Published at 11th of May 2022 05:19:42 AM

Chapter 1388

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Li Kaifeng saw his appearance and noticed that things seemed wrong. He said, "didn't you hear what Sun Shao said? Get out of here. "

After all the beauties left, Hu Weiguo asked, "what's going on, old sun?"

Sun Zhiwen said: "I just answered the phone. Xiao Yunhai declared war on us. He didn't have to worry about Zhao Mingsheng at all. He put the interview video on Yunqing TV station directly

Qu maoxun's face turned white. With a bang, he stood up and asked in a panic: "Laosun, are you talking about the video of Yunqing TV station reporters interviewing our northeast coal mine?"

Li Kaifeng, who is closely related to this incident, is staring at Sun Zhiwen tightly, and his eyes are full of fear and uneasiness.

They know that once the coal incident is exposed, their shareholders will have to bear the anger from the government and the public.

At that time, the government found that the second generation of officials owned 30 or 40 coal mines, which could not be explained at all.

Looking at Li Kaifeng and Qu maoxun, sun Zhiwen nodded and said, "that's the video. Not only do you have pictures of miners working under the mine, but also point out countless hidden dangers. At the end of the day, some miners even told us about the mine disasters you had concealed over the years. The reporters from Yunqing TV station even went to the victims' homes to interview their families. Lao sun, Lao Qu, you are in big trouble. "

Qu maoxun sat down on the sofa, his face turned pale, just like Bai Wuchang who came out of hell. He murmured: "it's over, this time it's all over."

Li Kaifeng's face was ferocious, his eyes were red, and he gnashed his teeth and said, "Xiao Yunhai really dares to fight against all of us in Northeast China. How brave he is. Don't the Xiao family know what the consequences will be after this incident? OK, you are unkind and I am unjust. If we are finished, let your father-in-law accompany us to finish it. "

With that, Li Kaifeng picked up his cell phone and called his men.

"I'll take it to the tax bureau's report box right now. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand."

After calling, Li Kaifeng rubbed his face hard, and then drank a bottle of beer at one go. He threw the bottle heavily on the ground and said, "Laoqu, there's no way. Call the old man at home. Anyway, we must not go in. "

Qu maoxun's throat moved, and he said with a sad face: "I'm afraid I told my grandfather that the law is not good. He may have shot me first."

Master Qu was jealous of evil all his life. He was most disgusted with those who committed crimes.

If you know that your grandson has made so many things, you have to be angry to death.

Li Kaifeng shook his head and said, "we have no choice. With their help, we may have a chance to survive. Otherwise, we will be dead. Xiao Yunhai is really cruel. If he doesn't, he will not give us a chance to live. Well, we shouldn't have offended him. "

Qu maoxun picked up the phone, went to one side and called the old man. Li Kaifeng also dialed his father's number.

Sun Zhiwen saw their appearance and said in a low voice, "Lao Hu, it seems that our alliance is not working."

Hu Weiguo nodded his head and said, "if you want to say that these people are stupid enough, they have to engage in coal mine, an industry with extremely high risk coefficient, and they still don't take safety measures. Isn't this an obvious way to give others a handle?"

Sun Zhiwen said: "now, they are dead. Since Xiao Yunhai has made a move, it must have been agreed by the Xiao family. A while ago, I heard the wind that the government wanted to rectify the coal mine safety problems. Xiao Yunhai was just the tipping point. "

Li Kaifeng and Qu maoxun are just cooperative partners. They don't have much friendship with each other.

Seeing their bad luck, they were not worried, but they were gloating.

If they can't, will their shares in the three major websites of stell be released.

Just then, Hu Weiguo's phone rang suddenly. When you open it, it's Horne, the person in charge of his Lang Huan jewelry company.

"Boss, it's bad. Something's wrong with our jewelry company."

Hu Weiguo frowned and said, "Lao Huo, what is the matter?"

"Someone is secretly buying our company's shares," horn said

Hu Weiguo's expression was tight and he asked in a hurry: "have you found out who it is? How much did he buy? "

Hu Weiguo's langhuan jewelry company was founded by him and more than ten shareholders. At first, he didn't have much money and only paid 100 million yuan. However, because he was a member of the Hu family and had a wide range of channels, he occupied 28% of the shares.

Later, the company grew bigger and bigger, and Hu Weiguo gradually had money in his hand. He raised his shares to 39% through various means such as financing and fund-raising, and became a veritable major shareholder.

Today, his jewelry company covers six provinces and cities in the north, with more than 3000 shops. Langhuan jewelry has become a brand with a market value of more than 40 billion yuan. He is also a 10 billion rich man."It's Xiao Yunhai's economic team," horn said. As for how much he bought, I don't know. Because of the phone calls from other shareholders, I have not been able to get through. "

"Then how do you know what happened to the company?" Hu asked

Horne said: "I just had dinner with the director of the stock exchange. On the wine table, he asked me whether there was an accident in langhuan jewelry company? For two consecutive days, seven shareholders have gone to him to do the share change procedures. To the director just listen to the staff chat a mouth, and did not investigate

Hu Weiguo said, "give the call to the director."

"Hello, Hu Shao. I'm Xiang Huaming."

"I'm very bad now. To the director, help me find out how many shares the other party has bought me? "

"I've already sent people to the station, and I'm sure there will be news soon."

Thank you

After a while, the news came. When he learned that 52% of the shares of his company had been in the hands of Xiao Yunhai's family members, Hu Weiguo's face was hard to see. His hands were tightly clenched together, and his bones turned white.

Sun Zhiwen asked, "Lao Hu, what's the matter?"

Hu Weiguo took a hard drink of beer and said with a cold face: "Xiao Yunhai has been buying shares of my jewelry company for the past two days. He is trying to kill us all. Is there a problem with you, sun? "

Sun Zhiwen this moment is not calm, with an uncertain tone said: "should be no problem."

The voice just fell, sun Zhiwen's mobile phone rang.

Seeing the name and number on the caller ID, sun Zhiwen's face suddenly changed, because the call was made by the CEO of his company.

"Qiantong, is there something wrong with the company?"

Dong Qiantong, the person in charge of the company and his mistress, said: "Sun Shao, there is something wrong with our clothing factory. I don't know who made a video of our factory and posted it on the Internet. The clothes we make, the abuse of chemicals, the quality of cloth is extremely poor. Just now, several managers of shopping malls and supermarkets who have cooperated with us have called to say that they are no longer cooperating with us. "

Sun Zhiwen's eyes twinkled with cold light. He wanted to know with his buttocks that Xiao Yunhai must have done a good job. He said, "I know. Don't worry. I will deal with it."

Hung up the phone, sun Zhiwen face a ferocious, vicious said: "no wonder Xiao Yunhai can become the richest man in the world, it is really a good means."

Seeing sun Zhiwen's expression, Hu Weiguo knew that his company must have been cleaned up by Xiao Yunhai. He said, "we can't wait to die. We must find a way to fight back."

"Yes, we must fight back." Qu maoxun, who had just been scolded by the old man, came over and said with a gloomy face.

Sun Zhiwen said: "Xiao Yunhai's domestic industries include smug electric appliance company, Xinhua Xia cinema line, dreamlike special effects company, Yunqing coal company, Yazhou electronic technology company, Yunqing TV station and Jiujiu music network. Xinhua summer cinema, dreamtalk special effects company and smug electric appliance company bring huge amount of tax revenue for the government every year. We can't move it, we can't move it. For a long time, Xiao Yunhai only accounts for 20% of the music network. Even if you get rid of it, it's useless. Yunqing coal company has not officially opened up to now, and there is military support behind it, so there is no way to start. Asian electronic technology companies can. Their new rice grain phones and tablets are selling well. If we can seal their factory buildings, it will certainly bring him great losses. There is also Yunqing TV station. They broadcast programs to interview major coal mines in Northeast China during prime time. They certainly failed to pass the approval of the Ministry of culture and the film and Television Bureau. We can use this reason to shut down his TV station. "

Sun Zhiwen is a man who knows everything about Xiao Yunhai's industry. His methods are also very practical. I have to say that he really has the talent to do bad things.

Qu maoxun nodded and said, "the affairs of the Ministry of culture are left to Li Shao, and the problems of Yazhou electronic technology company are handed to me. Well, I don't believe it when I hear that they have built a new factory building. There is nothing wrong with them. "

Li Kaifeng came over and said, "xiaoyunhai's Marvel children's paradise is in full swing in various provinces and cities. This is also an opportunity for us."

Hu Weiguo said, "well, I'll take care of it. Let's split up and try to finish everything tomorrow, so as to teach Xiao Yunhai a big lesson. "

"Good." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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