Published at 11th of May 2022 05:19:27 AM

Chapter 1399

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After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Yu Hai, who had already drunk a red face, asked, "is Yunhai, imax3d really as God as you said?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "of course. Imax3d screen is much larger than ordinary 3D screen, the picture is clearer, and the feeling of immersive is much stronger than ordinary 3D screen. "

Yu Haidao said: "if so, the cinemas of Xinhua summer cinema must be converted into this kind of screen. At least it should be more than 2000 yuan. By the way, I haven't asked you, how much does it cost to transform into an imax3d studio? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "not much, just 15 million dollars."

Yu Hai gave a cry, nodded, and suddenly stopped for a moment. His face showed an unbelievable expression and widened his eyes. He asked, "how much did you just say? I didn't hear you clearly. "

Beside Yu Yuexian, man Wenbin and Shi xincui also looked at him in surprise, thinking that something was wrong with their ears.

Xiao Yunhai said, "one studio is 15 million dollars."

All of them immediately took a breath.

Yu Yuexian opened her eyes and said, "Yunhai, are you kidding? It costs US $15 million to transform a cinema. Do you think those theater owners are the winners

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said: "no matter it is imax3d big screen or projector, the cost is very high, 15 million US dollars is not much."

Yu Hai sighed deeply and said, "now I understand why you invited so many theater owners to see imax3d. Fifteen million is really too high. If you look for one on your own, you'll turn it down 100 percent. But once we get together and someone orders it on the spot, the other cinema managers can't stand it. Nowadays, the competition for movies is so fierce that if you have something that other cinemas don't have, you will be much more likely to succeed. Yunhai, you are a cunning fox. It's ridiculous for you to ask for such a price of 15 million. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "I know it's very expensive, so I didn't dare to publish the price. Uncle, you have to keep it a secret for me. Don't go outside to say it, or those bosses will be scared to come. "

I nodded and understood: "I nodded. Hehe, I'm really looking forward to the arrival of December 28, so that I can have a look at the shock of those bosses. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "Uncle Yu, please help me when I get there. "

Yu Haixiao said," no problem. "

After that, Yu Wenhai talked with Imad again.

"Brother man, are video networks and game companies OK recently?"

Man Wenbin said: "thanks to you, the video network is very good. On the Hollywood side, Mr. Raul has made great efforts for our Xianyue video network and found us a lot of movie sources. Compared with last year, the sales of game companies have dropped by 60%. This is also the blessing of world of Warcraft. "

"World of Warcraft" can be said to be popular all over the world this year. There are 200 million players who play this game. Since entering the market, it has swept through the game industry with a lightning speed. The market share has reached 60%, and the average daily sales volume has reached US $600 million. Taking into account the operating costs and various high game taxes, Xiao Yunhai can get more than 400 million yuan.

The crazy rise of world of Warcraft has made all game companies, including Xianyue, suffer a lot. The sales volume is declining. The new game developed is also dead, not up to death, which makes those owners full of resentment against Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "to be honest, I expected the success of this world of Warcraft after it was designed. It's just that I didn't expect it to be so amazing that it has a market share of 60 percent. "

Man Wenbin sighed and said, "your daily turnover is no less than 400 million, which is really the envy of our game companies. However, your strong opponent will soon appear. Stern Games has developed a new game called "world of Warcraft", which is now being wildly publicized all over the world. It is more powerful than your world of Warcraft. It's said that they have already finished this game, but they have been modifying it in the internal test. It took several months for the game to come into the market. You should be careful. "

Xiao Yunhai knew that the game of "world of Warcraft" was full of advertising slogans all over the Internet, and invited many big stars to speak for it. The cost of advertising alone was estimated to be more than one billion dollars, which was no less than Xiao Yunhai's efforts in promoting world of Warcraft.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "the soldiers will come to block, and the water will cover the earth. "World of Warcraft" has brought me more income than I expected, even if it is offline now, I don't care. By the way, when will the world come out? "

Man Wenbin said, "at 1:00 p.m. on January 1."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "very good. I remember that when world of Warcraft went public, stell network company blocked us. It's not polite to come but not to go. Now that their games are on the market, I have to give them some color to see

Man Wenbin asked, "what do you want to do?"Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I'm going to let world of Warcraft start at 1:00 on January 1 for three consecutive days free of charge and try my best to suppress it."

Man Wenbin exclaimed, "cloud sea, are you too impulsive? One free day, that's more than a billion dollars. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "it doesn't matter, we have money and willful. What's more, by doing so, I can crack down on the world of stell games and reduce its influence. Ha ha, spent so much publicity funds, the final result is mediocre, this is a big blow to the company. The second is to thank those players, "world of Warcraft" can go to today, it is up to them. They have to be given benefits when they are not necessary. "

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Yu Yuexian turned to Zhao Wanqing and said with a smile: "this is killing two birds with one stone. Your husband is so cunning

Zhao Wanqing said, "you just know. By the way, sister Yu, when are you going to come back? "

Yu Yuexian looked at the child with a kind of loving eyes and said, "wait for the child to grow to one year old. At that time, director Xiao, you have to help me find a better role and let me return perfectly. No other director can do it. I trust you. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and touched Yu Yuexian with his glass and said, "a scholar dies for a confidant. Sister Yu trusts me so much, I will never let you down. This year, I'll think about a script. When you're out of the mountain, I'll ask you to play the heroine. How about that? "

Yu Yuexian said happily, "that's settled. Wan Qing, you have to testify to me. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "good."

After a long talk, Xiao Yunhai and Zhao Wanqing left. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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