Published at 11th of May 2022 05:19:39 AM

Chapter 1390

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Zhao Mingsheng pointed to several desks and said with a smile, "the tax documents and invoices of the past ten years are there. If Director Zhu wants the one ten years ago, I'm afraid I can't really help. "

Zhu Ruisi quickly waved his hand and said, "it only takes a few years. Thanks for the cooperation of Mr. Zhao, we will check now. "

Zhao Mingsheng nodded and said, "director Zhu, please check. I don't have any problems here. "

The staff of the tax bureau checked according to the tax bill they had seen before. In only half an hour, they found out the problems pointed out in the previous materials.

Zhu Ruisi looked at the materials and said, "Mr. Zhao, look..."

Zhao Mingsheng looked at the materials and said with a smile: "I've already made up for these tax omissions. Retired Minister Wang should know. "

With that, Zhao Mingsheng took out a lot of bills and invoices from his bag and said, "you can check it carefully."

Zhu Ruisi's face changed. He picked up some bills and looked at them. He said with a smile, "I see. Can I just say that? How can you evade taxes if you take Mr. Zhao as a person. "

Zhao Mingsheng said with a smile: "my son-in-law is the richest man in the world. He is worth more than one trillion dollars. His money for charity exceeds the market value of Hanhai film and television company. Do you think I need to do such a dirty thing? "

Zhu Ruisi nodded and said, "Mr. Zhao is right. I'm really sorry today. I can't help it. We are also on duty. "

Zhao Mingsheng said, "it doesn't matter. Director Zhu, we will have lunch in another hour. If there's nothing wrong with us, it's better to find a place and have a drink together. "

Zhu Ruisi said with a smile: "thank you for your kind invitation. Unfortunately, we still have a lot of things in the Bureau, so we won't disturb you."

If it was normal, he would really like to make friends with Zhao Mingsheng, but not today.

He came to check on Zhao Mingsheng. As a result, he not only failed to accomplish the task, but also went to drink with others. If it reached Li Kaifeng's ears, it would be fine.

Zhao Mingsheng said: "in this case, I will not keep you. Director Zhu, I'll see you off. "

After Zhu Ruisi is sent downstairs, Zhao Mingsheng looks at the car that slowly leaves, sneers and returns to the company.

"Li Shao, failed, Hanhai film and television investment company has no tax problems at all." Zhu Ruisi in the car called Li Kaifeng.

Li Kaifeng was surprised and said, "how can it be? What about those materials? Are they all fake? "

Zhu Ruisi said: "the materials are all true. But Zhao Mingsheng has already made up the loophole. Is there something wrong with the person who gave you the information? "

Li Kaifeng scolded: "that son of a bitch, dare to play me."

If you don't know where the problem is, Li Kaifeng is really a fool.

When Zhu Ruisi inspected the tax of Hanhai film and television investment company, Zhao Wanqing, with Xu Xizhen and more than ten staff members, came to the headquarters of langhuan jewelry company.

Without any courtesy, Zhao Wanqing went directly into the conference room of langhuan.

At this time, Hu is talking with the remaining five shareholders, his face is very ugly.

Seeing the arrival of Zhao Wanqing and others, the other five shareholders quickly stood up. Only Hu Weiguo sat on the chair of the board of directors, motionless, and looked coldly at Zhao Wanqing, who was dressed in professional clothes.

Xu Xizhen frowned and said, "Mr. Hu, I'm sorry. You seem to be sitting in the wrong place. We miss Zhao Wanqing, who owns 52% of the shares, is the real chairman of langhuan jewelry company. Is it time for you to give way? "

Although Xu Xizhen is 36 years old, it seems that the years have not left a trace on her face. With long hair, big eyes, standard melon seed face, graceful figure and white skin, the whole person looks like a person in her twenties.

Although she didn't have a rest all night, she was still in high spirits and could not see any tiredness.

Instead of answering Xu Xizhen's words, Hu Weiguo asked Zhao Wanqing, "where is Xiao Yunhai? Why didn't she show up and push Miss Zhao to the front instead? "

With a smile, Zhao Wanqing went to the other end of the conference room and sat opposite Hu Weiguo, saying, "one is that he is not very well, and the other is that the small Lang Huan jewelry company is not in his eyes at all. It happened that I was very interested in the jewelry company, so I asked for it

Hu Weiguo snorted and said, "since it's not in his eyes, why did he buy 52% of the shares of other shareholders at a 20% premium?"

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "Mr. Hu, what you have done yourself should be very clear. My husband has always been tired and lazy, and never takes the initiative to ask for trouble, but you have repeatedly provoked him and completely angered him. Therefore, the owner of your jewelry changed, Mr. Zhang Zhiwen's clothing company closed down, and the coal mines in Northeast China were shut down. If not, those princes would be in danger of entering. To tell you the truth, now, unless it is a business of more than 20 billion US dollars, my family will pay a little attention to it. For example, Lang Huan is not qualified to bother him. "

Hu Weiguo sneered: "it seems that Miss Zhao is sure you can win?"Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "to my husband's point, there are really few things in the world that can hinder him."

Hu Weiguo said scornfully, "what about the star network company? Didn't he always want to be in charge? Is it not a failure in the end? "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "so I didn't dare to be 100% sure. But I know you can't. Well, the topic is a little far away. Mr. Hu, I want to inform you that from today on, I will be the chairman of langhuan jewelry company, and the general manager will be Miss Xu Xizhen. I believe you have no objection? "

"I'm against it," Hu said angrily

Zhao Wanqing shook her head and said, "opposition is invalid. What I just said is very clear. This is a notice, not a consultation. As the chairman of langhuan jewelry company, I hereby issue the first order to merge langhuan into Xiangjiang Kimberly jewelry company. Your shares will be recalculated by the most professional financial institutions. "

Hu Weiguo patted the table and said angrily, "I don't agree." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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