Published at 11th of May 2022 06:04:23 AM

Chapter 139

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Zhao Wanqing has been making albums these days, so Xiao Yunhai directly sent her to Tianlai records, and then he and Dong Piao came to Tianhua company together.

Su Yingxue had been waiting for them there. Seeing the car stop, she quickly came over and asked Xiao Yunhai, "are the manuscripts ready?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and handed Su Yingxue all the ten songs he had prepared from the car.

Su Yingxue took the manuscript and said to Dong Piao: "Piao Piao, go back and have a rest first. There's another ad to shoot tomorrow. "

"Yes, sister Xue. Brother Xiao, I'll go first. "

"Go back. Elder martial brother Meng, pay attention to safety on the way. "

Seeing Dong Piao away, Xiao Yunhai and Su Yingxue come to the office of music director Wang Lin and give the manuscript to Wang Lin.

Wang Lin didn't open it immediately. Instead, he said with a smile, "Yunhai, the song you wrote last night is really wonderful. No wonder the old monster of Yueyue speaks highly of you."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "this song can have such a good live effect. I really want to thank Mr. Yue for his help."

"If you want to thank me, you can give me your album to help you make it."

Outside the door rang the voice of Yue Changting.

He learned from Wang Lin yesterday that Xiao Yunhai is going to hand in the manuscript of the album today, so he has been paying close attention to it in silence. So as soon as Xiao Yunhai arrived, he immediately killed him.

Wang Yueting's nose is so long that he points to it and laughs

Yue Changting rolled his eyes and said, "I don't have much time to fight with you. Hurry up and show me the manuscript. Forget the old song. I want a new one. " Then, without waiting for Wang Lin to answer, he snatched two manuscripts from him, which happened to be "fireworks are easy to be cold" written by Xiao Yunhai.

"Bustling voice into empty doors, broken the world, dream cold, life and love debt several books, such as your default, life and death withered, withered and so on a circle of rings!"

After reading the first paragraph, Yue Changting's eyes lit up and said, "what a fine lyrics. Is the style of this song the kind of Chinese style you created? "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes."

Yue Changting exclaimed, "well written."

Wang Lin was still watching Xiao Yunhai's "being". He heard that Yue laoguai, who has always been known for his strictness, praised this song so much. Moreover, it was still a kind of Chinese style, so he could not bear to come to his side and read it.

After reading the lyrics, Wang Lin sighed: "fireworks are easy to be cold, personnel are easy to be separated. It's amazing that you can write such lyrics when you are young. "

Yue Changting frowned and said, "is this song adapted from a story. I seem to have some impression. After listening to the rain, the Galan Temple looked forward to eternity...

thinking of this, he suddenly stood up and said excitedly, "is it the love story in the story of Luoyang Galan?"

Xiao Yunhai extended his thumb to Yue Changting and said, "Mr. Yue is really powerful. He has read such a rare literary book."

Yue Changting looked at Xiao Yunhai in shock and said, "you are really a genius. Lao Wang, I want to be the producer of Xiao Xiao's album. "

"No, this album is already taken." Wang Lin flatly refused.

Yue Changting widened his eyes, pointed to Wang Lin and said, "you fart. Tell me, besides you and me, who knows Xiao Xiao is going to hand in the manuscript. "

"Yes? You're right. No one knows except you and me. "

Yue Changting was stunned for a moment, then said in surprise, "you want to be the producer of this album."

Since Wang Lin became music director, it is very rare for him to make albums for any singer because of his busy work.

The latest one was at the beginning of last year. At the request of Cao Huaqiang, vice president of the company, she made an album of "endless love" for Lin Yuying, which sold more than 6 million copies, pushing Lin Yuying into the ranks of first-line singers. I didn't expect that Xiao Yunhai's songs have made him so interested.

Wang Lin said, "yes, it's me. I'm not sure about giving this album to someone else. "

Yue Changting hummed and said, "if you want to make this album, I'll ask for leave to go back. You can find whoever you want to replace. I won't be in your class anyway."

"You You Well, you old monkey, the older you are, the more shameless you are. You can even make such a move. "

It turns out that in Tianhua's music department, apart from Wang Lin and Yue Changting, all the other people are poor at the fire marquis. Therefore, whenever Wang Lin has something to do, he always gives the work to him. But now, Yue Changting has to give up his job, and Wang Lin has no idea. He can't ignore everything like Yue Changting.

Seeing Yue Changting's firm eyes, Wang Lin finally said helplessly, "OK, you win."

Hearing Wang Lin's words, Yue Changting finally showed a satisfied smile. He continued to look down at other songs, nodding while watching.

Although Su Yingxue doesn't know music, she can make two of the company's strongest music producers almost fight, which shows that Xiao Yunhai's songs must be top songs. Otherwise, they can't get into their eyes.Half an hour later, Su Yingxue and Xiao Yunhai come out satisfied.

Tianhua music's efficiency is very fast, just after the audit, it started working immediately in the afternoon.

The first is the recording of the song. Yue Changting had someone to accompany the preface to the Orchid Pavilion and the fireworks are easy to cool in the morning. The accompaniment of other songs is also under intense production. It is estimated that it will take less than two days to complete all the songs.

When Xiao Yunhai finds Yue Changting, Yue Changting is discussing things with a sound recorder.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai coming, Yue Changting introduced: "this is Yang Lu, the best sound recorder in our company. He has just returned from studying in the United States. Although he is only 30 years old, his level is absolutely not good."

Xiao Yunhai shook hands with Yang Lu and said, "my album is going to trouble brother Yang.

With a smile, Yang Lu said, "I saw the songs you created. They are really wonderful. No wonder the circle all said that the product of emperor Yun must be a high-quality product. With the quality of these songs, as long as the company makes a little publicity, it will definitely have the potential to seal the king in the first World War. If you do it well, you may be able to win the emperor in the first World War

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I'm not afraid of Yangge's jokes. My minimum target is eight million sales."

Yang Lu was stunned and then said with a smile, "OK, I like you as a confident singer. Young people, they should have the momentum to give up their own. "

"All right, stop talking nonsense and record the song quickly." Yue Changting interrupted them and said, "Yunhai, which song do you want to record first?"

Xiao Yunhai thought about it and said, "record the Orchid Pavilion preface first. Fireworks are easy to cool, need a kind of artistic conception, put it in the back. "

"Well, let's get started."

With Xiao Yunhai's singing skills, the recording of Lanting preface is not difficult. Even with Yue Changting's strict style of picking bones from eggs, Xiao Yunhai only sang three times before he finished.

Yang Lu gave Xiao Yunhai a thumbs up and said, "it's powerful."

The second song "fireworks are easy to cold" is not so simple.

This is a song with strong sense of substitution. If you want to sing it well, Xiao Yunhai must devote himself to the artistic conception world of "fireworks are easy to be cold". Only in this way can the audience be moved.

Xiao Yunhai sang twelve times in a row, but he was not satisfied. In fact, according to the standard of Yanglu, it has been passed for a long time. Even Yue Changting said it was good, but Xiao Yunhai, who was striving for perfection, disagreed. He thought he could sing better.

Until in the last time Yang Lu's singing eyes were red, Xiao Yunhai this just stopped.

Looking at the watch on his wrist, Yang Lu said, "the two songs only took less than two hours. This is the first time I feel so relaxed. Yunhai, your boy's singing skills can definitely catch up with those heavenly queen days. It's really great to cooperate with you. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "then I'll thank brother Yang. Your words are the best praise for me."

In this way, Yue Changting, Xiao Yunhai and Yang Lu finished recording ten songs in three days, and the rest was post production. These are all done by special staff, but Yue Changting is still not at ease, so he personally supervises them there.

When the news reached Wang Lin's ears, he almost blew his lungs. After recording ten songs in three days, are you joking?

He angrily found Yue Changting and scolded him. Yue Changting argued, until Xiao Yunhai's recorded songs let him listen to it from the beginning to the end, which only dispelled Wang Lin's anger.

The next day after recording the song, Xiao Yunhai received a phone call from Yue Changting, saying that the late work of the preface to Lanting had been completed and he was ready to start shooting the MV of the preface to Lanting.

The MV of this song was decided after many discussions between Xiao Yunhai and Yue Changting. In order to match the artistic conception of the song and make the song more perfect, they did not know how many times they quarreled. Finally, under the strong intervention of Wang Lin, the final version was determined.

In the afternoon, Xiao Yunhai came to the shooting site. At this time, the staff has begun to set up the aircraft stand.

Although it was just a MV shoot, Yue Changting invited a famous director Lu Pengfei from the company in order to be perfect.

He used to be a director of TV dramas, with good strength, but unfortunately, his luck was not so good. He made two TV series in succession and met phenomenal opponents when they were broadcast. The result is self-evident, and finally he was reduced to an MV director.

Lu Pengfei is a giant man with a height of eight feet and a waist circumference of about eight feet. He looks like a meat mountain and laughs like Maitreya.

When he saw Xiao Yunhai, he soon met him and said, "Xiao Yunhai, you are here."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "director Lu, we are going to work together next."

Lu Pengfei laughed and said, "happy cooperation.".

The first thing to shoot is a song by Xiao Yunhai. He has to change directions in many places of the house to complete his singing. At the same time, he has a sad feeling on his face.

It's too simple for Xiao Yunhai, who has excellent acting skills.

When the setting is good, Xiao Yunhai sees his partner Liang Yunan. She is a newcomer who has just signed into the company. She is about the same age as Xiao Yunhai. She has a beautiful face and a strong classical flavor.Xiao Yunhai is very satisfied with this younger martial sister. After a little communication with her, the MV shooting officially started.

The shots in front are all shot by Xiao Yunhai alone. With Xiao Yunhai's strength, they are basically once. The only time I was stuck was because the props were not put properly.

Lu Pengfei is very happy about this. He makes MV for so many singers. Xiao Yunhai is the most reassuring for him. No matter what kind of requirements you have for him, Xiao Yunhai can make it perfectly for you.

But then the cooperation with little sister Liang Yunan was not so smooth.

She is a new singer. She has never made a film. She is uncomfortable in front of the camera. She has a single expression and blushes easily.

This made Lu Pengfei very dissatisfied and gave her a severe reprimand.

But Lu Peng flies over is so, Liang Yunan is also at a loss.

Finally, it was Xiao Yunhai who was patient and taught Liang Yunan how to walk and how to perform.

Amazingly, after shooting the first scene, Liang Yunan seemed to have an idea. He successfully shot several scenes in succession, and the shooting progress was speeded up immediately. This made Lu Pengfei very happy.

The next afternoon, their MV shooting finally came to an end. In order to thank Xiao Yunhai, Liang Yunan invited him to have a meal, but Xiao Yunhai paid for it in the end. After all, Liang Yunan is just a newcomer, and he is not very well off.

After ten days of filming with Xiao Yunhai, I would not be able to live with him.

While Xiao Yunhai was recording the album in full swing, Zhang Xuedong, deputy general manager of Tianhua film and television media company, was talking to a young man about 30 years old. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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