Published at 11th of May 2022 05:19:43 AM

Chapter 1387

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In less than five minutes, Yan Piaoyun came back with Zhao Mingsheng's mobile phone.

Zhao Mingsheng turns on his mobile phone and finds Luo Xingbao's number. He calls in the past, but the phone is turned off.

Zhao Mingsheng immediately realized that it was wrong, and suddenly saw a text message on the mobile phone that had not been viewed.

Zhao Mingsheng ordered it. The person who sent the message was Luo Xingbao.

"Mr. Zhao, I'm sorry. I'm going to take my family to live abroad. You have to be careful. Someone is plotting against you. A while ago, I lost more than 3 million at cards, and almost let the creditors take my children away. Maybe it was found out by them, so they found me, gave me 20 million yuan, and paid off the debt, so that I could report your tax evasion and tax evasion to the tax bureau in my real name. I did exactly what they asked, but there was something wrong with the tax bill I handed them. It doesn't work for you. Mr. Zhao, I really have no face to see you. Now I have dug them 20 million, which is enough for us to live. I hope we can see each other again in our lifetime. "

Seeing Luo Xingbao's message to himself, Zhao Mingsheng cursed, "this old Luo, how could he do such a stupid thing? I'm really pissed off."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Dad, director Luo's ability to achieve this level shows that you are a master of art. Hehe, Li Kaifeng is unlucky enough to say that stealing chicken does not make rice. Well, since there's no problem, I'm going to do it. "

When he was just drinking, Xiao Yunhai had told everyone about it. Xiao Changfeng was very worried about it and said, "Yunhai, the practices of the second generation of officials are indeed very angry. But the power behind them is really too big, once the news is released, the other party is sure to kill you. You should discuss such a big matter with the old man, so as not to involve the Xiao family. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I have already talked to the old man this afternoon. The old man's original words are unswervingly do what he thinks is right, and the sky will not fall down. "

Zhao Mingsheng said: "this shows that the old man is supporting you. In recent years, mine collapse accidents happen almost every year, and more and more serious. What is reported has no background, and there are more such reports that have not been reported. If you don't care about it, it's going to be a big problem. I heard that the government is very concerned about this. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "in this case, I'll be the first bird. Well, Li Kaifeng and his colleagues ran to Yunyi coal company to find me trouble. I could bear it. Wan Qing and I had an accident at the concert. They asked the Ministry of culture to forbid us to hold concerts in China. They secretly encouraged the family members of the accident to sue us. I could bear it. Now, Benyun is becoming more and more crazy. Again and again, no more than three, they really treat me as a good bullying sick cat. This time, I want to solve the problem once and for all. Even if it is to offend a large number of people behind them, they will not hesitate. Dad, I will edit the film tomorrow and let Yunqing TV station broadcast it in the evening. The day after tomorrow, people from the tax bureau will probably come to Hanhai to check the accounts. You should be prepared. "

Zhao Mingsheng said with a smile: "let them check. Maybe they'll give me a certificate of positive tax payment after they check it out. "

When they heard this, they couldn't help laughing.

Half an hour later, Li Kaifeng called again.

"How do you feel, Mr. Xiao?"

Xiao Yunhai turned his eyes and said, "what a Li Dashao, he even bribed my father-in-law's most trusted subordinates. It's really powerful. Come on, what do you want me to do to let go? "

Li Kaifeng laughed and said with some satisfaction: "Mr. Xiao, we can coexist peacefully. Everyone comes from a rich family. Why should we be so unhappy? "

Xiao Yunhai snorted coldly and said, "Li Dashao, how could you mean to say such a thing? You have a thick skin. Since we realized that now, which time is not your trouble to me? Don't you think it's contradictory to talk about peaceful coexistence now? "

Li Kaifeng said with a smile, "let's not talk about the past. The key is how to do it in the future. I know you yunqingtai got something that killed us, but with the evidence of your father-in-law's tax evasion, we're finished, and your father-in-law is still dead. For the sake of your family harmony, I hope you will give us what the reporters have photographed. "

Xiao Yunhai sneered and said, "Li Dashao, do you think I will be so stupid and give it to you? Hum, I really don't understand. All of you have money and strength. Why do you want to make such dishonest money. Last year alone, more than 30 families have been destroyed by you. You are really a bunch of crazy bastards. "

"Don't make sarcastic remarks here. You Xiao Yunhai is the richest man in the world, worth more than one trillion dollars. Of course, you can say so. But we can't compare with you. We need to eat. Forget it. It's no use telling you that. Are you going to give it or not? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "don't think about it. I will never give it to you. Anyway, I know you don't dare to sue my father-in-law at the tax bureau. It's better for us to keep the well water away from the river. There are constraints on each other, which is very good for peaceful coexistence in the future. "

With that, Xiao Yunhai hung up the phone.

Li Kaifeng listened to the blind voice inside the mobile phone and said angrily, "this son of a bitch."Qu maoxun seemed to have expected it and said, "OK, Li Shao, it's normal for Xiao Yunhai to do that. If you say it and he's willing to take it out, then there's a problem. "

Li Kaifeng nodded and said, "that's right. Anyway, our goal has been achieved. Xiao Yunhai doesn't dare to sue us. That's enough. "

Hu Weiguo said with a smile: "OK, it's settled. It's only eight o'clock. Let's find a place to have fun. "

"OK, let's go."

At 8:00 p.m. the next day, at prime time, Yunqing TV station, which originally broadcast Superman, suddenly added a 20 minute interview program.

Several reporters went to the major coal mines in Northeast China, photographed the working environment there, interviewed the staff there, and learned from them many unknown mine accidents.

There are also the families of the victims. When talking about the mine disaster, they all cried bitterly, which shocked all the people in China.

"Damn it, those black hearted coal mine owners are damned."

"They don't pay attention to safety, they just know how to make money. They are just crazy. In the development of China today, there are still such things happening. If the government doesn't care, I will protest. "

"In a mine accident last October, more than 20 people were buried alive. And their families only got 200000 compensation. Those people are really cruel

"The government is strongly urged to strictly check the safety of coal, so that those poor miners can get safety protection."

The network quickly set off a vigorous crusade against the black hearted boss of the movement, the major well-known forums, are all netizens' posts.

The home pages of major websites have also reported this event. Anyway, Yunqing TV station is at the front of the line, so they don't have to worry about causing trouble to themselves.

In a karaoke hall, Li Kaifeng, Hu Weiguo and others are holding several female stars who are not good at singing. Sun Zhiwen, who has just gone to the toilet, suddenly opens the box door and rushes in in in panic.

"Stop playing."

Sun Zhiwen yelled, but the sound in the box was too loud for everyone to hear.

Sun Zhiwen was so anxious and angry that he turned off the stereo and turned on the headlights in the box.

Hu Weiguo frowned and said discontentedly, "old sun, what are you crazy about? Don't you see that we're having a good time with the beauties

Finish saying, he also to the nearby beauty's two peaks mercilessly grasps, lets that little star a burst of disobedience.

Sun Zhiwen said angrily, "I'm afraid we can't get better any more. Get out of here, all of you. "

"What's the matter? Have a good time. There's no need for that. "

"Yes. It's only been playing for an hour, Sun Shao. You're not playing on purpose. "

Several women you a word I a word, did not see sun Zhiwen's face has become more and more green.

"Shut the hell up and get out of here." Sun Zhiwen's expression was so cold that his eyes were about to burst out fire. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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