Published at 11th of May 2022 05:19:33 AM

Chapter 1395

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The bank Wu bought was called Hewlett Packard bank. Its main business scope is in the northern provinces and cities. There are more than ten branches and 1300 branches in total, and the land is all his own.

The original owner has great courage and wants to develop HP bank step by step. At its peak, its market value exceeded 500 billion yuan, and its reputation was very large in private banks.

It's a pity that the original owner got a terminal illness last year and died in less than two months. But his son is not that piece of material at all. In a short period of one year, the whole bank suffered serious losses. His son was a little clever and looked at things badly, so he had to sell it.

The reason why Wu Yifa was worried was that he didn't know how to deal with these bank shells. He thought that Xiao Yunhai owned Barker bank, so he had his idea.

Seeing Wu's smiling eyes, Xiao Yunhai pretended not to know and frowned: "this is really a big problem. I heard that the locations of huibank branches are in the most prosperous places in major cities, and ordinary people really can't afford to buy them. "

Wu Yifa said: "if someone is also involved in private banking and happens to have a strong capital flow, it would be great. Is it, old Xiao

"That's right." Xiao Yunhai nodded, looked at the time, stood up and said, "Oh, it's not too early. I need to go to dream special effects imaging company for a turn. Let's talk about it another time. "

Wu Yifa took his arm and said with a smile, "you boy, don't try to understand and pretend to be confused here. Sit down for me."

Xiao Yunhai stopped teasing him and said, "Lao Wu, you asked me to come here in a hurry. It's for this matter. To tell you the truth, I really don't plan to open Barker bank to China now. "

"It doesn't mean there won't be any in the future. Lao Xiao, I won't let you suffer. " Wu Yifa pulled Xiao Yunhai to his computer, opened a folder, and said, "this is the relevant information of the major branches and sub branches. Both the location and the decoration are very good. I tell you, the price of real estate is getting higher and higher every day. After this village, there will be no such shop. "

Xiao Yunhai shrugged and said with a bitter smile, "you know I don't care about these things. That way, I'll call the governor of my bank, Barker, and ask him for his opinion

Wu's method of playing chess said, "don't send me away with such vulgar words. The call has to be made now, immediately, in front of me. "

It's enough for you to roll your eyes

Taking out his mobile phone, Xiao Yunhai called Zhao Guangting.

"Hello, Mr. Xiao. What can I do for you?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "what's the order? How's the Bank doing recently, Zhao? "

Zhao Guangting said: "everything is normal. The revenue of this month has exceeded that of last month. I'm just going to report to you. Can we add more branches? "

Xiao Yunhai said, "how much money does that need?"

Zhao Guangting said with a smile, "it doesn't need much. We only need to rent, not buy. Judging from the current situation, there is no problem in adding more than 100 branches. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "OK, you can do these things as you like. I just want the results. I'm calling you this time. I want to ask you something. With the current development momentum of Barker, when are the conditions for attacking China

Zhao Guangting thought for a moment and said, "it will take at least one year, and publicity work must be done well in advance. Because in China, the four major banks have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. If you want to steal food from them, you can't do it without sufficient preparation. Mr. Xiao, what do you mean by this

Xiao Yunhai said about HP bank's affairs again and said, "Lao Zhao, do you think it is necessary to buy them?"

Zhao Guangting said, "of course. Mr. Xiao, recently, our bank has paid much attention to the real estate in China. We predict that in the next ten years, it will develop by leaps and bounds. It would be very good for us to buy these places ahead of time. Even if we can't succeed at home, Barker bank will be able to make a steady profit on these sites alone

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "OK, I know what you mean. In this way, you can bring someone over tomorrow and go to the branches in person. If it's right, we'll buy it. "

Zhao Guangting said awkwardly, "boss, but the problem is that the bank's money has been invested out, and the reserves can't be used. There's no money to buy it."

Xiao Yunhai said: "then I will buy it privately. When our bank comes to China, we will sell it according to the real estate price at that time. Well, maybe I can make a lot of money

Zhao Guangting nodded and said, "OK. I'll bring someone in tomorrow morning. "

After talking with Zhao Guangting, Xiao Yunhai said, "yes. When Zhao Guangting comes over, I'll buy them. How much money are you going to sell me

"Don't worry, I won't let you suffer. Well, I'll sell it to you for as much as our company costs. Is it a friend? "

Xiao Yunhai snorted and said, "don't do this. According to you, you've got a banking system for nothing without spending a cent. What's more, you're a friend. You've got a tough face. "Wu Yifa said with a smile: "your words are too inaccurate. It's not that I got a system for nothing. It's us. "

Xiao Yunhai rolled his eyes and said, "don't tell me it's useless. How much is it? "

Wu said: "not much, 26.3 billion."

HP bank has more than ten branches, each of which is more than 2000 square meters. The construction area of more than 1300 branches is more than 500 square meters, and they are in the most prosperous areas. Therefore, the price of 26.3 billion yuan is really not expensive.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yunhai said: "OK, let's talk about it after Zhao Guangting's investigation is over."

Wu Yi Fa showed a winning smile, snapped his fingers and said, "no problem."

The dream cloud special effects came out of the headquarters of xiaoyunhai.

Walking into the building, the staff saw Xiao Yunhai and saluted him respectfully. Xiao Yunhai also nodded with a smile.

"Well, brother Li, what's the wind today? The boss even came to our company in person."

"I don't know. I'm wondering."

"I heard that the R & D team seems to have completed a new technology, so the boss came here."

"True or false?"

Although everyone's voice was very small, Xiao Yunhai's ears were so sharp that he could not help laughing bitterly.

When he came to his office, Xiao Yunhai called Zhang Guanghe and Wu Hao and asked them to come over.

Within two minutes, Zhang Guanghe and Wu Hao came in one after another.

Zhang Guanghe took the lead in expressing his dissatisfaction with Xiao Yunhai: "Mr. Xiao, you also know that dream special effects company is your industry. This year, except for the later stage of prison break, you seem to have never been here once. I call you almost every month in order to report the development of the company to you. But you are always busy. I... I don't know what to say. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it shows that I am at ease with you, Mr. Zhang. If I run three times a day, that's the problem. Mr. Zhang, first tell us about the company's income and expenditure, and then we'll go to see Wu Hao and their research results. "

Zhang Guanghe nodded and introduced to Xiao Yunhai about the annual development of dream special effects company.

Since it has 3D special effects technology, fantasy special effects company has completely surpassed all the special effects companies including magic in terms of fame and profit. Its market value has reached 268 billion US dollars, and the annual profit is 185 billion US dollars. Most of them are brought by 3D technology. Of course, it also includes the big one that sank stell network company at the beginning of the year Money.

However, these are all one-time transactions, such as 3D screens, 3D cameras, etc., which have a long service life and cannot be changed every year. Therefore, the dream special effects company can only obtain profits through patents. Even so, it can still bring more than 30 billion profits to Xiao Yunhai every year.

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said with a smile: "since our dream special effects company has made such good achievements this year, how about holding an annual meeting to celebrate this year? At that time, we will give each employee a minimum reward of 500000 yuan, and then we will take out some money to play games to make them happy. "

Zhang Guanghe brightened his eyes and said, "in this way, everyone's enthusiasm will certainly rise."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "that's the decision. You are responsible for the time, place and specific matters of the annual meeting. Just let me know when it comes. "

Zhang Guanghe nodded and said, "no problem."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "the company's business is over, let's take a look at Wu's imax3d technology."

Wu Hao said confidently: "both IMAX camera and IMAX screen have passed a series of tests, absolutely no problem."

With that, Wu Hao got up and took Xiao Yunhai and Zhang Guanghe to the third floor projection hall. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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