let you report the tax evasion of Hanhai film and television investment company, and you can get 10 million. Such a good thing, really with the lantern can not find it. "

Luo Xingbao was struggling on his face and said, "Zhao always is not thin to me, I can't apologize for him."

Luoxingbao is the director of the cashier's office of Finance Department of Hanhai film and television investment company. He has been working for 20 years in the company, and is the right arm of zhaomingsheng.

Zhao Mingsheng is very trusting him, otherwise he will not be allowed to manage cashier. It can be said that every amount of money the company spends goes through his hands, including tax.

Otherwise, Li Kaifeng will not send his powerful staff Zhang Xun to find him.

Zhang Xun drank a sip of tea and smiled: "director Luo, I can hear you seem to owe a lot of money to others because of playing cards. The creditors came to the door and almost tied your child away. As long as you promise my request, 10 million can not only help you pay off your debts, but also leave millions of them. Even if you're in the sea for a lifetime, you're afraid it's hard to make so much money. "

Hearing luoxingbao's words, Zhang Xun immediately realized that there was a problem with Hanhai film and television investment company. Otherwise, luoxingbao would not say sorry for zhaomingsheng.

Luo Xingbao sipped his mouth, his face suddenly bright and dark, and he didn't say a word. The whole man fell into contemplation.

Zhang Xun is not anxious, slowly tasting tea, seems to be a bosom.

Three minutes later, Luo Xing kept his eyes red and clenched his teeth tightly. He seemed to make a decision and said, "I can promise you, but I have three conditions. I will take my family abroad tonight, when I give me 30 million checks from Citibank, and I will be responsible for my debts. I am not within 20 million. Zhao is always Mr. Xiao's father-in-law, and I'm afraid he will be bad for me. "

Zhang Xun smiled on his face and said, "these conditions, I can all agree, but I want to make sure that what you give us is not worth?"

"All the revenue and expenses of the company over the years are in my computer," Luo said. It's really simple to look up tax issues. In China, any entertainment company has more or less tax evasion, and Hanhai is very few. Over the years, that is, two billion less. "

"Two billion?" Zhang Xun laughed and said, "very good. As long as you find out the two billion related evidence, your three conditions will be completed in less than an hour. "

"I don't believe you," said rosenbao. Unless you give me 30 million checks and more than 3 million arrears, I will not only promise to help you, but also tell Mr. Zhao to prevent him early. "

Zhang Xun changed his face and squinted and said, "why do you let me believe you? If you run, where can I find you. "

Luoxingbao did not move, and said, "if you agree, we will do so. If you don't agree, then it's all right. "

Zhang Xun stared at luoxingbao with cold eyes, while luoxingbao competed with him. He could be the director of financial cashier of Hanhai film and television media company. Naturally, he was not a general person.

Zhang Xun saw his mind was determined, and he said, "wait a minute, I need to report to the boss."

After that, Zhang Xun walked out of the box.

Three minutes later, Zhang Xun came back, reached out his hand and said with a smile, "my boss has promised your request. It's about 1.30 p.m. and around three o'clock. You can go down the sea to get checks and notes from a cafe not far down the sea. "

Luoxingbao nodded and said, "you give me an email box. After getting things, I will send the materials you need to your mailbox. I will mark out the problems in that part of the tax. Before I go abroad, I will write a real name report letter. How to do it, you will be OK. "

Zhang Xun smiled with satisfaction: "then I wish us a happy cooperation." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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