Published at 11th of May 2022 05:19:37 AM

Chapter 1392

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"What does Xiao Yunhai want to do? What does Yunqing want to do? Don't they know how much political turmoil this interview will cause? Are they Yunqing TV station or Huaxia TV station? Is this about independence? "

Li Chengdong's roar was like thunderbolt. All the staff passing by were shivering, so they walked away quickly.

Xiao Yunhai's behavior makes the Li family very passive. Li Kaifeng owns more than 30 shares of small and medium-sized coal mines in Northeast China, ranging from 10% at least to more than 50% at most. It is impossible to jump out of that huge quagmire.

Now the No. 4 leader personally took people to the northeast. I heard that they arrived at more than 11 o'clock. After getting off the plane, the No. 4 chief did not save face for the first and second leaders of Liaodong Province in front of all the people, and even did not hold his hands, so he went straight to the coal mine with a gloomy face.

Obviously, this time, the government is taking this opportunity to deal with the coal mine problems in the whole country.

If the government wants to make an example, Li Kaifeng is likely to go in.

The originator of all this is Xiao Yunhai. Of course, Li Chengdong is very dissatisfied with him.

Yunqing TV station did not inform the film and Television Bureau and the Ministry of culture this time, but broadcast the interview content, which had a huge social impact. Li Chengdong made trouble to Xiao Yunhai in the conference room of the Ministry of culture for this reason.

After three minutes of roaring, Li Chengdong stopped.

Liang Qianqiu took a sip of tea and asked slowly, "Vice Minister Li, are you finished?"

Li Chengdong pursed his lips and said, "that's it."

Liang Qianqiu nodded and said, "let me talk about it. We are meeting in the conference room of the Ministry of culture. If you have any questions, you can speak freely, but you must pay attention to the tone of your speech. Vice Minister Li, Yunqing TV station does have problems in this incident, but is it worth it? The sound is so loud that even the whole building can hear it. It seems that the impact is not very good. "

Li Chengdong also knew that he was a little too excited just now, and said: "what Minister Liang said is that I am just a little angry. Xiao Yunhai and Yunqing TV stations really don't pay attention to our Ministry of culture. "

Liang Qianqiu glanced at him obliquely and said, "what is Vice Minister Li going to do?"

Li Chengdong said: "Yunqing TV station is ordered to stop broadcasting for reflection. The period is one month for those below the head and above the middle level to receive study in the film and Television Bureau."

Liang Qianqiu was directly happy and said, "I would like to ask, which regulation did Yunqing TV station violate? Vice Minister Li, don't forget one thing. They are private TV stations, and they do not violate the general principles. It's because to tell the truth, let the people all over the country know the actual situation of the coal mines in the northeast, and then we will stop broadcasting. Have you ever thought about what our domestic audience will say if we do this? "

Gong Bo, director of the film and Television Bureau, said: "it must be said that there is no real freedom of speech in Huaxia. Other people's TV stations just did an interview in a matter of fact and were suspended. If this thing spreads abroad, it will have to be denounced by foreign countries. Vice Minister Li, I heard that your nephew Li Kaifeng is very involved in the coal company. He won't let you get angry because of this? "

Li Chengdong pursed his lips and said, "I'm still that sentence. What I do is out of public interest. "

Gong Bo looked at him scornfully and said, "out of public interest? Vice Minister Li said that in every meeting. I'm tired of hearing. It used to be, but this time Yunqing TV station has done a good job. I dare to expose the dark side. This is what journalists should do. Vice Minister Li was so excited that if he said it was out of public interest, ha ha, I would not believe it. "

Li Chengdong said coldly, "do you believe it's your business? I just want to ask director Gong, do you think Yunqing TV is doing a good job? "

"What they did was really right," Liang said

An accident flashed in Li Chengdong's eyes. He didn't expect Liang Qianqiu to say this: "Minister Liang, is your conclusion too arbitrary?"

Liang Qianqiu said: "this is not my conclusion, but the conclusion of No. 1 chief executive. This morning, I went to a meeting. The chief executive appreciated the fact that Yunqing TV station could withstand the pressure of various aspects and broadcast the real situation of northeast coal mine in a practical and realistic manner. Therefore, Vice Minister Li, we should not talk about the handling of Xiao Yunhai and Yunqing TV. Even if we want to mention it, it is also to discuss whether we should give them a commendation or something. "

Li Chengdong was angry in his heart. In front of all the people, he scolded Yunqing TV station. Liang Qianqiu did not say anything. He allowed himself to perform. Later, he told everyone about the attitude of the No. 1 leader. This is just deliberately embarrassing him.

The meeting was a real disgrace to him.

When the Ministry of culture held a meeting, Xiao Yunhai received a call from Xia Fujun, a Yazhou electronic technology company.

"No, Mr. Xiao. The Fire Department of Feicheng wants to check our factory because we have received a report from the masses that the fire-fighting facilities here are not up to standard. "Xiao Yunhai was directly happy. Li Kaifeng and Qu maoxun seemed to have no way out. They even used such means, which made people speechless.

"Mr. Xia, they came for me. By the way, how about our fire fighting facilities? Isn't there really a problem? "

Xia Fujun said: "how can it be? What we do is to make electronic products with very precise requirements. The price of the equipment is frightening. What we fear most is fire. Therefore, in the process of building the factory, the priority is fire protection. I think they're just looking for trouble. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "as long as there is no problem. Where are you now? If the leader is next to you, give him the phone and I'll have a word with him

Xia Fujun said: "OK, I'm going to find them to take the lead."

A minute later, a loud voice came up.

"Hello, Mr. Xiao. I'm Zhou Jieqing, deputy director of Feicheng fire department."

"Hello, director Zhou. Can you tell me what fire problems my electronics factory has? "

"Mr. Xiao, I'm sorry. We don't know. We are investigating."

"When can you finish the investigation? Half an hour, an hour or more. "

"Mr. Xiao, I don't know. We will conduct a carpet search on the factory, and will never let any part of

cause fire. "

" then you check the fire control, our workers continue to work, is it OK? "

"I'm sorry, Mr. Xiao. I'm afraid it won't work. We can't have anyone working during the inspection. "

Xiao Yunhai was directly angry this time and said: "director Zhou, are you deliberately looking for trouble with our Yazhou electronic technology company?"

"Mr. Xiao, you are serious. How dare we do that? "

Xiao Yunhai snorted coldly and said: "the reason why this happened is that the ghost of the second generation of officials is not it? Yazhou electronic technology company can sell more than one million mobile phones and more than 300000 tablet computers every day. If you hinder us one day, I will lose billions. Can you afford this responsibility? I'll give you an hour now. If you're finished, I'll complain to the mayor of Feicheng. We will pay tens of billions of taxes to them this year. I believe your mayor will give me an account. Director Zhou, you can't go through some muddy waters, or you may be drowned. Remember, you only have one hour. "

With that, Xiao Yunhai hung up the phone.

Zhou Jiexing's throat moved, and his face turned blue and white, just like a chameleon.

When the hell fights, the kid gets hurt.

Whether Xiao Yunhai has the ability to let himself go, Zhou Jieqing is very clear. It's ok if you can't find out the problem. If you really find out the problem, you will be finished.

When he provoked Xiao Yunhai, he was completely ruined. If he disobeyed the order of the vice mayor, he would be punished at most. The two evils were compared to each other, and Zhou Jiexing made a quick and wise judgment.

Xiao Yunhai left him an hour, but he only took 15 minutes to check out and leave.

Xia Fujun looked at the slowly starting car, shook his head and sighed, "why is it so hard to come here?"

At this point, Li Kaifeng's plan for Xiao Yunhai was aborted without any impact on him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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